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Castle Season 8 Rick Vanishing Answers

Castle Recap: Serenity Now? What Was Really Behind Rick's 'Missing Time'?

Our (and, you know, Rick’s) long Castle nightmare is over.

In an episode that took the novelist/P.I. to Los Angeles and reunited Nathan Fillion with Firefly costar Summer Glau, viewers at long last got final resolution to the season-and-a-half-long mystery of Rick’s missing time. And it… is a doozy. (But we had been forewarned!)

When last touched upon in April 2015, Rick’s disappearance — which famously began just prior to his wedding — was in part explained as being due to an old prep school pal, Bilal Khan, breaking away from Al-Qaeda to turn himself over to U.S. intelligence. Bilal had demanded to surrender himself to trusted classmate-turned-high profile author Rick Castle, whose presence in Thailand was thus needed ASAP. After stepping in (and in doing so thwarting a terrorist attack), Castle’s memories were eventually “erased,” leaving him unable to account for his absence when he was found months later, adrift on a boat.

But what happened to him in the time in between Thailand and being found? One word: LokSat.

And here’s another word: Hayley. As in the investigator who first met Rick not a few months ago but a year-and-a-half ago, when CIA spook Jackson Hunt tasked the MI-6 freelancer with keeping an eye on his son, who had “gone rogue” in L.A. after the Thailand mishegas. Hayley lost track of Rick for a spell, and when next found him learned that he had been shot. He then begged her to lie about ever knowing him.

After that download, Hayley suggests that Rick let go of the issue, not knowing what “hell you might unleash,” and he agrees. For a moment. But at episode’s end, he decides not to let sleeping dogs lie, so Hayley points him toward a “dark net” safe to unlock. And when he does, he is presented with a video… of himself, explaining that he had found a connection between Senator Bracken and a partner dubbed “LokSat.” So inflammatory was this intel (bullet wound and all), Rick says in the video, he decided to have “their” memory erased, to protect Kate.

How he ended up on a boat? We don’t know.

Regardless, just like that, we learn that Rick’s missing time actually ties into the ongoing LokSat mystery, in that he was close to solving it 18 months ago but got spooked (and thus now feels guilt over Kate’s AG buddies getting snuffed). But now he and Hayley have a clue — the airport flights on the night Rick recorded that video to himself — to help Beckett crack this nut once… and… for… all!

Elsewhere, in the seemingly 57 minutes leading up to all of that….

Rick, Hayley and Alexis traveled to L.A. to investigate his recent memory “flashes,” where they quickly caught a case tied to a bi-coastal serial killer. (That allowed for occasional cutaways to RySpo back home, who were pranking Lanie about her new beau’s background check.) At stake for Rick in solving the case was an esteemed seat in the Greatest Detectives Society, provided he (and Hayley) could outwit Summer Glau’s character. Along the way, we learned that Hayley is at the very least bi, before Alexis stumbled across the fact that she was part of Rick’s missing time. (Hayley would later explain that she stuck around NYC because she grew fond of Rick and adored his daughter.) In the end, Rick was offered a place in the GDS, but he deferred — to instead keeping working with the best detective he knows, Kate Beckett.

What did you think of “The GDS” and the episode’s whopper of a reveal?

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  1. Kate says:

    Ugh. That’s about all I have to say about that episode.

    • Just one thing says:

      The moral of the story: Castle can lie to Kate to protect her at literally every turn, and it’s justified. Kate, under literally any circumstance concocted by (wo)man, cannot do the same to protect him.
      There’s more to it than that, but that’s the meat of it. Fatty meat, but y’know.

    • jahoney1 says:

      I had it on one of my TV’s for once. I glanced at it every now and then and what I saw I had the same feeling.

  2. Sam says:

    That was quite possibly one of the worst hours of television I have ever watched. What was that? If this was a spinoff pitch – absolutely not. If this was a filler episode – a clips show would have been better. This was miserable. Wow, didn’t realize Stana wanted out of so many eps this season. First time ever. Let the show end. These new showrunners have ruined the show. No question about it.

    • Sage says:

      Totally agree! I’m not sure what happened to the show we all loved.

