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Sailor Moon (TV Series 1992–1997) Poster


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It's one of those things.
lakenstein14 December 2004
You know.. in life there are many things we like but can never truly tell anyone why. This is one of them. I know I commented on the dub before (and it's entertaining because of how cheesy it is) and I'm not that big of a fan of anime... yet there is SOMETHING i can never put my finger on. I just like it. I really do. I don't see it as a guilty pleasure or anything It's just one of those things I cannot explain for the life of me why I like. I SHOULD think it's stupid. I SHOULD think it's not that good, yet I don't. Something about this oddly charming little piece of japanamation has stolen my heart (no not really) and I really really enjoy it. I guess i'd give you a recommendation to see it. I don't care if you actually do go watch it.
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Pure anime classic
Rirath_com10 February 2003
Now I know just about everyone to ever watch an anime has seen Sailor Moon. In fact, it started the vast majority of Gen Y on their first true anime series. But how many are actually true fans of this show? I for one, am. And I'm far from alone. After giving it some serious thought and thinking about the absolute tons of anime I've seen over the years, I can honestly say Sailor Moon is my favorite anime. And it wasn't the first one I saw.

The characters are just simply so easy to adore and admire. There's a personality for everyone to relate to, and each character has their own nuances. The show is an excellent comedy, yet manages to maintain plenty of action. What really makes it unique is the romantic story though and that no matter how silly things get, the story never fails to really hit home.

From Usagi's daily life to the trials between the scouts, from the newest threat to the romance between various characters... it always stays completely believable no matter how many sci-fi elements are mixed in. It's never dull, and it's always very touching.

I truly believe Sailor Moon is a absolute gem of an anime series that no one should miss. The character designs are so detailed it's amazing. From the transformations to the outfits and even the attacks, it's really so very unique that it's never been truly duplicated and certainly never surpassed. Sailor Moon sets many standards in anime and should be held in high regard.

The music is forever etched into my skull, and rightfully so. It moves so effortlessly from romantic to all out action beats. You won't forget this shows music, and the stories and animation wouldn't be half as heart felt without it. It really completes the experience.

The character and story development is nearly unmatched, you literally get a birds eye view of nearly the entire lives of the characters. By the end of the series I had literally grown up with them. As the team grows in power, new members arrive, new threats appear the wow factor only gets stronger and stronger. Unlike so many long term animes that get the first season right then go downhill, Sailor Moon only gets better and better with each passing episode and the story only becomes stronger.

It's really ashame how many people pass this off as some second rate anime to be shunned. It's a true work of art and many, many people have fought to help bring it to the US shores. Who can forget the S.O.S. campaigns... Pop-tarts, anyone? And for the most part, we won. With all three movies and most of the series, it wasn't a bad break.

As for Sailor Stars, I've read the saga and I've seen some of the important events and can honestly say that it's a darn shame that it'll probably never see the light of day in the US.

I'm not going to even get into the Sub VS Dub debate, just about every early translated anime has the same argument over and over again. Suffice to say that the early Dubs have a lot of hacks done to them to make them perfect in every way for the parents to allow their kids to watch them. Yes, it sucks... but it was the times back then. If you don't like the dubs, don't buy them. But the story is still there and the VA's are actually quite good despite some funny quirks over the seasons like new VA's taking over. Some folks can deal, some can't. I personally enjoy both.

I'm also not really trying to convert anyone who dislikes or only barely acknowledges how good this series is. As usual, it's purely their loss. If you've heard about the show, or maybe have only seen a few episodes... give it a shot. You may just find an anime worthy of the highest praise sitting right under your nose the whole time.

If ever there was an anime for the whole family, this is it. And please don't buy in to that ridiculous nonsense about it being a girls only anime... believe me, I've seen that type and this isn't it. If you honestly can't enjoy the romance, stick around for the action, the story, and the cutest anime characters ever drawn.

  • Rirath.com
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Reading through the lines... The Unlearned Lessons
Usagi Tsukino 178111 April 2002
Bishôjo Senshi Sailormoon is my favorite Japanese Anime of all times. The only way I will watch it is in the original with English sub-titles, because I can't stand what DIC did to it. If you want to see people with pure hearts, and who do what they have to do to save the world then Sailor Moon is the anime for you.

Usagi may be everything that people (heroines) shouldn't be; a glutton, crybaby, boy chaser, who only wants to eat sweets, do things for free, and read manga but she is the purest in the group. She would give her life time and time again to protect her friends, family, and the world. The rest of the Senshi have their flaws and good points as well.

Really those who complain that it's a bad anime should watch it closer and read through the unwritten lines. There are things here that are barely seen in the real world anymore; loyalty, unconditional love, and doing the right thing for the right reason.

