
Cover photo
Andrew Cowley
Works at Self Employed
Attended University of Birmingham
Lives in Birmingham uk
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Andrew Cowley

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Love the impasto
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Andrew Cowley

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Andrew Cowley

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Sky Arts launches Master of Photography, the first European TV talent show for photographers.

This competition will be open to people from the UK, Ireland, Italy, Germany and Austria.

Although it isn't mentioned in the press release (linked below) I would suggest that you also have a current passport.

You can now send in your entries to be considered for this competition via their website:

You'll need to submit at least 5 images and a short video presentation of yourself.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday 10 December 2015.

Good luck everyone!
Sky Arts launches Master of Photography, the first European TV talent show for photographers
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Andrew Cowley

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To celebrate having finally completed the Infinite Complexity story, I have set up a 5 day promotion. The whole trilogy will be available to download for FREE from the 16/11/2015 to the 20/11/2015 :D
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Andrew Cowley

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Love this!
Abdullah Aydin Baykara
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Andrew Cowley

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Well I'm not sarcastic, not even in the slightest and none of my friends aren't either. ;~)
Are you known for your biting sense of humor? Would your friends call you caustic? Is irony the highest form of verbal art (in your humble opinion)? Then you can also be considered something else besides "sarcastic": intelligent. A study out of Harvard Business School finds that sarcasm is the "highest form of intelligence." The study's authors delved into "the cognitive experiences of sarcastic expressers and recipients or their behavioral impli...
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Cherie Ambrose's profile photoK. Leigh Thoma's profile photoSplaetos's profile photoAjda Boksic Filipovic's profile photo
Ohaiiiii, Andreeeeeweeeena! ;) 
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Andrew Cowley

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K. Leigh Thoma's profile photoKay Leez's profile photoAndrew Cowley's profile photo
I thought we were a happy gang +Kay Leez 'us' as in the lovely googlers.
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Andrew Cowley

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When winter rolls in, the heavy-based pot comes out! I love fish stews - bubbling with flavour and back-to-basics french cooking.
Provençal fish stew in my ‪#‎littlepariskitchen‬

photo by David Loftus
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Frederick Andrew (Rick)'s profile photoAndrew Cowley's profile photo
Hahaha! A man after my own heart +Frederick Andrew 
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Andrew Cowley

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Get your gear out.
November Photography Competition
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Andrew Cowley

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Interior in Blue.
Thomas W Schaller.
Watercolor 22x14 inches
30 Oct. 2015
#watercolor #art #architecture #sketch #cathedral #nyc   #light   #dark     #thomaswschaller  
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Self Made Man
  • Self Employed
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Birmingham uk
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Now the fun starts!
I don't smoke, I don't do drugs: well painkillers but who doesn't. I like Photography and art, though I never claim to be any good at either of them. I don't compete with people; I'd rather try to better myself than try to be better than someone else. I have a dry, sometimes close to the knuckle wit, though I try to never make it personal - you get used to it.

I like Philosophy and thinkers and find myself drawn to Ralph Waldo Emerson, whose works have change my life, though I found them too late I think. I often find myself agog at what just came out of my mouth once I have taken the two feet out; however, I refuse to think before I talk. I hope I'm seen as a libertarian, I hold freedoms to be the right of each of us even if it sometimes hurts. I would rather talk and walk than confront with anger.

When asked what humanity is I responded with: "To search for happiness through experience". Let's hope G+ turns into a happy experience.
Bragging rights
Had my TV 15 minutes of fame and been published.
  • University of Birmingham
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