Education is a fundamental
human right for everyone.

Students at Booker T. Washington High School, Tuskegee, Alabama.

And yet, there is great disparity in our schools and education systems. In fact, many schools struggle to provide the basics despite the dedicated efforts of teachers and families.  A lack of equal access to technology and knowledge puts entire communities and populations of students at a disadvantage, especially minorities.

At Apple, we see the results of this and other forms of inequality every day.  Minorities are significantly underrepresented in the technology industry.

We want to do our part to change this.

We want to open the vast potential of all the world’s future inventors, future dreamers, and future leaders.

As a company founded and built on the idea that technology placed in the hands of the many has the power to change the world, we feel it’s our responsibility to act.

As part of our mission, we’re joining President Obama in support of the ConnectED initiative by committing our products, our knowledge, and our passion for learning to 114 schools across the country. It’s an important first step and a bold vision for a richer, more diverse, and more inclusive future.

Apple and ConnectED

We believe that the young minds and young innovators of tomorrow should have every opportunity to realize their potential through today’s powerful learning tools. It’s important to us that our contribution to ConnectED makes a difference for students and communities who need it the most. We’ve chosen to provide our support to schools where at least 96 percent of the students are eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program. Despite their economic challenges, these schools share a vision of what their students’ lives would be like with Apple technology.

114 Schools are receiving Apple ConnectED grants to support their educational goals with technology.

29 States across the country are represented among the recipients of Apple ConnectED grants.

92 Of students from our partner schools are of Hispanic, Black, Native American, Alaskan Native, or Asian heritage.

Learn more about ConnectED at

Providing students and teachers
with powerful technology.

Technology paired with passionate and well-supported teachers enables deeper creativity and learning. That’s why every student at our ConnectED schools will receive an iPad, allowing students to connect with topics and express themselves like never before. Every teacher and administrator will receive an iPad and a Mac to help support and inspire their students. And every ConnectED classroom will have an Apple TV to help students immerse themselves in the educational content they discover and the work they create.

Students will
receive an iPad.

Teachers and administrators
will receive a MacBook and an iPad.

Classrooms will
have an Apple TV.

A commitment that goes beyond products.

The support we’re providing our ConnectED schools doesn’t end at an iPad, Mac, or Apple TV. We want to make sure that they have all the tools they need to succeed. So we’re drawing on the deep pool of knowledge and expertise from Apple employees and partners to help schools get the most out of their technology and achieve their educational goals.

A dedicated team

An Apple Education team will be assigned to support each ConnectED school, working closely with leadership to make sure that each school’s technical and educational needs are considered and their strategies are executed successfully. A professional development specialist will also help ensure that teachers are prepared to integrate technology into their curriculum.

A complete solution

We’ve identified key partners who share our vision for transforming education with technology. In collaboration with leading education content providers, we’re delivering tailored curriculum solutions at no cost to the schools. We’re also working with Wi-Fi providers and cellular carriers to ensure that every school can access that content reliably.

Impacting schools far and wide.

The 114 schools receiving Apple ConnectED grants span 29 states. While no two schools are exactly alike, they all share a common goal: to help their students thrive.

The students we’re working with represent a wide variety of backgrounds and communities.
And each of them has a dream that can be supported by innovative education.


  • 48% Hispanic
  • 38% Black
  • 8% White
  • 4% Native American / Alaskan Tribal
  • 3% Asian

School Type

  • 70% Elementary
  • 14% Middle
  • 11% High
  • 5% Combined

Metro Status

  • 50% Urban
  • 25% Rural
  • 16% Town
  • 9% Suburban


  • 42% 250-500
  • 38% 500-1000
  • 19% < 250
  • 1% > 1000