Try and see that even though these girls aren't perfect, they are the perfect heroines. They are very real, with human flaws. You see people like them everyday. Even though you can't see the hero in them it's there for those perceptive enough.
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Absolutely Beautiful Series
junebug0583 October 2000
This is the best series in Sailor Moon, with Sailor Stars in a close second, Classic third, and SuperS and Return last. Surprisingly, this one is much more mature than Return, Classic, and even SuperS. Rei has a dream of the oncoming silence, and witnesses death all around her. Unfortunately, she keeps this to herself, until the end of the season, when all of her sadness comes pouring out. This series marks the debut of Sailor Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn. Chibi-usa also plays a much bigger part here, too, as she befriends Hotaru and awakens the truth within. The relationship between Uranus and Neptune is beautiful, and is probably one of the reasons this series has fared so well. For those of you out there who have only seen the dub, and not the Japanese version, you are missing quite a bit. The biggest and most noticeable change is that in the dub Uranus and Neptune are cousins, however, in the original, they are lesbians. There is also more death and violence in the original. Themes that are covered in this season are friendship & kindness, death & sorrow, rebirth & reincarnation, and the fact that love can triumth over all. Those of you dubbies out there should try to find yourselves a fansub of this series..you're missing out! My rating: 10 out of 10...perfect!
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Great introduction of an epic story.
Andy Pham26 February 2002
The first season of Sailor Moon starts with the crybaby Usagi meeting a mysterious talking cat, Luna. Luna senses that the 14 year-old girl is the soldier of love and justice and offers Usagi a special broach that allows her to transform into Sailor Moon! The storyline may seem a bit repetitive at times (with the Dark Kingdom's main goal is to steal energy at first, then get their hands on the elusive Ginzuishou), but get rid of the filler episodes, and you get an amazing epic of the moon princess and her soldiers being reborn on Earth after a disaster had befallen on the Moon Kingdom over a millenium ago.

Besides Sailor Moon, the other four sailor senshi make their grand entrances as well as Tuxedo Kamen, a rather two-dimensional character who saves Sailor Moon in times of crises by throwing his trademark rose at his enemies.

The music is certainly worth listening to as it captures the clumsiness of Usagi at first to its seriousness and beauty of her becoming a soldier of love.

The animation may seem a bit subpar at times but that has improved in later seasons. One of the many trademarks of this series is its impressive attack and transformation sequences that are really just pleasureable to watch and admire.

If you have only seen the dubbed version of this series, I suggest you find a way of getting the original episodes, subtitled. You get the sense of the deeper romance, emotion, as well as the great battles and a more mature dialogue of these young girls who attempt to balance their own wacky teenage lives with their duties as soldiers. The final two episodes of the first season of Sailor Moon are by far the best episodes of all the five seasons.

-Highly recommended- 8/10
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With fun characters, engaging plotlines, and humor/heart, Sailor Moon is an endearing shojo classic
IonicBreezeMachine3 November 2021
14 year old underachieving middle school student, Usagi Tsukino(Serena Tsukino in the Dic dub), is a good natured but unmotivated klutz who's prone to flights of fantasy that are often romantic in nature. After saving a black cat with a moon symbol on her forehead named Luna, Luna eventually reveals she can talk and bestows Usagi with magical powers that give her the powers and appearance as superhero Sailor Moon, which she uses to fight against monsters that prey upon humans and their energy. Usagi is often assisted by the enigmatic Tuxedo Mask and eventually recruits other Sailor Guardians (Sailor Scouts in the Dic dub) to fight against foes that are magical, extraterrestrial, or interdimensional in nature.

Beginning broadcast in Japan in 1992 and localized by Dic in 1995, Sailor Moon is without question alongside Dragon Ball Z one of the most widely known anime of all time. Adapted from the manga of the same name by Naoko Takeuchi the series became quite popular in its native Japan with its intended run of only 6 months stretching to five years due to the immense success it experienced. The show is credited with revitalizing the magical girl genre by incorporated tropes and motifs associated with henshin hero shows like Kamen Rider and Super Sentai and mixing them with more traditional shojo trappings like romance. While Sailor Moon did achieve quite a lot of popularity internationally by 1993 with footholds in other parts of Asia, western and eastern Europe, as well as South America, the series struggled to get a foothold in the United States due to being sold in syndication and aired in "dead spots" such as 9am and 2pm on weekdays where it wasn't reaching its target audience. While Dic was motivated to localize the series to capitalize on the success of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, ratings for the show were decent in Canada and scant in the United States with toy tie-in sales being underwhelming. The show despite being canceled partway through the broadcast of its second season, Sailor Moon R, the series did generate a strong enough base where a online petition calling for continuation of the dub (in one of the earliest fan driven campaigns to save a show by way of the internet) and the series was given a second life on USA Network complete with the remaining episodes of Sailor Moon R and eventually achieved further exposure by way of Cartoon Network's Toonami block which broadcast further dubbed sailor moon seasons Sailor Moon S and Super S. The series has continued to resonate with its base all these years late, and rightly so because it knows how to hit all the right beats.

