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Are School Shootings Killing HBCUs?

College homecomings and encouraging studies about African-Americans graduating from high school being more likely to attend college than other races, was overshadowed recently by more…

Fight The Power!

Protest Plus Policy equals Progress! Last week I received a huge honor, the National Urban League’s “Living Legend” award. The following week, we celebrated the…

Whose Problem is the N-Word?

The N-Word is back in the news again. From the video of members of the University of Oklahoma’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity singing a song that prominently…

Memories of Annie Lee

As thrown as I was when I heard that there would be no indictment in the Ferguson police shooting of Mike Brown and that Mayor…

Ferguson Was Asking for it, But Why?

This no way to spend a Thanksgiving vacation watching the Ferguson community react to the news that Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted. Instead…

So Hard To Say Goodbye

Life has a way of showing you how bad it can suck sometimes. Coming after two great weeks on the final leg of our Fall…

Floyd Mayweather, Read My Blog!

Floyd Mayweather says he doesn’t care that 50 Cent and Manny Pacquiao call him uneducated. He says if it’s true, ‘It makes my story that…
