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Julie (Character)
from The Hole (2009)

The content of this page was created by users. It has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff.
Photos (See all 5 | slideshow) Related Videos (see all 7)
The Hole -- A pair of brothers stumble upon a mysterious hole in their basement that leads to the darkest corridors of their fears and nightmares.
The Hole -- After moving into a new neighborhood, brothers Dane and Lucas, along with their neighbor Julie, discover a bottomless hole in the basement of their home. They find that once the hole is exposed, evil is unleashed - forcing them to face  their darkest fears to put an end to the mystery.
The Hole -- Clip: Pool
The Hole -- The Hole: DVD Trailer
The Hole -- A pair of brothers stumble upon a mysterious hole in their basement that leads to the darkest corridors of their fears and nightmares.

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Jump to filmography: Archive Footage
  1. The Hole (2009) Played by Haley Bennett
    ... aka "The Hole 3D" - USA (3-D version)
Archive Footage:
  1. The Hole: The Keeper of the Hole (2010) (V) Played by Haley Bennett
  2. The Hole: The Third Dimension (2010) (V) Played by Haley Bennett
  3. Gateway to Hell: The Making of 'The Hole' (2010) (V) Played by Haley Bennett

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Fun Stuff

From The Hole (2009)
Julie: I know what you've got. You've got a gateway to hell under your house. And that is really cool. See more »

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