The show at its core is 70% slice of life/sitcom with Usagi (Serena) having some type of dilemma (usually with poor grades, romantic meddling, or her social life) and working through these issues with her friends such as Naru (Molly in the Dic dub), Umino (Melvin in the Dic dub) or other Sailor Guardians in their civilian identities. These parts of the episodes are very comedically focused usually with Usagi being annoyed by her level headed foil Momoru (Darien) who often chides her for her clumsiness and absentmindedness. There's many allusions to works involving romance or love throughout the series from Grimm Faerie Tales to the likes of Jane Austen's works. Usagi could even be seen as being something of a superhero parallel to Austen's character Emma Woodhouse in her tendency of "playing cupid" for friends and acquaintances and even her interactions with Momoru/Darien are reminiscent of the interactions between Emma and Mr. Knightley with Momoru/Darien serving as Usagi/Serena's "critic" with him simultaneously admiring her dreams but also critiquing her on her lack of responsibility/drive. The remaining 30% of the series is where we get the action/hero elements with monsters of the day usually donning some sort of disguise where they'll assume some community role (usually in some sort of business/event) that will relate to Usagi's social/familial/academic situation. The villains are enjoyably over the top in terms of the "monster of the day", while the longer running villains are either enjoyably wicked or given engaging arcs where they reveal themselves having more humanity than originally thought. While many villains are destroyed, some villains are given redemption while some characters operate in moral gray zones such as the Sailor Moon S arc wherein they introduced the concept of competing Sailor Guardians whose views didn't align with the main ones.

The series is also noted for its LGBTQ elements with the likes of characters such as Zoisite, Kunzite, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Fish's Eye all falling under this umbrella in one fashion or another. While many of these elements were reduced or even eliminated in the Dic Dub with things such as gender swapping the dub actors (or making Uranus and Neptune cousins) elements were able to creep in with Zoisite despite being gender swapped to a woman not being a standard body type for a woman with her more masculine appearance. There's loads of discussion that can be had regarding these elements and their erasure from the initial dub, but Sailor Moon's inclusion of these elements (even as watered down as they were in the dub) could be credited with helping to open the door for inclusion of other such characters in other animated series that were inspired by Sailor Moon and its success.

The series isn't flawless as the series has become the subject of parody for its heavily formulaic episodes and recycling of animation (as typical for this type of series and seen in similar series like Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball Z) and many of the arcs of Sailor Moon despite shaking up the formula did find themselves often being very similar to previous arcs. The show also did feel like it struggled to keep dramatic tension alive between Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask particularly after Sailor Moon R and other Sailor Guardians seemed like relationships and plot threads were being established for future payoff only for these threads to never really be followed through on.

Sailor Moon works because it does a good job of mixing both passionate and melodramatic romance with exciting action/adventure elements. The series creates a wide array of characters both heroes, villains, and in between and for the most part uses the elements and characters it creates to maximum effect. While it often feels like some elements are underdeveloped and the formula is pretty predictable even in terms of the meta-narrative, the series is funny, engaging, sweet, and fun.
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Please See the Original!
naia_zifu24 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The original (Japanese) version of this show is hands-down, no comparison, superior in all ways over the dub! Not only did the dub assign silly names and even sillier voices, but they changed the plot, characters' personalities and relationships to one another, and in some cases, even gender! Dub-only viewers may never know Usagi and Rei are actually best friends, Kunzite and Zoisite (who is male in the original) are gay lovers, that the Senshi die tragically in the end of this series. . . and that's just the beginning (literally, as this reviews only of the first series. . . got a lot of work ahead of me :-P )! Dub rant over for now, my review of the original: The animation is a bit more primitive here than in future series, probably due to age and budget, but still looks pretty good. The pacing is a bit slow, but on the upside, we get to see more of the characters' home and school lives that way. Umino and Naru rock, so enjoy them now before they're phased out! But what stands out most in my mind is Kunzite and Zoisite's relationship, which is truly beautiful despite their evil nature. In the manga that inspired the series, Kunzite was only his mentor, but I think the relationship is a great addition, as it really makes you care about these two villains in a way you might never have done otherwise.
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One of the best seasons
megawhoosits25 June 2003
By far, this was the best season. The animation was far superior than the rest of the series, and the story and emotion are far more intense. It contains the usual-type Sailor Moon plot, but makes light of itself often (Sailor Iron-Mouse is absolutely hilarious) and this deals with issues that the girls run into in highschool. Makes for a good watch, especially for seasoned Sailor Moon fans that want to find out what will happen.

Obviously, if you've never enjoyed Shoujo before, you may not enjoy this one. Sailor Moon is, after all, one of the animes that pioneered the genre.
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greatest thing on DVD ever!!!
anime_sm5 January 2006
BEST SERIES OF ANYTHING EVER!!! That sums it up. But it doesn't. There is so much more, so much more interest! I love it so much! This is the best series of Sailor Moon as you just read, but it really is. It finishes off the whole Nehelenia thing and introduce Galaxia - makes clear the WHOLE plot of sailor moon ie why all the soldiers were awakened in the first place. The ending episode is also a great way to end the show. However it leaves you feeling upset that there are no more :(.

