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  Academic Services for Student-Athletes FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions: Student-Athletes

1.  Why do I have to be in study hall if I transferred from another institution?

2.  Why is it important that I submit an official High School Transcript to the Office of Admissions?

3.  What is the difference between my Academic Advisor and my Academic Athletic Counselor?

4.  Why was I dropped from my class schedule?

5.  What should I do if I have a grievance with my academic counselor and I no longer want him or her to work with me?

6.  What if my grievance is with the Associate AD for Academic Services?

7.  If I have money left over from my athletic book voucher, can I buy something other than books?

8.  How would I retrieve a user name and password to login to the computer?

9.  If I transferred to DSU with over a 3.0 GPA, do I have to still attend study hall?

10. What is Blackboard?

11.  Will my tutoring sessions be counted towards my study-hall hours?

12.  Can another student sign me in and out of study-hall?

13.  Can a student-athlete that is experiencing challenge in his/her classes receive assistance with study skills and learning strategies?

14.  Can a student-athlete that has a disability receive reasonable accommodations at DSU?

15. Can students with disabilities in high school request services at Delaware State University?

16. Who do I speak to if I am not certified as a qualifier and cannot get athletic aid?

17. I understand that as a prospective or current male student-athlete that I may not be eligible receive Federal Student Aid if I am not registered with the Selective Service System, is this true?








1.  Why do I have to be in study hall if I transferred from another institution?

Answer: Transitioning to a new institution can be challenging even if you have begun your journey elsewhere. Typically at two-year institutions, academic support services for student athletes are provided at minimal, if at all. We believe that by providing you with structure and an environment to complete your assignments will help in your achieving the ultimate goal of graduating and playing at the Division I level.

2.  Why is it important that I submit an official High School Transcript to the Office of Admissions?

Answer:  In order to adhere to the Federal Government guidelines that Delaware State University is providing financial aid to students who have met the minimum admissions standards, including that of graduation from a high school, DSU has to verify (on official documentation) that you indeed have completed the necessary requirements for your high school diploma. This policy also applies for students requesting transfer from another institution of higher learning. It is also required that, in order to expedite the admission process an additional official transcript is provided to the office of Academic Services for Student-Athletes. W.C. Jason Library, Delaware State University, 1200 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover DE 19901   

3.  What is the difference between my Academic Advisor and my Academic
Athletic Counselor?

Answer: You have been assigned an academic advisor who will work with you to determine the courses you will need to take from semester to semester in order to meet degree requirements. Your academic advisor, will help you transition from semester to semester. They will make sure you are taking the appropriate courses in the given year that you are registering for. Your academic counselor is there to assist you in becoming fully aware of the eligibility requirements necessary to compete with your respective sport. Your academic counselor is one who will disseminate information on behalf of your academic departments to your athletic coaches. For example, when progress reports are turned into your academic counselor, that data (good or bad) will be shared with your coach so that he or she can make decisions as to your eligibility to either play or practice within your respective sport. The ultimate goal of your academic counselor is to assist you in the academic, social, career, mental, and at times (but not required) spiritual development necessary for you to compete at the highest level; both in and out of the classroom.

4.  Why was I dropped from my class schedule?

Answer: There are a few situations that may arise during your time at Delaware State were you may be dropped from your class schedule. If you do not attend the first week of classes, you will end up on what is called the “no show” list. Once you are placed on the no show list, your class(es) are removed until you and your professor can meet and justify why you have not attended classes or come to an agreement on what steps you should take to ensure your attendance. Additionally, students may find the cost of attendance a bit expensive and from time to time, and find themselves financially unable to address the cost associated with attending DSU, it is during those difficult times that student account holds are placed onto your schedule. If you find yourself in this situation, we ask that you meet with your financial aid representative as soon as possible so that provision (if possible) can be made to help settle your account so that you may resume with your academic activities.

