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See Marvel's Spider-Man From The Captain America: Civil War Trailer

1 hour ago

The new Captain America: Civil War trailer was released today, and there was a lot of take in, from action sequences to emotional heartbreak. However, as the old saying goes, they saved the best for last. Finally appearing after much talk and speculation, Marvel gave us our first look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Spider-Man with seconds to spare in the preview. Take a look! With both sides of Team Iron Man and Team Captain America ready to face off, Iron Man declared that he’d run out of patience and yelled out, "Underoos!" Suddenly, a web from above snatched Captain America’s shield and bound his hands together. Flipping onto one of the vehicles, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man finally appeared to the masses to greet not just the superheroes about to clash, but to all the fans waiting for the third cinematic »

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Tomb Raider Is Looking At A Rising Star For Lara Croft And She Seems Perfect

1 hour ago

When the Tomb Raider video game series got itself the reboot treatment in 2013, it seemed to give MGM and Warner Brothers the necessary kick to look at rebooting the film version of Lara Croft as well. The planned reboot film has a director, but what it doesn.t have is a star to take on the iconic role. However, it sounds like the studio may have seen a certain woman kicking butt in a really big movie recently and found exactly what they were looking for. One of the actresses the studio is looking at is Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Daisy Ridley, according to reports. According to Deadline, Daisy Ridley is not the only actress currently being considered, and no formal talks have taken place, though there have been "conversations" which means that at least Ridley is aware that she.s being looked at for the part. Producers are »

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Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping Red-Band Trailer Is Filthy And Hilarious

2 hours ago

While the team that makes up The Lonely Island has made some of the most memorable moments in Saturday Night Live history in recent years, they.ve always been reined in by those pesky censors. One of the benefits of the big screen, however, is that you don.t have that problem. The Red-Band trailer for their new music mockumentary Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping has now hit, and it shows that they.re going to take full advantage of everything the movies let them do. Check it out. Needless to say, not safe for work. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping tells the story of Conner4Real, the titular popstar who is played by Andy Samberg. To call the movie star-studded would be an understatement. Popstar looks to have everybody in the music industry in it, as part of fake interview footage, or with a role in the story. The »

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Why Falcon Doesn't Really Like Tony Stark In Civil War, According To Anthony Mackie

2 hours ago

Anthony Mackie is excited for Falcon to become his own person. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron, Sam Wilson’s interactions have been largely limited to Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) and Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), but Civil War lets him spread his wings, so to speak. "I get to continue my undying love affair with Black Widow, which is good," Mackie tells CinemaBlend. "I think, more so in this one, that I get to do that I haven’t done before is become my own person." Part of that, as it turns out, is getting to think Tony Stark is a total nerd.  While discussing his character on the set of Captain America: Civil War, Anthony Mackie said,  I don’t know why everybody thinks Tony is cool. Tony thinks he’s really cool, but »

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The Final Captain America: Civil War Trailer Is Incredible, Watch It Now

3 hours ago

Ever since the first movie in this Marvel Cinematic Universe, 2008.s Iron Man, the studio has been moving mountains to bring all of its top heroes together. In a few weeks, though, everything will be torn apart. "Divided We Fall" has been the mantra of Captain America: Civil War, and from the looks of this new trailer, Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Captain America (Chris Evans) are taking a tumble, and bringing their teammates down with them. Watch the new trailer for Civil War now:  Holy hell, it's Spider-man!!!!!!! At the tail end of the new trailer, Marvel finally unveils its first look at Tom Holland in his Spider-Man costume. The wall-crawler steals Cap's shield, webs his hands together, and poses with his shield. It's a Brilliant introduction to the character, and the sight of him holding Cap's shield will send shivers down any Marvel fan's spine!   Directed by »

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Why Jennifer Lawrence Couldn't Join Ghostbusters