Anyway, in this season, I cried and laughed so much and got completely filled up with tension. But in the final episodes, the battles against Galaxia were amazing. Every time someone tried to destroy Galaxia and it looked like it was working I was like 'NOOOO - it can't end like that, that's not good enough!' but the real ending is absolutely AMAZING and Unforgettable!!! I really recommend this to every Sailor Moon fan out there. Oh and I forgot to say about the whole Starlight thing - the big Seiya thing is sooooo cute. I wish I was like Usagi! Nice guys falling in love with me and everyone is her friend! Ahhh! SO WATCH SAILORSTARS and be ready for the GREATEST THING ON DVD!!!
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It's My favorite anime of Maho Shojo
gester-8770413 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sailor Moon because she is the best of the Magical Girls, because in the first season: Usagi Tsukino is a 14-year-old girl who found a cat called Luna and that cat gives her a brooch to transform saying: "Moon Prism Power, Make Up", because her mission is to find the Silver Crystal and she meet to Ami Mizuno who became Sailor Mercury and is the Sailor of Water and the Wisdom, Rei Hino who became Sailor Mars and is the Sailor of Fire and the War, Makoto Kino who became Sailor Jupiter and is the Sailor of Lightning and the Bravery and Minako Aino who became Sailor Venus and is the Sailor of Love and the Beauty, and also to Mamoru Chiba who became Tuxedo Mask, who is the guardian of the Earth, and was able to defeat the villains of the dark kingdom and Saved the Earth, in the second season he has to defeat some new villains called Alan and Ann because they steal energy from the inhabitants and gets a new brooch that has the Crystal of P can and says: "Moon Crystal Power, Make Up" and managed to defeat Alan and Ann, and some time later Chibiusa is known who came from the Future to save her Mother and new villains called The Black Moon Clan arrived who wanted to steal the Crystal of Silver and that is why they wanted to capture Chibiusa, also Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba discovered that Chibiusa turns out to be their daughter and that is why the villains wanted to kill Chibiusa, but they were defeated because the Sailor Scouts of the Inner Solar System defended the Earth from the Villains of the Black Moon and Chibiusa Clan returns home and saw that his mother recovered, in the third season, new villains called The Death Hunters arrived because they wanted to steal pure hearts and Usagi Tsukino got a new brooch that has to say: "Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up", also Chibiusa returned who became Sailor Chibi Moon to be trained for a perfect Sailor Scout, in addition they met the Sailor Scouts of the System External Solar who were Haruka Tenou who became Sailor Uranus and is the Sailor of Heaven, Michiru Kaiou who became Sailor Neptune and is the Sailor of the Oceans, Setsuna Meiou who became Sailor Pluto and is the Sailor of Time and Hotaru Tomoe who became Sailor Saturn and is the Sailor of Silence and Destruction, in addition Usagi Tsukino got the Moon Cup that transforms into Super Sailor Moon, saying: "Crisis Make Up", and all the Sailor Scouts defeated the Hunters of Death and they managed to save Earth, and in the end the Sailor Scouts of the External Solar System leave, in the fourth season new villains arrived from a circus called Dead Moon Circus and were formed by Neherenia, Zirconia, Trio of the Amazons and Quartet of the Amazons, there is also a pegasus called Helios and it gives new powers to the Sailor Scouts, so Usagi Tsukino and Chibiusa transform with brooches saying together: "Moon Crisis, Make Up", andIn addition, the Pegasus Helios gives new powers to the Sailor Scouts of the Inner Solar System: Sailor Mercury: "Mercury, Aqua Rhapsody", Sailor Mars: "Mars, Flame Sniper", Sailor Jupiter: "Jupiter, Oak Evolution" and Sailor Venus: "Venus, Love and Beauty Shock" and they defeated all the members of the Dead Moon Circus and saved the Earth and in the fifth season, the Sailor Scouts from the Outer Solar System returned to defeat Neherenia, and joined their powers to transform Sailor Moon into Eternal Sailor Moon, that's why Sailor Moon had the powers of all planets and transforms saying: "Moon Eternal, Make Up" and Chibiusa returns home in the XXX century, then Mamoru Chiba goes to the United States to continue their studies and the Sailor Star Lights arrived to search for Princess Kakkuyu and restore her planet and also the Sailor Animamates who steal starseeds arrived and Sailor Moon restored them, the Sailor Animamates went to killed by Sailor Galaxia for all the failures, and some time later Sailor Moon and the Star Lights joined forces to defeat Sailor Galaxia, but Sailor Moon didn't want to kill Sailor Galaxia and the Light of Hope was born and later she defeated Sailor Galaxia by eliminating the Chaos of her body and Sailor Galaxia became good and all the Sailor Scouts and Mamoru Chiba arrived and everything returned to normal and The Sailor Star Lights and Princess Kakkuyu returned to their home planet and Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba talk about their love and their Future. Sailor Moon is the best anime of Shojo.
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a must see even for those who aren't SM fans
rikkuxeynjell9 November 2004
I've first seen this season around the year 1998-1999. I was so desperate that I downloaded it off the internet with my 56k slow modem every night.