5.  What should I do if I have a grievance with my academic counselor and I no longer want him or her to work with me?

Answer: While we hope that each academic counselor prides themselves on providing the best customer service as humanly possible, we do understand the nature of building and maintaining student to counselor relationships. If the situation arises where you feel you have a grievance with your academic counselor, please feel free to set up an appointment with the Associate AD for Academic Services and together you can look at the situation to find the best solutions without having to switch to another counselor. If the situation is irreparable, the Associate AD for Academic Services will reserve the right to meet with the academic counselor in question for feedback and justification for removal from his/ her caseload (i.e. remove student-athlete from caseload to another academic counselor on staff). If both parties can agree that this is in the best interest of the student-athlete, the following individuals will be immediately notified, the respective coach, the Associate Provost of Delaware State University, and the Director of Athletics and the student.

6.  What if my grievance is with the Associate AD for Academic Services?

Answer: The same procedure as outlined above would take place with the Associate Provost as lead investigator. Notifications to all parties involved would preclude the findings.

7.  If I have money left over from my athletic book voucher, can I buy something other than books?

Answer: No. Your athletic book voucher only covers the purchasing of books.  Purchasing of any material such as ipods, video games, beverages, notebooks would be considered a violation.

8.  How would I retrieve a user name and password to login to the computer?

Answer:  In order to receive a user name and password; students-athletes must go to Room 313 located in the Bank of America Building.

9.  If I transferred to DSU with over a 3.0 GPA, do I have to still attend study hall?

Answer:  Yes, all transfer student-athletes are required to perform (ten) 10 hours of study hall per week. Transfer students start out with the same GPA as an incoming student (0.00).   We want to create an environment where students can       start achieving not only a 3.0 GPAs’, but a 4.0.

10. What is Blackboard?

Answer:  Blackboard is an on-line course system being used by Delaware State University faculty and supporting staff; it is designed to deliver information and valuable educational resources to its students. Blackboard is also password protected that allows instructors to be data specific when it concerns their courses and the needs of their students. Best of all, students can access Blackboard Course Sites anytime, anywhere and using any Web browser. The Office of Academic Services for Student-Athletes frequently post updates on Blackboard, therefore, it is very important that you try and access it daily.   For detailed information you may click here to access Blackboard.

11.  Will my tutoring sessions be counted towards my study-hall hours?

Answer:  Yes, as long as the time can be verified by the Academic Services staff.

12.  Can another student sign me in and out of study-hall?

Answer:  No, each student is responsible for signing yourself in and out of study-hall. If this happens, a meeting will be setup with your respective Head Coach and the Associate AD for Academic Services for Student-Athletes in order to discuss your access to study-hall.


13.  Can a student-athlete that is experiencing challenge in his/her classes receive assistance with study skills and learning strategies?

Answer: Yes. DSU offers an opportunity for student-athletes to receive one-on-one assistance from Roberta C. Durrington, our NCAA Learning Specialist; on all areas of study skills and learning strategies.  Her phone number and location is 302-857-7304, room 218 in the William C. Jason Library, 2nd floor.


14.  Can a student-athlete that has a disability receive reasonable accommodations at DSU?

Answer: Yes. Student-athletes with disabilities can visit the Office of Student Accessibility Services for more information on the process and procedures, or speak with Roberta C. Durrington, our NCAA Learning Specialist at 302-857-7304, room 218 in the William C. Jason Library, 2nd floor.


15. Can students with disabilities in high school request services at Delaware State University?

Answer:  Yes. For detailed information on the procedures, we asked that you visit the Office of Student Accessibility Services.

16. Who do I speak to if I am not certified as a qualifier and cannot get athletic aid?

 Answer: The person to talk with is our Delaware State University Student-Athletes Compliance Officer, Ms. PJ Moses. She is located in the Athletic Administration Building. She may be reached at 302-857-7047.

17. I understand that as a prospective or current male student-athlete that I may not be eligible receive Federal Student Aid if I am not registered with the Selective Service System, is this true?

Answer:   By U.S. law, a male age 18 and over must register with the United States Selective Service System (www.sss.gov). Federal Aid may be awarded however, but if the young man turns 18 during the semester, and fails to register with the SSS, the student-athlete will not receive further Federal Aid until he registers.