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A hospital stay can be scary and confusing for patients and their families. While doctors, nurses and other members of the medical team work on the physical aspects of their patients’ care, other needs may arise that are not as easy to see.There’s a certain amount of social stress that accompanies a patient in the hospital, according to Erin Thomas,
Published: March 14, 2016
The Nevada County father whose court action led attorneys to change the impartial analysis for Measure W said Friday he hasn’t decided if he will again challenge the ballot initiative.Forrest Hurd, whose son Silas uses medicinal marijuana to reduce his seizures, read the new analysis on Friday, the first day of a new, 10-day review period for the document.“I’m glad
Published: March 11, 2016
Deborah Wilder, chair of the Nevada County Republican Party, made some “unfortunate” comments concerning Silas Hurd, an 8-year old Lake Wildwood child who suffers from a rare form of intractable epilepsy. “Intractable” defines a condition that it is uncontrollable by traditional methods. Silas has been diagnosed with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome – dubbed intractable childhood epilepsy — because most patients do not
Published: March 13, 2016
A crowd of marijuana grow supporters gathered Tuesday at the Board of Supervisors meeting in what could be their last effort to convince supervisors they should remove Measure W from the ballot or change it to allow grow exemptions.Forrest Hurd, father of 8-year-old Silas, was the first to speak to supervisors about the ballot measure that, if passed on June
Published: March 8, 2016
Dianna Suarez barely spoke a few sentences at the first public scoping meeting for NID’s Centennial Reservoir project before people began applauding. Then she began to dig into the project she strongly opposes.“If this project were to go through, there will be no river left,” said Suarez, adding later, “How will removing wildlife from the habitat protect it?” Suarez blasted
Published: March 10, 2016
After 29 seasons and more than 600 wins as a high school basketball coach, Duwaine Ganskie is hanging up his whistle.“I gave basketball everything I had, and got everything I could from it,” Ganskie said. “It feels like the right time.” The longtime basketball coach said he is retiring from his role as head coach of the Bear River boys
Published: March 10, 2016
It was rare for anyone at Grass Valley Charter School to catch Amanda Pingree having a bad day. Even while she was battling breast cancer that had metastasized, Pingree, who worked with special needs students as a resource teacher at the school, was usually more concerned with how her coworkers were doing than with talking about herself.“It didn’t matter what
Published: March 11, 2016
Volunteer youth basketball coaches Jamie Hogenson and Ryan Witt were awarded the 2016 Christian Craig Sportman Award Thursday night at Union Hill Elementary School.The award is presented to Nevada County Youth Basketball coaches who go above and beyond the call of duty and displays exemplary enthusiasm and leadership.“The whole reason we got into it was to be a part of
Published: March 11, 2016
Even as a child, Denise Wilson liked to stay home and rearrange the living room. She discovered early on that she had a knack for making simple changes that would somehow transform a space. That unique skill would prove to serve her well when she grew up and found herself navigating the professional world. While working as a realtor, she
Published: March 13, 2016
Editor’s note: On Leap Day this year, we asked the community to take a leap of faith with us as we help our homeless neighbors into stable housing. The Booth Family Center and Hospitality House are the recipients of a $10,000 grant from Peace Lutheran Church, in Grass Valley. Peace is challenging the entire community to double that gift of
Published: March 13, 2016
Abandoned and deteriorating for more than five decades, the restoration of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Smartsville is making progress.A small but dedicated group of volunteers is slowly bringing the historic church, which was built in 1871, back from the brink of collapse one project at a time.First came stabilizing the slumping building with a new foundation, then
Published: March 13, 2016
The prolonged drenching that Nevada County residents enjoyed through the weekend is set to end today, with a spell of warm, sunny days on the horizon.Despite the deluge, few problems were reported, with just a few trees falling and blocking roadways Friday and Saturday. A mud slide temporarily blocked Highway 49 just past the South Yuba River bridge Sunday afternoon,
Published: March 13, 2016
Have you ever found yourself trying to figure out who to call in the county for services for yourself or a friend in need? Are you aware of 211 Nevada County? According to the 211 website, they are a “resource and information hub that connects people with community programs and services through a free 24/7 confidential phone service and online
Published: March 13, 2016
Whether you’re interested in using your current skills or learning a new one, RSVP has over a hundred volunteer opportunities that span education, public service, working with seniors and children, and many more. If you are interested in any of the positions, email rsvp3@nccn.net or call between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekdays at 530-271-0255. RSVP is a program of
Published: March 13, 2016
Josh Van Matre is a believer. He believes in working hard and helping others. He believes Caseywood is one of the greatest companies in America. And he believes in the Nevada County Contractors’ Association.“I started at Caseywood straight out of high school, and it’s the only job I’ve ever had. I was raised in the construction industry and the NCCA
Published: March 13, 2016
​On the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Gideon v. Wainwright, which required states to provide attorneys to indigent criminal defendants, Public Defender offices around the country will celebrate their hard work fighting injustice, upholding the Constitution and supporting those who need it most. The Nevada County Public Defender’s Office will be joining in that celebration.Every workday, the 13
Published: March 13, 2016
On Saturday, Grass Valley residents celebrated St. Piran’s Day with the raising of the U.S. and Cornish flags and singing of national anthems. Contestants vied in the annual pasty tossing contest. This year, the police chiefs contended for the trophy, with Grass Valley trying to continue its streak over Nevada City. Other contestants brought home-baked pasties to the judging table