3 hours ago

While the cast of the Ghostbusters reboot has been controversial to say the least, that controversy is one of the reasons that the new film has become so highly anticipated. All eyes are on Ghostbusters. four lead women of Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones. However, several other women were considered for the parts, and director Paul Feig now explains why one of them, Jennifer Lawrence, was not able to join the project. As is often the case, it comes down to scheduling. Paul Feig tells Yahoo that while he did have dinner with Jennifer Lawrence, and tried to get her on board for Ghostbusters, the actress' commitment to X-Men: Apocalypse stopped any discussion before it ever really got started. I.m desperate to work with her, but I didn.t even entertain it very long because I just knew the schedules didn.t sync up at »

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Daisy Ridley Stands Up To Star Wars Haters, Read Her Powerful Message

3 hours ago

It can.t be easy for Daisy Ridley. Only a few months ago, nobody knew who she was, and now she.s a global celebrity. While there are certainly positives to all this new attention, it must be said that it has it.s dark side as well. The Star Wars: The Force Awakens actress recently had to deal with a body shaming troll who went after her for being too skinny and setting poor standards for Star Wars fans who admire Rey. She.s now posted a complete response. Check it out below. Guys it was not my intention for anyone to send messages to that poor person that posted the original picture. My whole post is about being kind to each other, so please refrain! A photo posted by @daisyridley on Mar 9, 2016 at 1:13pm Pst The entire thing apparently began with a post Daisy Ridley made during »

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Tom Cruise's Mummy Movie Adds New Girl's Jake Johnson, Here's Who He'll Be Playing

15 hours ago

Despite the crash and burn that was Dracula Untold, Universal is hell bent on crafting the shared universe that will herald the rebirth of their legendary Universal Monsters. With The Mummy, the studio hopes that Tom Cruise fighting the forces of supernatural evil will draw the public into their multi-picture trap, and it looks like Jake Johnson will be the sidekick tasked with helping him do so. The Hollywood Reporter delivered the news that Johnson, who served as comedic relief in the studio's massive hit of 2015 Jurassic World, is now set to play "a member of the military" in a role specially tailored for his skill-set. Seeing as Tom Cruise is playing a member of a Special Forces organization and Annabelle Wallis is playing a scientist involved with whatever the new mummy will be trying to pull, Johnson's place as the comic relief is not only a given, it's a »

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Why Ghostbusters Relies On Practical Effects, According To Paul Feig

16 hours ago

The way you hear filmmakers talk about CGI these days, you could have sworn it was a failed experiment and not the cutting edge tool that everyone and their mother used for a good decade since its salad days. With the backlash continuing to grow, a good amount of directors are reverting back to the days of practical effects, and one such person is Ghostbusters director Paul Feig. His reasoning? Because it's funnier. Feig was recently invited by Empire Online to conduct one of their trailer breakdowns, and out of all of the gems in Paul Feig's Ghostbusters commentary, the best was his discussion of the library scene. In particular, he discussed how the overall effect was created, and the description below is rather novel:  [W]e have this new system we use with Led lights, and we put the actor in full costume and make-up and »

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What Crossbones Is Up To In Captain America: Civil War

17 hours ago

Brock Rumlow was introduced in Captain America: The Winter Soldier as the head of the S.H.I.E.L.D. counter-terrorism S.T.R.I.K.E. team, but he was later outed as one of Hydra’s top operatives. Despite being badly injured at the end of the 2014 blockbuster, Rumlow, played by Frank Grillo, will be back in action for Captain America: Civil War in May, and this time he’ll be causing trouble in his Crossbones guise. Details have been light about what precisely to expect from him, but now it’s looking more likely that Crossbones will be the primary instigator for the movie’s conflict. While remaining coy, executive producer Nate Moore hinted that Crossbones is responsible for the incident that leads to the Sokovia Accords being drafted and the world governments declaring that superheroes need to be regulated. Here’ »

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Why The Ghostbusters Reboot Includes So Many References To The Original