Then last year, I finally bought the VCD which isn't that bad in quality. It was simply the best. The opening song is of course different compared to the last other seasons. There are more actions and side stories. It's not just "one day, Sailormoon fights evil and wins, period."

Also, you've got to love the new characters. Seiya Kou is a hot-tie. =) When compare to the other seasons, this is obviously the best next to Sailor Moon S (the Saturn saga). ^_^
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Happy 30th Aniversary un Japan, Sailor Moon
guzmanchumino13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sailor Moon because she is the best of the Magical Girls, because in the first season: Usagi Tsukino is a 14-year-old girl who found a cat called Luna and that cat gives her a brooch to transform saying: "Moon Prism Power, Make Up", because her mission is to find the Silver Crystal and she meet to Ami Mizuno who became Sailor Mercury and is the Sailor of Water and the Wisdom, Rei Hino who became Sailor Mars and is the Sailor of Fire and the War, Makoto Kino who became Sailor Jupiter and is the Sailor of Lightning and the Bravery and Minako Aino who became Sailor Venus and is the Sailor of Love and the Beauty, and also to Mamoru Chiba who became Tuxedo Mask, who is the guardian of the Earth, and was able to defeat the villains of the dark kingdom and Saved the Earth, in the second season he has to defeat some new villains called Alan and Ann because they steal energy from the inhabitants and gets a new brooch that has the Crystal of P can and says: "Moon Crystal Power, Make Up" and managed to defeat Alan and Ann, and some time later Chibiusa is known who came from the Future to save her Mother and new villains called The Black Moon Clan arrived who wanted to steal the Crystal of Silver and that is why they wanted to capture Chibiusa, also Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba discovered that Chibiusa turns out to be their daughter and that is why the villains wanted to kill Chibiusa, but they were defeated because the Sailor Scouts of the Inner Solar System defended the Earth from the Villains of the Black Moon and Chibiusa Clan returns home and saw that his mother recovered, in the third season, new villains called The Death Hunters arrived because they wanted to steal pure hearts and Usagi Tsukino got a new brooch that has to say: "Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up", also Chibiusa returned who became Sailor Chibi Moon to be trained for a perfect Sailor Scout, in addition they met the Sailor Scouts of the System External Solar who were Haruka Tenou who became Sailor Uranus and is the Sailor of Heaven, Michiru Kaiou who became Sailor Neptune and is the Sailor of the Oceans, Setsuna Meiou who became Sailor Pluto and is the Sailor of Time and Hotaru Tomoe who became Sailor Saturn and is the Sailor of Silence and Destruction, in addition Usagi Tsukino got the Moon Cup that transforms into Super Sailor Moon, saying: "Crisis Make Up", and all the Sailor Scouts defeated the Hunters of Death and they managed to save Earth, and in the end the Sailor Scouts of the External Solar System leave, in the fourth season new villains arrived from a circus called Dead Moon Circus and were formed by Neherenia, Zirconia, Trio of the Amazons and Quartet of the Amazons, there is also a pegasus called Helios and it gives new powers to the Sailor Scouts, so Usagi Tsukino and Chibiusa transform with brooches saying together: "Moon Crisis, Make Up", andIn addition, the Pegasus Helios gives new powers to the Sailor Scouts of the Inner Solar System: Sailor Mercury: "Mercury, Aqua Rhapsody", Sailor Mars: "Mars, Flame Sniper", Sailor Jupiter: "Jupiter, Oak Evolution" and Sailor Venus: "Venus, Love and Beauty Shock" and they defeated all the members of the Dead Moon Circus and saved the Earth and in the fifth season, the Sailor Scouts from the Outer Solar System returned to defeat Neherenia, and joined their powers to transform Sailor Moon into Eternal Sailor Moon, that's why Sailor Moon had the powers of all planets and transforms saying: "Moon Eternal, Make Up" and Chibiusa returns home in the XXX century, then Mamoru Chiba goes to the United States to continue their studies and the Sailor Star Lights arrived to search for Princess Kakkuyu and restore her planet and also the Sailor Animamates who steal starseeds arrived and Sailor Moon restored them, the Sailor Animamates went to killed by Sailor Galaxia for all the failures, and some time later Sailor Moon and the Star Lights joined forces to defeat Sailor Galaxia, but Sailor Moon didn't want to kill Sailor Galaxia and the Light of Hope was born and later she defeated Sailor Galaxia by eliminating the Chaos of her body and Sailor Galaxia became good and all the Sailor Scouts and Mamoru Chiba arrived and everything returned to normal and The Sailor Star Lights and Princess Kakkuyu returned to their home planet and Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba talk about their love and their Future. Sailor Moon is the Best anime of Shojo.

