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    Brother Of Slain Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers Endorses Donald Trump

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    Donald Trump Visits Turnberry Golf ClubDonald Trump Visits Turnberry Golf Club

    Source: Ian MacNicol / Getty

    Perhaps now is the time to pack it all up and just wait for the frogs to rain down from the sky.

    According to the Jackson Clarion LedgerCharles Evers, brother to slain Civil Rights leader Medgar Evers, has officially endorsed Donald Trump for president days before the Miss. primary. 

    Yes, you read that right.

    The 93-year old told the press that Trump is exactly what Mississippi needs to get back on its economic feet. “I believe in him first of all because he’s a businessman. I think jobs are badly needed in Mississippi,” he said.

    One way to jumpstart the economy is to ask Trump to bring catfish farms back to the Magnolia state. “Our catfish is shipped to China and brought back for us to buy. Put a catfish farm here,” Evers says. 

    Even if Trump promises to make that a reality, let’s also keep in mind that he has sworn to build a wall around the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it (#NotGonnaHappen). Also, not to be a buzzkill, but one or two catfish farms won’t solve the state’s jobs and poverty crisis.

    But I digress, because there is more foolishness on the forefront.

    When pressed how Evers could even support Trump, pointing out a recent incident where 30 African-American students were kicked out of a Trump rally in Valdosta, Georgia, Evers replied, “I haven’t seen any proof of him being a racist…all of us have some racism in us. Even me.”

    First, Mr. Evers, no disrespect, you can be prejudiced, but you cannot be racist. Racism is about power and control. None of which people of color in the United States have. And second, what do you mean you haven’t seen “any proof of Trump being racist?”

    Let’s take a stroll down memory lane.

    Since Trump began his run for President, he has been the King of spouting off extremely racist and dangerous statements. There were his ridiculous comments that Mexican immigrants that come into the U.S. are mostly “rapists” and “criminals.” Or his proposed xenophobic policies where he would ban Muslims from coming into the U.S. Or when he got on FOX News bragging that he would instruct the U.S. military to kill the families of terrorists. Like really? We’re into killing innocent people to prove a point?

    And just this week on CNN, Trump stalled to denounce the KKK and disavow David Duke’s endorsement on some “I don’t know him or anything about white supremacists” shtick.

    Maybe it’s just me, but there is something quite ironic and infuriating to see Evers, whose very own brother was shot and killed by the KKK, proudly endorse a man like Trump, in the state of Mississippi of all places. How can Evers who led numerous demonstrations on behalf of the NAACP, endorse a man who continues to dupe white America by pedaling hate crack to anyone in need of a fix, promising them a world where men like Evers would 3/5 a person?

    No Sir.

    Just #StayWoke you’all and remember that our skinfolk ain’t always our kinfolk.

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    Originally seen on http://hellobeautiful.com/

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