18 hours ago

Earlier this week we got our first real look at Paul Feig.s upcoming Ghostbusters reboot when the initial trailer dropped in our laps. And we got even more footage thanks to the subsequent international trailer that followed shortly thereafter. One thing that was obvious at first glance is that this movie contains a ton of callbacks to the classic 1984 paranormal investigating comedy. According to Feig, the new movie had to include these, because he and co-writer Katie Dippold know that fans would be pissed if they weren.t. After the release of the Ghostbusters trailer, Paul Feig sat down with Empire Magazine and broke it down in great detail. When the topic of why there were so many nods and references to the original, the writer and director said: It was very important to Katie Dippold and I to have all the most iconic things from the original films »

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When Civil War Will Probably Give Us Our First Look At Spider-Man

19 hours ago

With the release of Captain America: Civil War now under two months away, anticipation for the blockbuster will increase on a daily basis. But while the main draw to the film is Chris EvansCaptain America and Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man going toe-to-toe alongside their pals, it’s easy to forget that Civil War will feature the debut of arguably Marvel's most popular character, Spider-Man. It’s now being reported that our very first look at Spider-Man in Civil War will come in tomorrow’s trailer. Latino Review has alleged that the Captain America: Civil War trailer is going to feature a heavy dose of Tom Holland as Spider-Man. Marvel Studios’ promotional push for Civil War saw set visit press stories released earlier this week, with one batch focusing on how the film will primarily revolve around Captain America and Sebastian »

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The Divergent Series: Insurgent Honest Trailer Shows Everything Wrong With The Movie

19 hours ago

Adaptations of young adult book series have become some of the most consistently marketable films in contemporary Hollywood. From Harry Potter to The Hunger Games, the film industry is constantly watching and waiting for the next great series of novels to adapt. That being said, not all of these adaptations are created equal. A new Honest Trailer for The Divergent Series: Insurgent has just hit the web, and pretty much tears the film apart. Check it out below and see for yourself. The trailer comes to us courtesy of Screen Junkies, and pretty much eviscerates The Divergent Series: Insurgent in less than five minutes. Before anything else, the narrator makes sure to point out that the film’s director also helmed the critically reviled R.I.P.D, and the film’s writer penned Batman and Robin; we should’ve known what to expect with this »

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The Rock's Baywatch Picture Of Alexandra Daddario Needs To Be Seen

20 hours ago

By now we all know that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Zac Efron are teaming up to bring a new version of the television mega-hit Baywatch to the big screen. A few weeks ago we got a look at what the guys who watch the bay will be wearing while on duty, and now we have a look at their female counterparts, thanks (as usual) to The Rock. She takes #Baywatch to another level.. World fell in love with @alexannadaddario in #SanAndreas and I was so impressed by her chops and presence every day, that I had to have her "rep the squad" in our film. Just wait til you see her - and all our girls - kick ass and protect the bay. #GameOver #BaywatchBabes #CoverYourEyesBoys #Baywatch Summer 2017. A photo posted by therock (@therock) on Mar 9, 2016 at 11:51am Pst Dwayne Johnson posted this shot of himself and actress »

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The Dead Divergent Character Allegiant Really Tried To Bring Back

20 hours ago

Spoiler Warning: The following article contains major spoilers for The Divergent Series: Insurgent. If you haven.t had a chance to see the second film in the franchise yet, you may want to click away to another one of our wonderful articles. Kate Winslet is unquestionably one of the best actors of her generation, so it.s not exactly hard to understand why a major movie franchise would want to try and keep her around. even after her character had been killed off. Unfortunately, this was the position that the on-going Divergent Series found itself in following the conclusion of The Divergent Series: Insurgent, which featured Winslet.s Jeanine being shot in the head by Naomi Watts. Evelyn Johnson-Eaton. Despite these events director Robert Schwentke continued to try and invent ideas to keep the actress around, and he actually wound up pitching a rather crazy idea featuring a well-placed Band-Aid. »

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Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 May Bring Back A Beloved Marvel Character

