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London Has Fallen
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36 out of 62 people found the following review useful:

Cringe-worthy, cliché-ridden, blatant propagandist cash-grab.

Author: I Watch from Portugal
3 March 2016

*** This review may contain spoilers ***


Do not watch.

Seriously, I warned you. This movie is so bad I felt the need to create an account on this site to tell people the truth about it.

If you're a citizen of the USA who is overly nationalistic, if you buy into the hype of famous actors who end up having less-than-average performances, if you just started watching movies last year and aren't yet familiar with all the clichés you will find in this movie, if you think a blurry, confused action scene is a good action scene, and if you don't mind the poorly done CGI explosions and the plot-holes, then this movie is for you.

If not, and if you're really curious about it, just watch the trailer. The entire movie is there anyway.


Here is how it goes: Main character is a typical American-marine-special-agent kind of dude. He is a reckless, aggressive, dominant alpha male that can't go one minute without saying a cheesy one-liner. In fact, almost all his dialogue are cheesy one-liners. He has a pregnant wife, which is the typical stay-at-home American mom who cares for his husband.

Then there's the typical strong, maternal black women who dies courageously, the typical hot white girl female fatal which you "do not f*** with", the strangely naive USA president who is afraid to pick up a gun and shocked that so many civilians have died because of him (yeah, right), the typical eastern villain that hates America, the faceless enemies with storm-trooper syndrome, the traitor that thinks the system is flawed and accepted a bribe, and Morgan Freeman, who is presented as a major character but ends up playing a very minor role that could be done by any novice actor. Yes, from now on, beware of films with Morgan Freeman. It's not the first time (I'm remembering Oblivion, with Tom Cruise) that his face is plastered all around just to make the movie sell, but ends up being an insignificant part of it. He may have played great roles in the past, but now it's clear he is riding his own fame.

Even then, Morgan Freeman is probably the best actor there. Others are just not competent. Part of the blame is on the dialogue. It's too cliché and far-fetched. As told before, Gerard Butler does nothing but throw down one-liners. He has one or two facial expressions: The angry look and the tender, loving father look. Which makes him an one-dimensional character that you won't be able to build an emotional connection with. He is also an insufferable Mary Sue. The USA president, on the other hand, is pathetic. They try to make him a determined, strong American leader, but the contrast with his best man is just too big. It makes him look tiny, fragile and incompetent. There is not much to say about other actors. All of them play minor roles and are easily forgettable. And all of them play stereotypical, far-fetched roles.

Then there is the plot. Oh, god, the plot.

It's bad. The pacing is horrible. Action scene, chase, small break, action scene, chase, small break, repeat. Not much happens in between. In part because there is no decent plot. It goes like this: the most heavily guarded funeral in history ends up having some serious security flaws. And all because one dude in the USA security agency betrayed them. That one dude is apparently so powerful, or the security agencies (American and English) are so pathetic, that his simple betrayal goes undetected and cause the entire defense operation to fail. How did he do such a feat? How could half the guards in that day be enemies in disguise and that go under the radar? How could the prime-minister of England "die in his sleep" and then no autopsy having been made in time to clear any suspicions of poisoning? Why is Gerard Butler the only one who "feels" that "something" is about to happen? Why is it that the most important target (USA President) is the ONLY ONE that stays alive, and the LAST ONE that the enemy tries to shoot at? Every single point of this movie is far-fetched.

Okay, I'm aware that this is a mindless action movie, and plot and actor performance shouldn't be taken too seriously. BUT THE ACTION SCENES AREN'T GOOD EITHER! All of them are ridden with that annoying, off-putting blur and camera-shake effect. And they aren't original either. Oh, a last-second save. Oh, a car chase. Oh, the helicopter crashes and they are all alive and without a scratch. Except the black girl, of course. Oh, the enemies just send themselves at the hero at the most stupid fashion and end up dead, every single time. It's tedious, predictable and shows that they are lazy and didn't really spend any time to think on good ideas.

