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  Educational Leadership (M.Ed.) Program Details

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Philosophy, Goals and Objectives

In collaboration with the State of Delaware, the purpose of Delaware State University Graduate Education Leadership program is to prepare Educational leaders for prominent leadership and service positions in School Districts, Higher Educational Institutions, and society. Through a rigorous educational formation and directed field experience, students emerge as viable candidates for leadership position throughout the country. Since (2002) the Doctorate and the Masters programs have consistently adjusted to meet the current needs of our public and higher education societies in dramatic changes. At Delaware State University, you will find a unique balance between rigorous research, serious academic studies, partnership, collegiality, and personal development. You will be prepared to make data driven decisions to serve authentically, and lead with integrity.

Educational Philosophy

 Delaware State University fulfills its mission with an emphasis on education that prepares Educational leaders for leadership and service in the public school system, higher education and other related educational institutions. Such an emphasis mandates a well rounded curriculum which prepares individuals who are thoughtful, compassionate, culturally sensitive, and capable of integrating personal integrity and scholarly appreciation in all avenues of society.

Educational Goal

The primary goal of the Delaware State University Educational Leadership Programs is to prepare leaders who are equipped with a repertoire of knowledge, skills, and dispositions to meet the challenges of school leadership. It is also to prepare leaders who demonstrate instructional leadership by understanding and applying the curriculum standards of the State of Delaware and being able to evaluate and mentor teachers using non-coercive methods to assist them with planning, presentation, and continuous refinement of instructional and leadership skills. Additional goals prepare leaders who can:

  • Articulate a vision for public schools on the district and building levels as well as other educational institutions and involve all the stakeholders in strategic planning, implementing, and evaluating processes which benefit the academic growth and development of all students.
  • Demonstrate a deep commitment to diversity issues and are role models for the community.
  • Demonstrate technological awareness and competence.
  • Demonstrate substantive knowledge of school finance, law, contract
  • Create a positive school culture that promotes student learning and development.
  • Understand schools as political systems and develop relationships with constituent groups which effectively connect the community with the school.
  • To enhance knowledge and understanding of Institutional Research and the relevant issues of current practice.
  • To promote the use of Institutional Research in policy development and administrative processes at educational institutions.
  • To stimulate interest in using national databases to address educational issues.
  • To promote professional collaboration and the advancement of Institutional Research in the US and other countries

Educational Objectives 

The integration of rigorous academic training and field experience in learning is facilitated by a curriculum and learning environment which:
  • Offers an appropriate balance between courses in educational theories, research methodologies, leadership courses, school law, finance, general education, and an internship that erase any artificial barriers between these areas of study;
  • encourages a flexible schedule and promote individual research aspirations
  • Personalizes the educational process by emphasizing the priority of relationship-building throughout the University experience.

Student Learning Outcomes 

Delaware State University commits itself to producing students who will exemplify ethnical and authentic leadership qualities in public schools, higher educational and other related educational institutions. Through the integration of educational philosophies, theories, leadership constructs, and critical thought in the arenas of educational literacy, field experience formation, communication, systematic and empirical research inquiries, socio-cultural perspective, professional development, and transformational leadership.
DSU Graduates will:
  •  Exemplify Educational literacy through applied leadership knowledge, a research foundation, and an Educational leader worldview.
  •  Describe the nature and mission of the educational leadership process  revealed in the literatures.
  • Apply a dialectic approach in the examination of educational issues that impact the school community, reflecting the conditions and dynamics of the diverse school community, enabling ongoing dialogue with representatives of diverse community groups, taking into account community resources, and recognizing the role of public education in developing and renewing a democratic society and the role of equity in a democratic society.
  • Develop a framework for use in examining matters of significance in education in order to clarify personal viewpoints and develop a successful model of a school, family, business, community, government and higher education partnership that works within the greater framework of policies, laws, and regulations enacted by local, state, and federal authorities.
  • Ensure that the environment in which schools operate is influenced on behalf of students and their families as well as recognize that the social, political and economic settings of schools have a great impact on their orientation, organization, and operation.
  • Examine the contextual variables, value orientations, and philosophical and political assumptions that shape both the status quo and reform efforts.
  • Relate educational issues to focus on the success of all students by advocating that education is the key to opportunity and social mobility and recognizing and respecting a variety of ideas, values, and cultures.
  • Participate actively in the political and policy-making contest in the service of education.
  • Demonstrate ethical and professional competence in their chosen disciplines.
  • Integrate content knowledge and experience
  • Demonstrate discernment of the ethical consequences of decisions and actions
  • Demonstrate understanding of the importance of lifelong learning and personal flexibility to sustain personal and professional development
  • Knowledge and application of human resource management and personnel administration and development, ensuring the maintenance of confidentiality and privacy of school records.
  • Ability to communicate and work effectively with diverse populations in the school community in a human resource office.
  • Knowledge and application of information sources, data collection and data analysis strategies, and related technologies.
  • Ability to facilitate processes to ensure that the human resources functions support the attainment of school goals.
  • Ability to engage in activities ensuring that financial, human, and material resources are aligned to the goals of schools.
  • Demonstrate their working knowledge of the values and skills that are needed by successful practicing CEOs and/or administrators by being able to design interview questions, successfully conduct interviews with practicing CEOs and/or administrators, and deliver a presentation of the results of their findings.
  • Demonstrate their ability to construct a vision of learning that will enhance the success of all students by conducting a visioning workshop.
  • Be able to examine their current dispositions to assist in their prediction for success as an administrator by completing a reflective paper describing their predispositions toward being able to become a successful, effective, efficient and caring administrator.
  • Be able to craft their individual professional development plan.