Happy 30th Aniversary on Japan.
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Good Series
LotusSlinger21 August 2003
Bishôjo senshi Sailor Moon can appeal to many kinds of people-Preteen girls,preteen boys,teen girls,teen boys,adults,perverted men(and women).

Bishôjo senshi Sailor Moon is the Japanese(real) title to the series.In America it's just simply called Sailor Moon.The American version is edited and dubbed so it's "suitable for all ages".While the Japanese version is probably for ages 13 and up.I can't fully disapprove of the American version since that's what got me into the series,but the real version is so much better.I'm not going to list all of the changes in the American version since there are so many,but I'll list a few major changes.Bishôjo senshi Sailor Moon shows death,violence,male and female homosexuality,etc.Sailor Moon basically cuts or gets rid of the death scenes and episodes where the main topic is about death are never really shown.Most violence is edited out completely,and gay characters either get gender changes(this refers to the males) or are labeled cousins(this refers to the two lesbian Sailor Scouts who are a couple).The American voice dubs are sort of annonying.Though despite all these changes in the American version it is still mildly entertaining.

Amazon.com sells both English dubbed(kiddie version) and English subtitled(real version).So everyone can be happy!
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Any One who Feels that way about Sailor Moon just ain't quite right in the head....
LilVixen12 January 1999
I know how..ahem... mean.. the intro to my comment looks but the previous poster obviously has no understanding of the beauty that is "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon" I really wish we in the NA region had access to EVERY episode... but we don't YET. Sailor Moon is a great show with Romance, Comedy, Action, suspense, and Drama all rolled into one... how many CARTOON shows can boast about that? It has wonderful drawing and a truly great sense of Loving and respecting yourself and the world around you.. Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon's creator) was really on to something... something wonderful.. Sailor Moon is a show that can be enjoyed by all ages- from 10 to 16 (my age) to 27 to 60 I know people of all the ages that are devoted moonies... to put down Sailor Moon, one must be inhaling a little too much paint thinner ifya know what I mean:)

Moonies UNITE!! ~Sailor Moon-Pie~
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It introduced me to Anime!
Karuteru20 January 2003
Sailor Moon....the Anime series that changed my life. I've been a devoted moonie for about 6 years. Like many, it was my introduction to Japanese Anime.

For those who don't know, Sailor Moon is about Usagi Tsukino, a 14-year-old girl who lives in Japan. She gets horrible grades, loves food, is a crybaby, and enjoys sleeping. One day, she is running late for school, per usual, and she spots some little kids tormenting a black cat. She shoos them away and notices a bandage on the cats' forehead. She pulls it off to reveal a crescent moon. Usagi stares in awe, then rushes to school. Later that day, after scoring a 30 on a test, being kicked out of her house, and crying, she decides to take a nap. A few moments pass, and she opens her eyes to see the black cat is there! She introduces herself as Luna, and tells Usagi that she must become Sailor Moon, the soldier who will fight evil and one day protect their Moon Princess. Usagi decides that she is dreaming and goes back to sleep. Luna tells her that it's not a dream, and gives her a special broach. She tells Usagi to hold her hand up and say 'Moon Prism Power Make up!' Usagi does so, and transforms into the pretty suited soldier, Sailor Moon! ........And that's only the beginning! Usagi must also find the inner senshi, Sailors Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus. This season is my personal favorite from the other 4 seasons(R, S, Super S, and Stars). Don't get me wrong, I love all 5 seasons. This would have to be my favorite because you have no idea of what will happen next. Sailor Moon is a great introduction to Anime. If you enjoy it, read the Manga series as well! I give Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon 10/10 stars. Moon Prism Power Make Up!
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Hot Damn!
ThunderKing613 March 2021
Which young boy back in the 90s didn't like when the sailor Troopers transformed?

The Sailor Moon was a female lead superhero show that was indefinitely legendary and iCONIC. Back in the day some people called it lame. I was a closet Sailor Moon watcher. (Back in the day you had class and dignity that you had to protect.). This show was amazing. It flowed so well. It had emotion, laughs and actions. The Sailor scouts may be immature as teenage girls, but when they put on sailor outfit they become serious.

The villains were menacing and were not push overs.

The music was absolute gold. The theme song is at least top 2 best theme songs of all time.

Overall an iCONIC show.

what can be learned? There always has been female lead shows.

Verdict: Great show, series, characters and with good movies!!! Sailor Moon was big back in the day.
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The best magical girl anime Warning: Spoilers
The best magical girl anime that started the magical girls. I love Sailor Moon.