      • Just one thing says:

        I think that’s a mystery we’re never gonna solve.

      • kath says:

        The new showrunners decided to revamp it. They wanted to split up Castle and Beckett because writing for a couople happily together was too hard and they wanted to put Castle into his own P.I. storylines with the Mary Sue characdters of Alexis and Hayley.instead of working with Beckett, Ryan, Esposito and Lainie.

        Don’t you love the New! Improved! Castle show? I really don’t.

    • AJR says:

      Why comment if you have nothing positive to say? So tired of all you “haters” out there. Go cry a river on someone else’s shoulders for a change.

      • Just one thing says:

        Your whining about other people’s whining is both ironic and silly.

        • Castlebuzz says:

          Thanks, JOT, for saving me the trouble of taking AJR down from her pedestal.
          AJR – here’s something positive. I’m glad, as I’ve been predicting, that Rick’s disappearance and LokSat/Bracken are linked. It was almost worth watching the ep for those few minutes of REVEAL.
          By: Not a Hater

      • jahoney1 says:

        So what. Not much positive to say about a show that took a summer and about two episodes to go from a highly rated tv show within the top 35 watched shows in the US to circling the drain and falling. You disagree with some of the other opinions out there again that is your choice. Whining about what others are saying corny, ironic, and really a bit sad. Everyone has a choice. Freewill and all.

      • Opinions matter says:

        It’s called a comment section, not a ‘write only positive thoughts here’ section which would clearly give a one-sided view of a tv show.
        A negative opinion is as valid as a positive, regardless of whether you agree with it or not.

    • jahoney1 says:

      I suspect that when negotiations went one two big things happened. Nathan gets I am guessing 100,000 per episode. If the national pay difference between men and women in the same position holds true for Castle my guess is that Stana makes around 82,000 per episode. There is a big pay difference between the two stars. So Stana I suspect negotiated for time off because of that pay difference and other life events in her life.
      This is the show that we would have gotten after season 4 if Hawley and Fillion had gotten their way.

      • Just one thing says:

        Not that I have a laminated copy of their contracts or anything, but I would bet my own monthly salary that they’re both making FAR more than $100k per ep at this point.
        But that’s really none of my business.

        • jahoney1 says:

          Of course I don’t have a contract in front of me. You are right of course that now they are making well north of that amount from what I remember are the season 3 numbers for Nathan that I have seen on the upper web. My biggest point is that I suspect that with the pay difference between the two stars and the events in Stana’s life she negotiated for all the time off. (I have not proof of this other than experiences during contract negotiations.)

  3. Anon says:

    That was the most pathetic episode ever.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Epic fail. Boring story. So far fetched. No Beckett at all….again!! Can’t believe the POS that this episode was.
    Fire Alexi Hawley now. Fix this Channing Dungey. Fix it or kill it. Unbelievable how bad this show has become.

  5. andreabettis says:

    Matt, I do t know how you kept it straight writing this article. Whew! That was a lot of info in two minutes… The article and the episode :) What an ending!

  6. Court says:

    Worst episode EVER! Only part I liked was the last 5 minutes

  7. TNT says:

    Well played..
    Good twist..

  8. Dj says:

    I loved seeing Summer and would like to see more of her. I also like the way they tied Rick missing time to loksat. Rick finding out was the first domino to fall. But how did he find out.

  9. Lauren says:

    Okay, I think I’m having a brain fart but when did we first learn about Loksat? Wasn’t it after rick’s disappearance? And therefore, wouldn’t the whole timeline be off?

  10. bob says:

    it was meh till the end but we know they end it in 8×16 so how different is the show gonna be

  11. ndixit says:

    So two of the worst plot lines this show has had turned out to be connected. What a surprise!!!!

  12. Whoa Nellie says:

    Warning. Chewing on this can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and rashes. You may experience an overwhelming desire to regain the hour you lost watching this. If these symptoms persist call your physician to have your memory erased immediately.

  13. Sad State says:

    And now we know how they plan on getting rid of Beckett / Stana Katic. The stage has now been firmly set for her exit and the spin off. She is going to be killed and written off. It’s very obvious and so easy to see if you open your eyes and look.

