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Your article is interesting but incomplete. It is too narrowed by your obvious insistence on reducing the history of Victoria to a few Creole families. Where are the Wovias, Bota-Islanders, Bota-landers and others who were in the Ambas Bay before the arrival of missionaries. Please read Ardener,s [An Eyewitness to the Annexation of Cameroon].
Thanks for bringing Victoria,s history out


Hi Peter,

I think your confusion stems from the fact that you do not realize that the boundaries Victoria of 1858 were much smaller than the boundaries of Victoria (Limbe) of 2006. Neither Bota island nor Bota land were part of the Victoria that Alfred Saker bought and on which he built his town. Mr. Burnley's narrative is about the land that the Baptist mission owned and nothing more.

Paul Mokake

Mola Burnley,
I read your article with interest. It contains part of the information I have been looking for in my research. While your concentration has been specifically on the founding of Victoria by Alfred Saker, I am looking for information on Joseph Merrick and the work he began.
Do you have more information on him? I have been to Jamaica in search of this and read most of the books presently available about his contribution to the church in Cameroon. Any assistance in this direction will be highly appreciated.

peter Manga

Hey, i did not say Victoria was bigger then than it is today. Infact i reacted to the article because it clearly states part of our history as natives of victoria. However, my remark was aimed at broadening the debate and so others could contribute interesting articles.
I am sorry if my reaction caused any bad feeling.
Keep it up brothers afterall what interests us is that our history should be known.

George Mbella Martin

Very interesting account of our history. As Victoria (now Limbe) prepares to celebrate 150 years of its existence, Joe Burnley's story certainly educates the young ones about this colourful past. For example, I am just learning that my grand old greatest great grandfather GEORGE LUMA MARTIN, was the first convert from Botaland. Like his descendants, he expressed love for his people by influencing the opening of the first school in Bota in 1869. Over the years, Botaland and Wovia have produced sons and daughters who are still contributing to the growth of our nation.
Thanks Joe Burnley.

Catherine Martin

Hello Joe,
Keep it up. I was asked by the church to come up with a history magazine to celebrate 150 years since Alfred Saker landed in Victoria and founded the church and town. The magazine is on sale now for 2,000frs a copy. It is entitled "The coming of the gospel to Victoria". Your mum encourage me and gave me some of your daddy's pictures of Rev Burnley and other early christians which I used. I will try and send some copies to you for you to perus. We have to get together and come up with more projects of this nature. People are very interested in this type of history. Any homecomers this christmas? Greet all.

Your aunty Nalowe

Patricia Baker

I am very interested in getting hold of a copy of the magazine you have recently produced called "The comng of the gospel to Victoria".
I am currently involved in our family history research and find that REVEREND ALFRED SAKER is my great great great grandfather, my great grandfather was born in Lagos c1869, so furiously trying to find any information relating to the family.
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards

Sam Sanderlin

Hi, I am also interested in the article "The coming of the gospel to Victoria". I will be in Cameroon in April or May. Where can I pick up a copy?



Perhaps, when you go to Victoria aka Limbe, you contact the Burnley Family. They are still there in Victoria.

Sam Sanderlin

Thanks, I will look up Burnleys and look forward to meeting them. I just found a copy of the 100 year anniversary of Victory and would be interested in the 150 year article as well.
Also, for those interested, Bibliolife just started reprinting Joseph Merrick's memoir which was written by John Clarke in 1850. The title of the reprint is called "Memoir of Richard Merrick: Missionary in Jamaica." The memoir starts out about Richard, Joseph's father. Part two of the memoir is about Joseph Merrick and Cameroon.