200 episodes 5 seasons 3 movies My fav villains are Dead Moon Circus and Galaxia.
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Best of all Sailor Moon seasons
Dot-chan18 January 2000
This is surprisingly mature and deep considering this is a shoujou anime geared towards junior high girls. Themes include friendship, sacrifice, and, of course, the triumph of love over all. New characters introduced include Sailors Neptune and Uranus, who unlike the "Inner" Senshi do not hesitate to do what it takes to prevent the "Great Silence" of prophecy. Caught in the middle is a frail, young girl named Tomoe Hotaru who does not understand (nor wishes to understand) her pivotal role. Chibi-Usa also plays a much bigger role, especially in befriending Hotaru and awakening the truth within her. If you can, take the chance to read the manga, too. Naoko Takeuchi puts a slightly different twist into this series, and her artwork is much softer and flowing than in the anime.
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Tribute to the life of Shiho Niiyama...
vm_postitnotes23 October 2004
Sailor Stars begins as most Sailor Moon series do, with a sidequest that leads into the main plot. But there's a lot more to it than that on closer inspection.

The main plot revolves around visitors from other planets. The Starlights, servants of the Kakyuu Princess of Kinmoku, land on the Planet Earth fleeing from the destruction of their planet of old and disguise themselves as the boygroup Three Lights - Kou Seiya, Kou Taiki and Kou Yaten. Their purpose is to find the Kakyuu Princess, who is floating in space, through the wavelength of their songs.

Meanwhile, the one responsible for the destruction, Sailor Galaxia, is on Earth hunting for "star seeds" - the light that allows life forms to live on this sphere. She begins by taking the Earth's golden star seed - protected by none other than Mamoru Chiba on his way to the United States to study in college.

The Sailor Soldiers have a hard task. Creatures who lose their Star Seeds become phages - false Sailor Soldiers. They have to deal with the Starlights, who don't care about protecting the Earth and only want to find their Princess. And Sailor Moon - Usagi Tsukino - has to deal with the mutual attraction between her and Kou Seiya.

This story is about what a Sailor Soldier is. If you're interested in Sailor Moon, it's worth it to watch this series. But most of all, this series is a tribute to the life of Shiho Niiyama, Kou Seiya's voice actress, who did the performance of her life in this role. She was taken from us by leukemia in 2000.

So it's not like the manga - who cares? This story is good in and of itself.
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Seeing the original is mandatory!
naia_zifu24 November 2004
This is where the dubbers turn truly evil. If you've been living in a cave and don't know this yet, Haruka and Michiru are a lesbian couple. Their relationship is a bit subtle in this series, but still you would have to be blind not to notice they're in love. Apparently, it's "wrong" in America to show the beautiful relationship of a loving and committed lesbian couple on a "kids' show", but rather than just not dubbing this series, the company had the "brilliant" idea to make their dub counterparts cousins. However, as most of the relationship footage was left in, with just the words changed, every viewer with a brain saw right through it, and their dub counterparts appeared to be cousins in love. They also changed the gender of a young boy Chibi-USA crushes on, because he cross-dressed, thus unintentionally hinting she's a lesbian. . . Prime examples of why anime should never be dubbed! The original version of this series is truly great, however. Not only is Haruka in contention for best anime character ever, but her romance with Michiru is enviable and near-perfect! They get a lot of screen time and character development this series, as the focus of the first half of the series is on finding the talismans to awaken the Messiah and stop the world from being destroyed. Yes, there are religious themes in this series, even down to Haruka and Michiru's guilt and feelings of impurity relating to their quest, and their most poignant scene taking place in a cathedral, but it's never preachy. The second half of this series focuses on Hotaru and Mistress Nine, and though definitely creepier than the first, it is the part I like less (never really got into Mistress Nine and her killer hair). The whole series is darker and more serious than the two that came before it, but that may just be part of what makes it superior. Well, that and Haruka, of course! *cuddles and keeps her*
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What timeless classic
jacobproper-7411829 June 2022
The the anime series is way different(here) Crystal is much closer to the monga but still not the same march 1992 was it perfect release date however it was came out in the same year as the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie which had similar tones and tropes.
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Legitimately one of the best superhero iterations I've ever had the pleasure to experience in my whole life
TooKakkoiiforYou_3216 March 2022
Superhero iteration where "realism", "real characters" or "real relations" are not idiotic, hamfisted marketing tools in the likes of the Marvel/Stan Lee school of thinking but they're palpable and beliveable, from the titular character that mixes clear-as-day religious metaphors with emotional realism of the finest quality and personal grow to the side characters and passing through all their relationships, again the most real friendship relations I've ever seen in ANY (and I can't stress enough, ANY) american superhero franchise ever. I'm not telling it out of nostalgia that I don't have since I never fully watched the series in its original run when it was aired in Italy nor I'm telling it lightly, I'm dead serious. And not only that, but it also provided TWO seasons (the third and the fifth) of the highest quality that can be put in the same light of other anime masterpieces like Cowboy Bepop and Ideon, which is just absolutely mindblowing. If you're an anime connoseur and you've never watched this series to begin with, you don't know what you're losing. Of course, listen to it with the japanese seiyuus providing the voices for the characters and DON'T TOUCH IN ANY WAY ANY LOCALIZED/CENSORED VERSION!

