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IMDb > Leland Goines (Character)
Leland Goines
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Leland Goines (Character)
from "12 Monkeys" (2015)

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12 Monkeys: :  -- Follows the journey of a time traveler from the post-apocalyptic future who appears in present day on a mission to locate and eradicate the source of a deadly plague that will eventually decimate the human race.
12 Monkeys: :  -- A TV program that follows the journey of a time traveler from the post-apocalyptic future who appears in present day on a mission to locate and eradicate the source of a deadly plague that will eventually decimate the human race.
12 Monkeys: :  -- Utilizing a dangerous and untested method of time travel, a man from the post-apocalyptic future travels to the present day on a mission to locate and eradicate the source of a deadly plague that will eventually decimate the human race.

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Leland Goines was born on December 3, 1958 in Red Bank... See more »


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  1. "12 Monkeys"
        - Shonin (2015) TV episode, Played by Zeljko Ivanek
        - Pilot (2015) TV episode, Played by Zeljko Ivanek

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Fun Stuff

From "12 Monkeys: Pilot (#1.1)" (2015)
Leland Goines: You can't kill me, Cole... 'cause that would you'd... you'd have no reason to come for me in the first place.
[Cole guns him down]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: He's dead. But you're still here.
James Cole: No. No, no. That doesn't make any sense. That doesn't make any sense. He...
[shouts at Goines]
James Cole: How is that possible?
[in a calmer tone]
James Cole: How is that possible?
See more »

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