Published: March 13, 2016
Tickets are now on sale for the Higgins Diggins Lions Club’s annual Spring Wine Tasting and Sale, slated for April 16 at Higgins Lions Community Center in Grass Valley. Tickets are $15 per person and include an Italian buffet dinner following the tasting. Dave Luce of Alta Sierra Wine Shop will provide a variety of wines for sampling, and guests
Published: March 13, 2016
Grass Valley Police DepartmentFriday9:16 a.m. — A caller from Silver Springs High School reported an assault involving a boy and girl, who had been separated.10:05 a.m. — A woman reported someone driving her vehicle without permission.1:37 p.m. — A caller from a business in the 700 block of Sutton Way reported a shoplifter; a woman was arrested on suspicion of
Published: March 13, 2016
If Todd Juvinall (Other Voices, March 7) wants total “freedom,” he needs to move to an island and live by himself. Living in a society with other people requires that we have rules, restrictions and regulations. People like Juvinall cannot be allowed to take property, dump garbage in their neighbor’s yard, pour oil in the Yuba, kill as much wildlife
Published: March 13, 2016
Since the drought of 1976, Californians were promised that conservation would be the answer to future water shortages. As seen in the latest drought period, that policy has been ineffective and is a worn out solution going forward. Conservation only works when there is water available to conserve. For example, last year valley farmers were not able to conserve because
Published: March 13, 2016
The Economic Resource Council’s new 26,000-square-foot Sierra Digital Media Campus on New Mohawk Road in Nevada City is designed to attract high tech entrepreneurs to the area, and the high-paying jobs their companies can create.The campus is located in what passes for a high tech corridor around here, close to Telestream and Ensemble Designs. The area also has something else
Published: March 13, 2016
The term Quantitative Easing (QE) refers to a government’s ability to create currency with the touch of a keystroke and it is commonly referred to as money printing. This ability to create something for free while the rest of us have to work for it is deemed necessary in order for the powers at be (Federal Reserve) to control the
Published: March 13, 2016
Three top speakers and two high-profile panel discussions are among the highlights of Nevada County Economic Resource Council’s 2016 Economic Development Summit next month.The event, “What Makes a Community Great: The T.O.T.A.L. package,” will be 1 to 5:30 p.m. April 7 at the Grass Valley Veterans Memorial Building, 255 S. Auburn St., Grass Valley.A separate VIP dinner follows from 6
Published: March 13, 2016
Three new workshops have been added this month at “One Stop” career and job placement office in Grass Valley to help any customers or clients prepare for the upcoming “Meet Your Match” job fair. The workshops, focusing on interviewing skills and other job-fair-related issues, will be 2 to 4 p.m. March 21, 24 and 29 at the “One Stop” office,
Published: March 13, 2016
The Nevada County Association of Realtors, Regional Chambers of Commerce, Contractors Association and Grass Valley Downtown Association are teaming up to sponsor the following events and educational opportunities: Learn what happens when Nevada County becomes the first Gigabit Internet community in Northern California presented by John Paul, CEO Spiral Internet! Friday, Lunch and Learn, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., 336
Published: March 13, 2016
Peyton Manning went out in style and on top. After winning Super Bowl 50, he called it quits as a champion. He was the face of the Indianapolis Colts and changed the franchise. When the Colts drafted Andrew Luck, he moved his game to Denver where his profound effect on their success can never be questioned. A fierce competitor, he
Published: March 11, 2016
Increasing your enjoyment of the game and encouraging folks to participate is the goal of Get Into Golf. We talk about current events, instruction, rules questions, new products, gifts, etc. If it’s about golf, you can find it here.We’re also interactive. Most of the answers provided each week are from questions posed by readers. Often it is a question about
Published: March 11, 2016
Bear River pitcher Nerissa Eason is Suburban Propane’s Player of the Week for the second straight week after throwing a no-hitter and leading the Lady Bruins to a 1-0 victory over Oakmont. Eason pitched all seven innings, struck out 17, walked two and hit a batter in the victory. She was also 1-for-2 from the plate and scored the Lady
Published: March 11, 2016
Since 1958 pollsters have asked the American people: “How much of the time do you think you can trust government in Washington to do what is right: Just about always, most of the time, or only some of the time?”In 1958, 73 percent of Americans answered all or most of the time. Seventy five percent gave the same answers in
Published: March 11, 2016
To all that genuinely care about the future of Nevada County (regardless of ideological persuasion), vote “No” on Measure W. It does matter to us all. A “No” vote will allow a sensible and cooperative dialog to address cannabis in a manner that represents the best interests of the people and future of Nevada County.It will maintain flexibility in how
Published: March 11, 2016
League of Women Voters of Western Nevada CountyAt our March meeting today, we’ll welcome a panel addressing the cost of homelessness from mental health and criminal justice perspectives. Speakers will include Judge Thomas A. Anderson, Nevada County Superior Court; Rebecca Slade, Director, Nevada County Behavioral Health; Dr. Brian Evans, Vice President - Chief Medical Officer, Hospital Administration, SNMH; Stephanie Kreiter,
Published: March 11, 2016
Many people think that working as a lifeguard is a great way to get a tan and work outdoors while you’re in high school and college. Although these may be perks of the job, there is a lot more to it. To become a lifeguard, a person must take a 30 hour course to receive their certification. This certification includes
Published: March 11, 2016
Many people in our community don’t realize that over the last couple of decades during springtime, the Nevada County Government Center is brightened by the appearance of wonderfully colorful and creative works of art. These pieces of art are created by the school children in the county, and every spring we can count on this brilliant display of children’s inspiration.