  14. Kaitlin says:

    I actually thought it was great! The mystery of the week and the great detective society stuff was so-so, but the twist that Hayley has known about Rick’s missing time ad then the twist that his time and LokSat are connected saved this season for me. I didn’t like the random addition of a new character(Hayley) but now that she has a real purpose it makes more sense. Hopefully we will see a full resolution of the missing time/LokSat case with Castle and Beckett working together.

  15. George H. says:

    Felt sloppy, like they rushed together a script without going through the editing process.

  16. Regina says:

    Yeah Matt, I wanted to know about the boat too…on the other side of the country.

  17. tbwrealestate says:

    I loved it. Felt like a classic Castle episode, even with Beckett there. Missed here but still enjoyed it.

    • Just one thing says:

      I’m curious what about this episode felt like “classic” Castle to you. Was it the primary location, the usual cast of characters, a clearly delineated A and B storyline?
      I haven’t watched “classic” Castle in some time, but you’re making me question my memory.

  18. annek says:

    Terrible, awful, brutal, boring. Apparently AH forgot that there is a character named Beckett on the show. Not even a phone call? Nothing while he is investigating his missing time (which he should be doing with his wife). Hayley is so annoying, yet has somehow become Castle’s best friend suddenly? If this is S9, good luck to them. Epic fail

  19. KLS says:

    What just happened?

  20. JImN says:

    Like so many of this season’s episodes this one was flat. I know they were filling in here while Stana went to Europe for 2 weeks or so, but it really, really felt like so many little skits glued together. This approach is very common this season. Then a LokSat reveal at the end, who cares? If this was supposed to be the big launch into Castle PI, it fizzled on the launch pad. For a real launch go to season 1 episode 1.

    Did like Laine and Ryan along with the psycho studio head.

    • Matt Webb Mitovich says:

      Castle, P.I. was a year ago. This is Castle: GDS. Keep up, please.

    • Castlebuzz says:

      Stana was available for filming this ep for 3-4 days out of the 8 it takes to complete an ep. Plenty of time to include a few brief Beckett scenes if the showrunners/writers had wanted to. All cast and crew had three weeks off at the holidays.

  21. Kristine S says:

    Not good. This may have been the last nail in the coffin for me and Castle.

  22. Lia says:

    The showrunners should know: no Caskett, no Castle. This episode shows it. It was awful, so boring. It took so long for Castle to remember Beckett. If this is the new show, I am not interested. I don’t care about Hayley and Alexis.
    I want Castle back. The show I fell in love with, the banter between Castle and Beckett. The good old times.
    The showrunners failed this show.

  23. kath says:

    What was that mess? The writer should be fired — except he’s the co-showrunner, which explains a lot about why this season has been so bad.

    If this was supposed to be a backdoor pilot, we needed more on Summer Glau’s and Gerald McRainey’s character, not to mention more about the club. That was the ‘D’ plot and I can’t get interested in that.

    The two-coast serial killer plot was interesting except there was never any explanation for why they become serial killers. Surely that was important too?

    I don’t mind Hayley but she and Alexis are not enough to interest me in watching the show. Beckett and Martha were sorely missed.

    Ryan and Espo pranking Lanie when she went to Ryan for help gets two thumbs down for me. Where is the the fire extinguisher I can turn on the writer? I loved Castle when it was about six characters supporting each other. You, Show, are not that Castle.

    Finally, the first time we heard that Castle tried to erase his memory was lame. This time 3rd? 4th? it’s the sorriest plot point ever. Someone on that show needs to realize that Castle can keep Beckett safer by remembering what went wrong and how to keep that from happening than all there “you made me promise to keep it from you”.

  24. DarkDefender says:

    That was an amazing hour of television. Best written episode of Castle since Veritas.
    GDS spinoff- yes, please.
    I love Caskett.. So much, but I have to say I did not miss Beckett tonight.
    Lanie killed it. The boys had it coming.

