Barbican Centreحساب تایید شده


We're here, pushing the boundaries of theatre, dance, film, music and visual art, at the heart of the City. Our approach to Twitter

City of London
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  1. جزئیات
" data-mentions="guildhallschool" data-you-follow="false" data-follows-you="false" data-you-block="false">

A sad start to the day to hear of the death of George Martin. Did you know he studied at ?

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  • " data-you-follow="false" data-follows-you="false" data-you-block="false">

    Ever wanted something more? Swimming pools, spas, stunning views - sounds like our kind of high rise...

  • Director Katie Mitchell's feminist take on the commemoration of WWI

  • Coming of age, breaking the rules and taking risks: this year's Focus Film Festival

  • It's ! Which women inspire you and how will you celebrate them?

  • How did 's sonnets influence his personal life? Find out with

  • Photographer Martin Parr showcases the bizarre rituals of the City of London

  • جزئیات
  • " data-mentions="Complicite" data-you-follow="false" data-follows-you="false" data-you-block="false">

    Final day to experience 's - watch the (not-quite) live stream on YouTube

  • جزئیات
  • " data-mentions="YouTube Complicite ForcedEnts" data-you-follow="false" data-follows-you="false" data-you-block="false">

    Our shows, their voices.... Watch our brand new Young Reviewers series - feat &