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Home > Department of Social Psychology


How to contact us


Department of Social Psychology

3rd Floor
Queens House,
55/56 Lincoln's Inn Fields,
London WC2A 3LJ

Daniel Linehan
Department Manager
Tel:  +44 (0)20 7955 7712

Jacqueline Crane
Service Delivery Manager - MSc Programmes: Department contact for issues relating directly to MSc study
Tel: +44 (0)20 7955 7995

Terri-Ann Fairclough
PhD Programme and Communication Administrator : Department contact for issues relating directly to PhD study
Tel: +44 (0)20 7955 7700

Connect with us:


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We are a leading international centre dedicated to consolidating and expanding the contribution of social psychology to the understanding and knowledge of key social, economic, political and cultural issues.

How can the theory and practice of social psychology enhance individual, collective and organisational well-being and effectiveness in specific social settings?


Dr Tom Reader and Dr Alex Gillespie have a paper on the following: 

Complaints data is untapped resource for NHS improvement

The NHS can better utilise the vast potential of patient complaint data, according to a new study from the Department of Social Psychology. Read more


Dr Tom Reader won best presentation at the 9th Behavioural Sciences Applied to Surgery and Acute Care meeting (held in Bonn). He reported on the Healthcare Complaints Analysis Tool (HCAT). This is a tool developed with Dr Alex Gillespie in order to help hospitals learn from complaints about unsafe and poor quality care.


Social Psychology article warns against incorrect use of Psychological terms Read more


Research by Corti & Gillespie featured in the BBC, Ars Technica, Discovery Magazine, FutureProof, and the Huffington Post.


Dr Ben Voyer’s work has recently been recognised by the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) with the award of a fellowship. Since its foundation in 1754, the RSA aims at addressing some of society's greatest challenges by triggering original thinking and implementing novel solutions. Dr Voyer’s research in organisational psychology aims at improving teamwork by understanding the psychological consequences of power on the behaviours of leaders and followers.


Sandra Jovchelovitch delivers a keynote address to the 17th Brazilian congress of Sociology. Read more


Ten OSP alumni have just launched a new e-book called From Millennials With Love. Read more


HCD Doctoral candidate Apurv Chauhan has been selected to participate in a residential writing retreat organised by the Qualitative Health Research Writing Group Network. Apurv’s doctoral thesis is supervised by Professor Catherine Campbell.

William Robson49x67

This year we are celebrating all things LSE history because October 2015 marks the 120th anniversary of the very first students arriving at LSE. Read more


Mihoko Yotsui (HCD student, 2012-13) has published her MSc Thesis in the journal Ageing and Society, which focuses on the role of social participation by the elderly in disaster settings. Read more


Social Psychology blog got mentioned on the website of Time Magazine and Aspen Institute. How can the theory and practice of social psychology enhance individual, collective and organisational well-being and effectiveness in specific social settings? We discuss this and other issues on our social psychology blog

alexStoryLine Research by Corti & Gillespie replicating and extending Stanley Milgram’s research on cyranoids, recently published in the Journal of Social Psychology has been reported in Discovery Magazine and Wired Magazine. Read more


Can Power Change how we connect with others?

Ben Voyer in his research studies h ow power changes the way we see ourselves in relation to others. Read more


Dr Lucia Garcia was invited to attend as a judge and to submit 3 of our OSP research dissertations to the IndigoGold new research in workplace psychology awards, Sarah Latham (OSP Msc students dissertations) came second in the final shortlist. Read more

Climate Change is a topic of growing interest to Psychology@LSE. PhD graduate Sharon Jackson is both a climate change researcher and activist, and was recently involved in organising a march in Tanzania. Read more


Research published by Basso F., Robert-Demontrond Ph., Hayek-Lanthois M., Anton J.-L., Nazarian B., Roth M. & Oullier O. (2014), Why people drink shampoo? Food Imitating Products are fooling brains and endangering people for marketing purposes, PLoS ONE 9(9): e100368. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100368. Read more

For all students and Alumni. Please click here to add your details to the students page. Read about our history blog

Undergraduates interested in taking the PS102 ‘Social Psychology’ option course can find out more in a 3 minute video here or on the course page here

Upcoming event12th April 2016 - DSP Public Lecture, Professor Richard Nisbett talks about Are Humans getting smarter? 6.30pm - 8pm Old Theatre, Old Building.Read more
Previous events:
24th February 2016 - PUS Seminar,
Professor Martin Bauer talks about 'Atoms, Bytes and Genes - Public Resistance and TehnoScientific responses'.

09th February 2016 - DSP Event, MSc Networking event.

27th January 2016 - PUS Seminar
Elizabeth Dobson Jones from UCL, discussing -Celebrity science and ancient DNA - This event is cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.

25th November 2015 - PUS seminar,  DSP welcomed Eric Jensen (Warwick University) Promise, quality problems and new solutions in public engagement evaluation: Towards evidence-based practice Read more

6th November 2015 -
DSP blogs about the Department annual weekend away at the Cumberland Lodge. Discussions about new ideas at the intersection of psychology and society. Read more

4th November 2015 -  LSE Graduate Open Evening
 - This event invited prospective postgraduate students to attend and find out what options are available after studying at DSP. Read more

16th October 2015 - 50th Anniversary Seminar.
Reflections on the Politics of Gender and Sexuality in an Age of Extremism.Speaker: Professor Amina Mama. Read more

We investigate how social psychological processes shape political, economic, cultural and organisational life. We have a vibrant research culture which draws together different traditions of theory and research in social psychology. Read more

Mind in Society


Social Interaction

Cognition and Culture (Franks, Gillespie)

Embodied Cognition (Basso)

Social Artefacts and Technology (Bauer, Gaskell, Lahlou)

Social Identities (Campbell,Gleibs,Howarth)

Social Representations (Bauer, Howarth, Jovchelovitch, Lahlou)

Public Understanding of Science and Risk Perception(Bauer, Reader, Gaskell


Agency, Power and Inequality (Campbell, Howarth, Jovchelovitch)

Communication and Intersubjectivity (Franks, Gillespie, Reader)

Community Development (Campbell, Howarth,Jovchelovitch)

Intercultural Relations  (Howarth)

Group Processes (Garcia, Gleibs, Reader)


Organisational cultures


Interdisciplinary Research Groups

Economic life (Basso, Lahlou)

Installations and activity (Lahlou)

Knowledge processes (Garcia)

Leadership and change
(Bauer, Garcia, Gleibs, Reader)

Safety and risk cultures (Gillespie, Reader)



Health, Community and Development

Intercultural Research Group

International Cognition and Culture Institute

Inter-Personal and Organisational Communication (IPOC)

Mapping the Cultural Authority of Science (MACAS)

Organisational Research Group

Underground Sociabilities



At Psychology@LSE we offer three MSc programmes:

MSc Organisational and Social Psychology

MSc Social and Cultural Psychology

MSc Social and Public Communication

Read more about our course options.


The Psychology@LSE PhD programme is a vibrant research community, with about 30 PhD candidates working closely with Faculty on a range of topics.

Read more about our PhD studies


Social Psychology is both an exciting area of research within psychology and a perspective on the whole of the discipline.

Read more about our Undergraduate Courses.

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