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I enjoy the 50k ft view of publishing focused on organizational and product strategy. We track industry trends and gain insights from analysis of existing business and research on potential opportunities. Our current focus is on content innovation, discovery and analytics. I've had the pleasure of serving as Past President of the Society for Scholarly Publishing.
judyluther has written 6 posts for The Scholarly Kitchen

Back to the Future with EPIC: The Evolving Personalized Information Construct

In 2004, two journalists imagined the impact of social participation would have on the news media. Continue reading

NISO Vets Research on Altmetrics

NISO has released the results of their year long study of Altmetrics in draft form for comment. Continue reading

Altmetrics Boosted by EBSCO’s Acquisition of Plum Analytics

EBSCO has recently acquired altmetrics startup Plum Analytics. What will this mean for both companies and altmetrics in general? Continue reading

Book Review — “Academic and Professional Publishing”

A new book for scholarly publishers updates a classic, and shows just how diverse, interesting, and promising scholarly publishing has become. Continue reading

Mobile Access — Publishers Must Catch Up With User Adoption Trends

Mobile access is reaching an inflection point, but publisher solutions to mobile access are still lagging. Continue reading

Altmetrics – Trying to Fill the Gap

With the speed of communication today, researchers, authors, and grant funders are impatient to get an indicator of its value. Waiting 1-3 years for publication and citation seems interminable. Conflating an article’s impact with its journals’ impact creates uncertainty, as well. Altmetrics attempts to close that gap by providing more timely measures that are also … Continue reading

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The mission of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) is "[t]o advance scholarly publishing and communication, and the professional development of its members through education, collaboration, and networking." SSP established The Scholarly Kitchen blog in February 2008 to keep SSP members and interested parties aware of new developments in publishing.
The Scholarly Kitchen is a moderated and independent blog. Opinions on The Scholarly Kitchen are those of the authors. They are not necessarily those held by the Society for Scholarly Publishing nor by their respective employers.

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