20 hours ago

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has done an impeccable job of carving out a niche for even the most obscure Marvel characters. From Iron Man to Star-Lord, the McU has become a welcoming home to any character hailing from deep within the Marvel lore. As a result of this, director James Gunn may soon bring one of the all-time most iconic – and notorious – Marvel characters back to the silver screen in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Of course, I’m talking about none other than Howard the Duck.   According to a brand new report from On Location Vacations, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 has apparently just filmed a scene involving the notorious Marvel character Howard the Duck. The report didn’t indicate the capacity of Howard the Duck’s part in the upcoming sequel; all it tells is us that writer/director James Gunn may »

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How Video Games Inspired 10 Cloverfield Lane In A Very Specific Way

21 hours ago

With the release of 10 Cloverfield Lane now just a few days away, the secrecy surrounding its release has dissipated, and we.ve got a clearer idea of what the film is actually about. Rather than being a direct sequel to 2008.s Cloverfield, it has instead been described as a spiritual brethren to its predecessor. Which extends to how this new movie was shot. Just like Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield Lane was filmed in an experiential way, with director Dan Trachtenberg now admitting that he was heavily influenced by video games for its shoot.  I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Dan Trachtenberg, and the filmmaker -- who made his feature-film debut with 10 Cloverfield Lane -- explained to me how being such a devout and passionate video gamer influenced his decisions as a director. What I really loved about Cloverfield is that it was so experiential. It.s told in this »

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The Specific Reason Zack Snyder Wanted Christian Bale To Be In Batman V Superman

21 hours ago

Although the story of Christian Bale's Batman ended with The Dark Knight Rises, when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (then unnamed) was announced, there was speculation about whether he might reprise the Caped Crusader again. Once Ben Affleck was cast as the new Batman, it was clear that this movie is taking place in a different universe from the Dark Knight Trilogy. However, director Zack Snyder did consider including Bale in a different capacity. Reiterating how Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is set in a world separate from the Christopher Nolan Batman movies, Snyder mentioned to FilmInk that he briefly thought about having Christian Bale play a different character in the March blockbuster to break the connection to the previous series. Snyder noted that the new movie is a "total and opposite reality" from the Christopher Nolam movies, adding: It.s another universe, so we couldn.t »

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How Wonder Woman Will Affect Batman In Dawn Of Justice

23 hours ago

Batman has his sights firmly set on making sure Superman isn’t a threat to humanity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but the Man of Steel isn’t the only superbeing who he’ll meet. The Caped Crusader will also cross paths with the movie’s tertiary hero, Wonder Woman, both in their costumed and civilian personas. While Bruce Wayne looks at the Kryptonian with distrust and fear (at first), interacting with the Amazon will have a more positive effect on him, according to Ben Affleck. Noting how Wonder Woman has been “doing this for ages” (in other words, been a force for good over thousands of years) and isn’t the cynical mess he is, EW asked Ben Affleck how she’ll play into Batman’s thinking. This was his response: It inspires in him the idea that »

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How Sacha Baron Cohen Topped His Naked Borat Fight Scene For The Brothers Grimsby

23 hours ago

Sacha Baron Cohen has made a career out of creating anarchic comedy scenarios that make audiences howl with laughter while feverishly looking away. His latest cinematic jaunt, The Brothers Grimsby, is no different, and it arguably features the comedian’s most controversial and disgusting scene to date.  Warning: There are some slight Spoilers for The Brothers Grimsby ahead. I don’t go into specifics, but don’t read on if you want to watch The Brothers Grimsby with absolutely no prior knowledge of its most riotous scene. Are they gone? Good. So in The Brothers Grimsby Sacha Baron Cohen’s Norman "Nobby" Butcher and his long-lost brother, Agent Sebastian Butcher (Mark Strong), have a particular scene with an elephant that means you’ll never watch Dumbo the same way again. On Tuesday, I sat down with Sacha Baron Cohen to talk »

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