This program of study requires the completion of 33 graduate credit hours over a two year (24 month) period. Included as an integral component of the program is a six (6) credit hour Applied Educational Internship.

Capstone Options

Students in this program option must complete a three-pronged Capstone. Each candidate will present a multimedia presentation outlining the results of an action research study they conducted as one component of the internship, reflections on their internship experience along with a portfolio documenting the internship experience

Required Courses

Course Descriptions:

A study of educational theories as applied to curriculum and instruction with emphasis on current trends and the identification of the instructional process, organizing operations and skills for teaching. 3 credits.


This course focuses on the educational administrator’s development of a vision for the creation of effective teaching that is shared by the school community. The course presents the conceptual underpinnings regarding building of effective learning organizations. The importance and relevance of (1) decision-making; (2) problem solving; (3) effective verbal and written communication skills; (4) relationship-building skills; (5) good listening skills; (6) ability to manage conflict; (7) creation of a safe and secure learning environment; and (8) ongoing effective reflective practice are discussed.
3 credits.

This course examines how administrators must react, understand and respond to a changing society to foster a true sense of community in school. The course primarily addresses three dimensions: 1) developing academic partnerships with parents and the members of the community; 2) creating learning organizations (communities of practice)among teachers; and 3) nurturing the development of personalized learning environments for students. 3 credits.

This course emphasizes the role of assistant principals and principals as the instructional leaders of the school and the official in charge of promoting a safe, secure student environment to make possible student learning and staff professional growth. Reflective assessment practices are thoroughly reviewed and discussed. Research is conducted by advanced students on the following topics: (1) identifying effective models of instruction; (2) student achievement; and (3) frameworks for identifying and analyzing models of teaching, decision-making, and assessment. Additionally, the course focuses on defining supervisor responsibilities, understanding and implementing controls, solving problems and making decisions, effective communications, effective leadership, motivational techniques, problem-solving, and the supervisor’s role in labor relations. 3 credits.

This course addresses current technologies from a practitioner’s point of view. The Internet, World Wide Web and production software are sued with the intent to make informed decisions both administratively and instructionally. Advance students will have the opportunity to focus on emerging technologies in their applications from the viewpoint of planning, enhanced communications, managing information, delivery of instruction and the latest technologies used by professionals in their respective fields. 3 credits.

This course examines the following: (1) prudent strategies, safe environments, ethical principles in decision making, and fair practices in a litigious society; 2) school district judicial policies and student/employee rights; (3) legal issues that impact today’s schools; and; (4) students’ and teachers practices. 3 credits.

This course provides advanced students with an understanding of the issues and challenges facing administrators with regards to the financing of education in an era of intense change. Some of the issues facing practicing school administrators, teachers, school board members, legislators and other interested parties include, but are not limited to: The No Child Left Behind Act; budget cuts at the federal, state, local and school levels; and changes in legislation allowing for school choice, voucher plans and charter schools. This course also addresses the various principles relating to the fiscal operations of a school’s management and the entrepreneurial acts required to support the continuous improvement of instruction and learning for all students. Strategic planning, budgeting, accounting, auditing, and human resource management at the school level will be discussed through case studies. 3 credits.

This course focuses on the knowledge, dispositions and performance skills required of school principals that include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning in a pluralistic society; (2) encouraging and achieving high standards of learning; (3) effective communication, consensus building and negotiation skills; (4) continuous school improvement; (5) involvement of the school community; (6) continuous staff professional growth; (7) effective instruction(learning theories, motivational theories, assessment strategies and recognizing student growth and development); (8) technology in promoting student learning and professional growth; (9) valuing student diversities and school cultures; (10) creating a safe and supportive learning environment; (11) implementing and evaluating curriculum and instruction; (12) management of school operations; and (13) selecting, supervising and evaluating staff. 3 credits.

This course addresses the fundamentals of evaluating and designing educational research with an emphasis on applied and action research. Types of research, their advantages and disadvantages, the research process and the similarities and differences between action research and formal quantitative and qualitative research will be examined. Participants will have hands-on opportunity to develop an action research proposal and use statistical software to analyze and interpret data. This course facilitates assessment of school programs and the accomplishment of knowledge and skills. This is not an accelerated format course. 3 credits.

The internship experience is a supervised field experience that enables Masters degree candidates to practice knowledge and skill performances acquired in coursework and professional experiences in an authentic setting. The Masters degree candidate will experience first hand the everyday challenges of making management decisions with the enhancement of learning and teaching in mind. Advanced students will develop and apply organizational techniques and communication and problem solving abilities in a field setting. In conjunction with the field-based administrator, master’s degree candidates will execute an action- research project to examine possible solutions and to provide data to support data-based decision-making. 6 credits.


Dr. N. K. Rathee
Acting Director, Graduate Program
Ext. 7170, Room 112
Dr. Prince Attoh
Associate Professor
Program Coordinator
Ext. 6718, Room 267