So if the point of the movie is bad, and everything else is bad to, what's good? Well, I find the stereotypical representations of the other heads-of-state to be somewhat enjoyable. There's the female German Chancellor that is clearly Angela Merkel, the womanizer Italian prime-minister that is clearly Berlusconi, etc. But all it shows is that this movie could have been a parody. It is certainly a parody, with all the exaggerated nationalistic lines and the plot and action scene clichés, but it's a parody of itself. Its crucial sin is that it takes itself seriously. But it certainly doesn't deserve more than to be a punchline of a joke. A bad, boring, predictable joke.

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10 out of 14 people found the following review useful:

Almost Good. Not So Much Action.

Author: KnowYourRights1 from United States
7 March 2016

This is a sequel to the successful movie "Olympus Has Fallen." The story begins in London, where the British Prime Minister has passed away under mysterious circumstances. Leaders of the G7 attend his funeral.

Group of Seven (G7), international organization officially established in 1985 to facilitate economic cooperation among the world's largest industrial nations; summit meetings of the member nations began in 1975. Members are Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the United States.

However, what starts out as the most protected event on Earth turns into a deadly plot to kill the world's most powerful leaders, devastate every known landmark in the British capital, and unleash a terrifying vision of the future. Only three people have any hope of stopping it: the President of the United States (Aaron Eckhart), his formidable Secret Service head (Gerard Butler), and an English MI-6 agent who rightly trusts no one.

5/10 . It need more action scenes and a stronger plot.

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31 out of 57 people found the following review useful:

Shallow, stupid and horrible movie

Author: kenny-kuni from Taipei
6 March 2016

it will blow you mind, totally out of your imagination...what kind of a director and scriptwriter could lose their mind to produce such a horrible and shallow movie...

There are only few words can describe this movie, such as terrible story, extremely fake effects, nauseated American world saviour, hero ego...

You government"s" , protect and permit the arms dealer to grow its business globally. And its still your fault to kill innocent people. However, while facing the revenge, you strongly state "no matter what, we American is the one, who can stay forever and rule the world, everyone could make mistakes for unforgivable reasons, but only American makes no mistake, or do it for so called world peace justice which might only benefit you American... "

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30 out of 58 people found the following review useful:

If you liked Olympus Has Fallen, you'll like this better

Author: Kees Cornelisse from Delft, Netherlands
3 March 2016

So the trailer made me want to see this movie and I didn't see Olympus Has Fallen at that time. So I watched that yesterday and I liked it, fun action movie with some noticeable flaws.

Today I went to see London Has Fallen and I liked it better than the first one. The action scenes were a bit better than the first and more intense, the lighting and cinematography improved quite a bit compared to Olympus and the scale was bigger.

To get a little more in depth on certain matters that I liked: Gerard Butler is made for this role, he makes for a very likable action hero that gets the job done. He did that in Olympus and now in this one he did it a bit better I think.

The rest of the actors also do a good job, nothing really great but I got why everyone of them had a motivation to be there.

As I said the action was better than the first and with that I mean there is a good build up and when it starts I was invested in the scenes and wanted Gerard Butler to kick ass.

There are some issues with it though. In Olympus Has Fallen and the trailer for this movie I already saw that the CGI was really bad. Some explosions look really fake and it's weird that they didn't put more effort into making that look better.

Also this movie, like Olympus, is very patriotic. I think Americans will like the movie more than the rest of the world. I didn't mind it too much (I'm Dutch) but other people might find it somewhat annoying. What is a bit weird though is that they casted a Scot (Butler) to play an American. And the guy just doesn't have a good American accent which is just a bit weird.

Also some other technical elements like editing, sound etc. were quite poor during parts of the movie but I didn't mind it that much.

So all in all it's a dumb fun action movie and I'd recommend watching it, 7/10.

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1 out of 1 people found the following review useful:

do not waste your money on this movie

Author: yehyazeid
10 March 2016

one of the worst movies i have watched, weak scenario, explosions like that application on the iPhone, RAMBO was back, add for that the childish imaging for the us president as the one who loves all the world. Olympus was far more powerful than this, at least there were suspense, in this movie you expect every move, you expect everything, and how the story will end. surprised how Morgan Freeman accepted this scenario or this movie, anyway, sometimes you watched a bad scenario because there is some good work on action scenes , but this one neither a good story nor good scenes. Finally to summarize, this was done for political reasons and to send a message to Europe for criticizing Muslims and enhance racism against others.

