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IMDb > Jackson 'Jackie' Cahill (Character)
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Jackson 'Jackie' Cahill (Character)
from "The Practice" (1997)

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  1. "The Practice"
        - Public Servants (2001) TV episode, Played by Doug Hutchison
        - Poor Richard's Almanac (2001) TV episode, Played by Doug Hutchison

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From "The Practice: Poor Richard's Almanac (#5.21)" (2001)
Bobby Donnell: We can't put him up there.
Jackson 'Jackie' Cahill: It's still an alibi. They can't prove he's lying, which he isn't.
Ellenor Frutt: They wouldn't have to prove he's lying. He looks like it, he sounds like it, he - he personifies dishonesty, and by putting him up there, we would be helping the prosecution, trust me.
Jackson 'Jackie' Cahill: Why the hell didn't you protect him? You should have been objecting or something.
Bobby Donnell: The questions weren't objectionable, and it was a discovery. Look, 30 years is better than life, if it's still on the table.
Jackson 'Jackie' Cahill: No!
Bobby Donnell: Try to get this - we got no rabbits to pull.
Jackson 'Jackie' Cahill: What about your plan "b" strategy?
Bobby Donnell: A witness saw you pull the trigger. Plus this DA and he knows us. And I know him, he is not going to drop the ball. We cannot win this case.
Jackson 'Jackie' Cahill: All right. Let me think about. Can I think about it?
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