And Britain’s biggest winner at the Oscars is... not a movie star - but a self-confessed 'net nerd' called Colin who founded film buff website IMDb

Col Needham laughs almost constantly.

This is not really surprising given that the self-confessed computer and film nerd, who began his business endeavours as a teenager in Manchester in the 1980s, will tonight be walking down the red carpet at the Oscars, rubbing shoulders with directors and glad-handing with the stars.

For Col (short for Colin) is the founder and chief executive of the Internet Movie Database – better known as IMDb – the best known film information website in the world. Needham himself has been dubbed ‘the most powerful Brit in Hollywood’.

It’s a characterisation he dismisses. ‘I don’t make any decisions that affect Hollywood,’ he says.

Star-struck: Col Needham, right, relishes going to the Oscars alongside celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, left
Star-struck: Col Needham, right, relishes going to the Oscars alongside celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, left

Star-struck: Col Needham, right, relishes going to the Oscars alongside celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, left

But the website he founded and then turned into a business run from a suburban semi is now part of the Amazon empire and has 250million unique users every month, who look up the cast and crew of films and contribute to reviews and ratings. Its service is used by film professionals around the world to follow, track down and hire stars and crew.

‘This will be the fourth year my wife and I have come to the Oscars,’ he says speaking from his Los Angeles hotel room, insisting that he is still star-struck.

‘It is one of my top life experiences. I will never be blasé about going to the Oscars. Sometimes it’s a real pinch myself moment.

‘The first time we came to the Oscars we were introduced to Steven Spielberg at the Governor’s ball afterwards. He is my favourite living director – Jaws had a very big impact on me. My mother took me to see it when I was ten.

‘So there I was in this short line of people waiting to meet Steven Spielberg and I felt like Luca Brasi in The Godfather where he is waiting to meet the Godfather. I rehearsed my speech. Then when I get to see him, Steven Spielberg grabs my hand and says “I love IMDb, I have the app.” ’

He is not alone. Some 115 million people worldwide have downloaded the IMDb app and Needham says mobile is growing at an unbelievable rate. He loves technology and business. But he clearly eats, drinks and breathes film. He says he is close to having seen 10,000 films and expects to pass that milestone around the time of his 50th birthday next year.

Success: IMDb has 250million unique users every month

Success: IMDb has 250million unique users every month

‘As a teenager I had interest in film technology and business. I was 14 and running my own software company designing and writing computer games – it kept me in records and clothes and later driving lessons. Oh, and VHS video tapes.’

Needham was already a prolific film viewer and began keeping a database of what he had seen, along with views and notes. He was online in 1985 and found like-minded people to help expand the database.

‘I have had an email address for 31 years,’ he says proudly. In 1990, he produced the first IMDb software package. Then in 1995, Needham and three fellow directors incorporated as a company – their collaboration had been entirely remote.

‘The first time we met was when we went to a lawyer’s office in Covent Garden to sign the articles of incorporation.’

The company also bought its first web server using a credit card. ‘We sold our first advertising on our website a couple of weeks later. We paid off the credit cards and could buy more servers. So I sometimes claim that our company was the world’s first profitable internet business,’ he laughs yet again.

‘In December 1997 I was checking my email and there was a note from a guy called Alan Caplan, who was Amazon’s general counsel. It said ‘Jeff Bezos [Amazon founder and chief] and I were talking about movie databases and you came up. We are in the UK next month and we would love a meeting.” ’

Passion: Needham ran the website from his Bristol bedroom in 2006

Passion: Needham ran the website from his Bristol bedroom in 2006

The upshot of that meeting was that when Bezos bought up IMDb, it was one of the first three businesses Amazon ever acquired – the other two were online booksellers in Europe which became Amazon UK and Amazon Germany.

Needham will not say how much money he and his colleagues were paid for their business, but his net worth is estimated at £35million. Asked if he should perhaps have waited longer and sold for more money, he says that if he had his time again he would do exactly the same.

IMDb is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amazon, but Needham says he has complete independence. The business is now tied into Amazon’s wider business.

Its website and app are used to gather market research about customers’ tastes and buyers can link with one click from whatever film they are looking at directly to Amazon to buy or download the film itself. For a man who admits to being a film and technology nerd, this is undoubtedly a dream come true.

But while clearly still pinching himself about his Hollywood connection, the Manchester-born boy has not deserted the UK for California. He lives in a village near Bristol – which he points out was also the home town of his favourite actor Cary Grant – with his wife Karen and two daughters.

IMDb has offices in Bristol, though it also has operations in Santa Monica and Seattle. For Needham, life is filled with travelling from film festival to awards and, of course, to various Amazon offices.

The Oscars are however the highlight of the year. Asked his predictions he reckons The Revenant for Best Film and Leonardo DiCaprio for Best Actor while Brie Larson is his tip for Best Actress for her role in Room.

‘It’s so exciting to be here,’ he says, laughing and slightly breathless. He sounds just like a Manchester teenager.


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