Hi there
Thank you for the information on beautiful Limbe (Victoria) and it's rich history!
I am a missionary kid who grew up in Cameroon, in Kumba. I've been back in Switzerland for over 20 years, but now and again I feel homesick for my second home. Recently, my memory took me back to Limbe, where we used to spend our easter holiday. I have been searching the web for a photo of the house, but sofar I haven't been successful. Perhaps you can help me. I think we used to call it "the Alfred Saker House". It was a big colonial type house with a nice veranda overlooking the sea, right by the river (was it Missouri?). If you could help me to find a photo of the house - or even put one on your website, I would be thrilled. I would just love to see the house again and show it to my husband. Perhaps one day, we will be able to visit, but at the moment it's not possible, as we have two little children. Maybe, when they're older...?
Thank you for having read all that!
God bless you!
yours sincerely,

Ngale Ewoko

It was nice for me to see the oragine of my county and my village in full deatails.Thanks to all who made effort to bring it out for people like us who did not know more about it.

Sam Sanderlin

Just got back from visiting Limbe where we were able to see the Saker monument and visit with an associate pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church. We bought several copies of the above mentioned magazine history from the church. Great job!!

Janet Saker

To Patricia Baker, Alfred Saker is my great great uncle, so he and Alfred would have been brothers, have you been able to trace the family tree back any more generations than their father John? If so, perhaps we could share information?

Patricia Baker

For Janet Saker - Hi Janet, I would love to catch up and share, I have got back to parents John and Sarah and might be back a bit futher but sometimes it is hard to confirm

Nalowe Martin

Hello Sam Sanderlin, I am happy you bought some copies of the magazine I produced during the celebration of Alfred Saker to Victoria. Last Year, towards the end of the year, the town of Victoria, now Limbe celebrated 150 years. I was involved in the depicting of the coming of Alfred Saker to Victoria. It was very interesting. The town of Victoria came out to watch the beautiful scenery and acting. There is a video that will be coming out pretty soon, in the next couple of weeks. All those interested should respond and directions will be given on how to obtain copies of this video. The town had three days of celebration and other activities like: beauty contest, canoe race, church musical competitions, presentation of the different dance groups especially the native dance groups of the surrounding villages of Victoria, carnival parade, musical show involving about 15 different musicians,and many more. It ended with a gala night at the Fini hotel.
Concerning the magazine I wrote for the church, it can be purchased through the Ebenezer Baptist church, Limbe. There are many more copies available. The church has pictures of Alfred Saker when he landed at the shores of victoria. There are pictures of the 50 and 100 years celebrations taken by the beach of Victoria. Very interesting information for all to know.

Mrs L Jones

I am conducting family history research and concentrating on someone who apparently died in Bota in June 1964. His death was described as "immersion". Do you think this would have been reported in the media of the time and are there any archives available. I'd be very grateful for any help I can get on this, so look forward to a reply.


Manfred Schläfcke

I found this article most interesting. My grandfather lived at Viktoria and Kribi in the years 1901-1907 as a merchant of the Woermann-Faktorei. Does this Faktoryhouse exist until today? If there is somebody, who can send me a Photo of this House, I would send to him a Photo of the Year 1901, which had taken my grandfather, and twenty Euro for the work.
Please answer me. My adress is:
Manfred Schläfcke,
Buchwaldstraße 64,
D-22143 Hamburg,

janet saker

Hi Paricia, have been talking today to other relatives here in Australia (family funeral), who have also been researching, and no-one seems to be able to get back further than John and Sarah, I can let you know the Austalian connections if you are interested, where are you located?

Timothy Reynolds

I am the pastor of Borough Green Baptist Church in Kent and I am doing research into the life of Alfred Saker. Alfred Saker was born in Borough Green in 1814 and baptised in the church of which I am the pastor. We have two grave stones in the burial ground with Saker on - one for John Saker, the other for Remelian Saker. It looks as if the one for John could have been Alfred's brother (he had two brothers, John and Mark).

Sam Sanderlin

Hi Pastor Reynolds,

Is it possible to get a few digital pictures of your church along with some pictures of any other interesting Saker sites? Not sure if you can post them for all to enjoy? Thanks,

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