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4 out of 7 people found the following review useful:

Ridiculous but I liked it ....

Author: lorraineesimpson from United Kingdom
9 March 2016

I think with these things you have to judge and rate a movie according to its genre. This film lacks any kind of intelligent thought, dialogue or plot, it's a whole heap of silliness but "London has Fallen" is a good action movie. It does what it says on the tin. Fast-paced, violent, cliché-ridden, completely unrealistic - its everything you want and expect from this type of film.

Butler is made for this type of role - not only does he look the part he provides a bit of eye candy as well. He's Bond without the class, and that actually makes him more entertaining in some ways. He's the Bruce Willis of our time. I like him as an action hero.

There are no surprises in this film, Freeman is Vice-President, the Americans (of course) save London by identifying the location of the terrorists, Butler takes charge of the SAS and saves the President... I told you, it's a whole heap of silliness but enjoyable silliness nonetheless.

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6 out of 11 people found the following review useful:


Author: Muhammad Saqib Gulrez from Islamabad, pakistan
8 March 2016

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I must say, if you watch the first seen, just to target one you have killed thousands present in the weddings including children etc, i know its just a film and nothing to take with the real world, but this is actually you Americans are doing for sometime now, and once someone hits you back with a small thing you guys make a propaganda that you are being targeted, whereas the true fact is that so far you haven't been targeted but making target the whole Muslim community, now here in this movie you guys tried to make your Indian friends happy to include the names of ISI and Pakistan and I am quite hopeful you got the costumes used in the first few minutes of the movie from Indians, who will going to love it :)

But I must say the reality will not change, and one day what you are doing with others might turn back to you with full stack, as you might have heard to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, its never too late, let the world live peacefully and you can also take the same leverage but if you try to kill others children, others whole families like showed in few mins of the movie you will have to pay some day.

I know Indian and may be the publisher wont publish it but at least i tried to raise the voice against the wrong.

Have peace and let the world live in peace, that is the only way to bring peace in this sweet and wonderful world.

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12 out of 23 people found the following review useful:

waste of money and time

Author: attanew from Netherlands
7 March 2016

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I wasted my time watching this movie. I understand this is an action movie. But even for an action movie, you need to have a logic that makes sense to some degree. For example:

1. Everybody at MI6, is stupid and they need a field agent come and reconnect the system. 2. For f***sake, the president of the united state is under attack and there is no field agent (CIA) in entire London or nearby to help him! What about Germany, or the Netherlands, how about NATO! 3. There is a thing called marshal Law which is used for this kinda situations! " Oh we should do nothing and wait till our hero to kill everybody then we can take back London!" 4. In one of the absolute sh** part in the safe house, two MI6 field agents leave our hero and the president of the united states alone to fight, to go where? what could be more important than protecting the president?

I could go forever with this list! every part of the movie had these types of garbage

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1 out of 2 people found the following review useful:

A total loss of time!

Author: talal ak from United Arab Emirates
10 March 2016

I would advise everybody not to waste your valuable time watching this. I wounder how the actors Freeman and Butler have participated in this awful movie.

The usual story of the untouched hero comes back again and again. Tens of unnecessary scenes. After watching the movie, I still cannot understand what was the role of the New Scootland Yard's chief. You will feel that the terrorists are thousands in London without the knowledge of the Britsh intelligence department. Terrorists just spread the bombs in London like seeding a land! Does Hollywood become that poor in terms of production & scenario?

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2 out of 4 people found the following review useful:

Solid fun action movie

Author: mcnorrisaurus from United States
10 March 2016

Obviously LHF isn't gonna be in the same league of movies such as The Dark Night or The Revnant but having gone into this movie with 0 expectations, I was pleasantly surprised how good of a time I had. The story in this movie is fairly implausible but it makes up for this through its fast pacing and well shot action sequences. One shot in particular really impressed me because it was a very long moving shot of a fire fight with many soldiers on both sides and lots of special effects. That one shot in particular bumped my rating from 6 to a 7. It's not a great movie but if you want a good action movie with some likable characters, I definitely recommend this movie.

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