Fly Jock Blog

Now That We Have Power, What Are We Going To Do With It?

There are some big problems going on in the country right now and we have the power to fix them. Gun violence, police brutality, and high…

Sybil Wilkes

MAYA ANGELOU: The People’s Poet [PART ONE]

The People’s Poet will be the first feature documentary to tell the full story of the incomparable Maya Angelou. The film will include appearances by…

Michael Cottman

Donald Trump Wants To Take America Back – To The 60’s

Presidential candidate Donald Trump claims he’s the nation’s great unifier, but his racially incendiary rhetoric often leads to violence at his overflow rallies. Trump, at…

3 Ways To Make a Man Feel Special & Show Him That You Are

What Do Men Wish Women Understood? [VIDEO]

When relationship expert and “Man Whisperer” Deya “Direct” asks men what they wish women understood about men, this panel of single and married men gave…

Nikki Woods

FAITHING IT: Cora Jakes Coleman Gives Tools on Bringing Purpose Back to Your Life

Living through the pain of heartbreak, infertility and a near-death accident would be a struggle for anyone.  It is perhaps even more difficult when you…