Watch this Masterpiece and convert yourself to the Sailor Moon religion too, it will change your life forever like it did with me.
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The greatest Season ever
setsuna_meiou_1621 April 2001
S is by far the best season in the whole Sailor Moon Saga. Nothing can compare to the drama that is displayed every time any episode is watched. The Dubs weren't that bad but no where near the Japanese versions. The whole story is great aside from the fact that they put chibi-usa in it, however, she is somewhat tolerable towards the end (then we get into SuperS which revolves around her and no outers whatsoever so SuperS is the worst). We are also introduced to Uranus and Neptune who are so cool words can't describe them. Their devotion to their misson and each other is something that makes the series so watchable. And the best part is that plutos in it again! We have to wait a little while for these 3, and Saturn, to return in sailor stars but they remain the coolest of all the scouts because they have so much depth that the inners never got, and they were in all 5 seasons. I suggest getting the Heart Collections On DVD because you get both the english dubs and the japanese originals so you can check them both out and see which you prefer, its very very worth it
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Delightful Like A Beautiful Dream
IrisNo118 January 2001
One day during a Solar Eclipse in Tokyo, the Dead Moon Circus has arrived, searching for the holder of Pegasus, the protector of beautiful dreams of people, so they can get a hold of the Golden Crystal to turn the world into pure darkness. Little does she know, young Rini - better known as the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity - is the holder. Later, she and Pegasus form a strong bond and become the best of friends. Yet no one knows, especially Serena, Darien, and their friends. What Rini doesn't realize is that she is in grave danger, for the Dead Moon Circus leaders, Queen Helena and Zirconia, has sent out Tiger's Eye, Fish Eye, and Hawke's Eye - also known as the Amazon Trio - and the Amazoness Quartet - JunJun, ParaPara, CereCere, and VesVes - to search for the holder of Pegasus and the Golden Mirror. And it's up to the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask to protect the citizens of Tokyo from the Dead Moon Circus's evil plans.

Before I watched this, I lost in touch with watching Sailor Moon, because before I watched this, I had NO IDEA who Rini was until I read the comic books, learning that she was the daughter of Neo Queen Serenity, who is Sailor Moon's future self.

Yet I found this different than the old Sailor Moon I used to watch. It shows the more emotional side of each character, and highly shows the strong friction between Pegasus and Rini, and not to mention, Serena's jealousy if her boyfriend, Darien, is talking to another girl (kind of sounds like one of my friends! - ha ha!!!). I personally also think that the art work is A LOT better, and humour is even more witty and amusing!!! :)

But anyhow...what I found more interesting is that Sailor Moon Supers is more amusing than the regular series I used to know and love. And it features a few issues that can be seen through the eyes of an adult rather than a child.

Well of course, there are other features in Japan that aren't featured in America such as homosexuality. Take Fish Eye for an example. In America, Fish Eye is the only female of the Amazon Trio. However, according to one website that I was surfing, Miss Fish Eye is actually a homosexual male and a transvestite. Plus, you don't see Serena and Darien kissing a lot, but only in two episodes. Plus, in the comic books, you catch Serena and Darien kissing a lot, but also sharing their love together in bed if you know what I mean! On the other hand, these things are forbidden for Sailor Moon's more younger audience!!! :)

"Sailor Moon Supers" expresses a lot of touching emotions and episodes..and not to mention, it features lots of laughs that will keep Sailor Moon fans entertained!!! :)
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Say what you will about SS, it's still very kawaii to me
Zalis12 September 2003
Out of the four seasons commercially available in the U.S., Sailor Moon Super S is often regarded as the worst or second worst. I won't argue with the reasoning of the naysayers, because they've got a point. The series does suffer for its focus on Chibi-Usa, and the often unimpressive "Remless" contribute to a "Monster of the Day" syndrome in many episodes. There aren't a lot of the filler episodes that focus on the inner senshi and their development, which I miss, and let's not even talk about the "little elephant" incident.

However, a lot of elements are quite strong. The philosophy on dreams, while repetitive, is fairly interesting, and the adulthood/growing up themes resonate in my ancient twenty-two year old soul. There's also some interesting episodes concerning music and art. The soundtrack retains some classic tracks, and the first ending song, especially when used within episodes, always gets an emotional reaction. (Especially in #31, "The Secret of Pegasus! The Handsome Guardian of the Dream World," where Chibiusa becomes an adult and Usagi becomes a child.) Although, the second ending song is quite forgettable. Even though Nehelenia and Zirconia are not that interesting, the main henchmen (the Amazon Trio & the Amazonness Quartet) are decently fleshed out, and become sympathetic characters by the time their "Stage Out" comes along.

So, even though Super S isn't the best, it's still worth watching if you like to see a lot of cute moments interspersed with the standard SM action, romance, and love/friendship celebrating that we've come to know and love. Nevertheless, I should say that my positive comments only apply to the Japanese version. Not only have I not seen the English version, but my theory is that if the Japanese version was weaker than the other seasons, the English will certainly be very bad. The English voice of Chibiusa, in particular, is somehow even more annoying than she was in R.
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