    • Sasquatch says:

      Amazing hour of TV?? Best written episode? What are you smoking over there?? This was terrible

      • Dave says:

        That was terrible television thought darkdefender was being sarcastic at first! Come on one of the best episodes ever??? Well at least now we know everyone can stop blaming Kate cause basically Castle is to blame for LokSat

  25. Just one thing says:

    Richard Castle is a super spy.
    Richard Castle is one of the greatest detective.
    Richard Castle was kidnapped because he alone was needed to save the world.
    Richard Castle saved the world while kidnapped and also saved his wife’s life.
    Richard Castle is officially, without a doubt, a post-modern Marty Stu.

  26. brad says:

    i wish someone would say why stana missed two episodes this season is nathan kicking her to the curb they never talk about each but he does with the other stars or does she really have days off in her contract

  27. Mari says:

    It’s really hard to watch these episodes l!! Where is the ABC president when we need her I had the tv on but just watched bits and pieces what I did watch was pretty gut wrenching. It’s too bad it has to end this way!

  28. The Librarian says:

    I remember the final season of “Moonlighting”….this feels so much like that. If it gets a 9th season (which I have my doubts) I am guessing we get a dozen episodes and that’s it.

    • jahoney1 says:

      Sadly Hawley and Fillion were so worried about the “Moonlight Curse” that they moonlight the show themselves. Marlowe, Miller, and Aman for the most part had the right balance in the show. ABC realistically would be wasting money to give this show another season. There was a reason that Paul Lee and the entire ABC leadership was let go (told to resign. If what I have read is true.)

  29. Teri says:

    The writers have to make due without Beckett when Stana is off doing whatever. She was gone and that is on her. So, there was a few good twists and Lanie finally getting more than 2 words was nice. Ryan and Espo good as usual. Alexis was smart and caring. That girl sure misses a lot of classes. Hayley is a good character. I did not want her to be bad, so I must like her more than I realized. This Loksat thing is mind numbing….I don’t get it. They talk about Jackson Hunt and I hope we see him again. I will rewatch to make more sense of it all.

  30. Anonymous says:

    My fear tomorrow is that this episode somehow gets decent ratings. They sold us a bill of goods and we East Coasters fell for it. It will just embolden AH/TPW/NF that this s–tty storytelling can continue unchecked.
    So Please. West Coasters! If you’re a Nielsen family like us, do not watch this crappy episode tonight. Anything but this.
    The Castle showrunners and ABC do not deserve our viewership or loyalty. They’ve shown none in return. Send a message. Loud and clear. Through the ratings. Only way to make this horrible train wreck stop.

  31. John NYC says:

    The secret society stuff didn’t do it for me. Even with my fondness for McRaney. Liked the case of the week and loved the 12th pranks and fallout and the Hayley reveals.

    That his dad had a hand in the mystery seemed preordained.

    Looking forward to Rick’s return to the best detective in the world. Presumably back from her honeymoon?

  32. lauri5567 says:

    I actually liked this episode as we didn’t hear about the world’s stupidest pretend separation. I was hoping that Hayley would turn out to be evil, but I guess there is still time.
    I thought the AG team was killed because of a hit in a query that Kate wrote. How does that mean Rick is to blame? OTOH, at least we have somehing that makes a little more sense of why Rick had his mind wiped. (Sense in a TV reality not real world reality way)

    • KLS says:

      Maybe a Rick feels guilty because he knew about LokSat 18 months ago. Couldn’t do anything about it and chose to hide from it.

  33. Et al. says:

    Well, now that Summer Glau has appeared, they can go ahead and cancel the show.

  34. Castlebuzz says:

    Just wondering. When the head of the GDS told off Rick and Kendall with the words “messy, boorish, and lacking sophistication,” was he talking about this and many other episodes this season?

    • Just one thing says:

      Kind of like when the studio exec said that he’s in charge now and they want to get back in the Richard Castle business…

  35. jahoney1 says:

    Ratings wise Castle is absolutely dead in the water. It would seem to make more economic sense for ABC to cancel the show and make better use of the syndication money that keeps coming in the the season 1-7 of truly classic Castle. This episode felt rushed to me like someone told the executive produces that the they needed to get this fixed fast because the new ABC leadership was seriously thinking about canceling the show.

  36. N says:

    I liked it