Published: March 11, 2016
The scam phone call came earlier this week. Margaret Roberts picked up the phone and listened to the recorded message.The recorded voice stated it was from the IRS, that the federal agency had a pending lawsuit against her and that she should return the call.Roberts did. She told the person on the other end that the Internal Revenue Service doesn’t
Published: March 11, 2016
The community is invited to the first in a monthly series of free community sing-alongs led by the award winning Director of the Nevada Union High School choirs, Rod Baggett. The event, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday to The Center for the Arts, is designed to be inclusive of all abilities, levels of experience and ages; everyone is welcome.
Published: March 11, 2016
Local cartoonist’s “It takes a village idiot.”
Published: March 11, 2016
A highly regarded Bay Area flamenco trio — David McLean, Clara Rodriguez and Roberto Zmora — will perform at 4 p.m. Sunday at the North Columbia Schoolhouse on the San Juan Ridge.A flamenco guitarist and composer, David McLean’s musical wanderings finally converged in Granada, Spain, where he studied for several years under renowned guitarists Rafaelin Habichuela, Emilio Maya and Ramon
Published: March 11, 2016
With the first group of Baby Boomers turning 70 this year all over the nation, those who live in Nevada County want to mark the milestone with festivities.A party with music by the Ray Kinman Trio, a bar and potluck refreshments is planned for 5:30 to 10 p.m. March 25 at Nevada City Elks Lodge #518 on Highway 49 in
Published: March 11, 2016
Several years back, I had a Santa Rosa plum tree in my garden. One day, I went out to see how the developing plums were doing when, to my horror, I found the tree covered with black aphids. The leaves were becoming curled and distorted. I quickly began to wonder if I should get some Safer’s soap and spray the
Published: March 11, 2016
When Bill Brook first owned a Mini Cooper, he was only 15 1/2 years old and it was his first car. Although he loved the look and handling of the car, he was not a fan of front-wheel drive. “I decided that if I ever had the time and money I would buy one and convert it to rear-wheel drive.”
Published: March 11, 2016
Agriculture is important to California, our nation, and Nevada County as well as essential to our way of life. Food produced locally is a life line for not only nourishment, but also for our local economy, such as growers markets, grocery stores, supporting businesses, in addition to our local farmers and ranchers. Nevada County rang up over $24 million dollars
Published: March 11, 2016
I still consider myself a child of the ’60s, a proud member of Woodstock nation and, while no pot-head (hey, I graduated), was exposed to a fair degree of recreational drug use as a student within the University of California system. So why do I support a ban on outdoor grows? Although I am convinced that cannabis can be a
Published: March 11, 2016
I am sure they didn’t mean to do it. They were on drugs, fighting in the street, and couldn’t see straight. Somehow they managed to break my downtown Nevada City Historic District storefront window. Millions of people are assaulted, commit serious crimes, and die from these drugs yearly. No, not marijuana. It’s alcohol. And it’s wreaking havoc on Nevada County
Published: March 11, 2016
It strains credulity to contemplate a key vote taken the other day in an Oakland meeting by the Standards Board of the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health. That’s the state agency whose purpose is to assure the safety of workers, no matter what their job.Fortunately, voters will have a chance to reverse this perverse decision next November, making
Published: March 11, 2016
Richard Harris stepped inside the Nevada County elections office around noon Friday, pulled the paperwork necessary to run for the Board of Supervisors and left. Harris had about 5 hours to collect the signatures needed, return to the elections office and declare his candidacy for District 2. He made it.“It was a decision made this morning,” Harris said. “We’re running
Published: March 11, 2016
“Doc” is a neutered Lab mix, about a year old. He is great with people and other dogs, and current on all his shots. He would love a backyard with kids to run around with. To adopt Doc, contact Sammie’s Friends Animal Shelter at 14647 McCourtney Road in Grass Valley, or call 530-471-5041.For more pet adoptions:— AnimalSave, 530-271-7071 or http://www.animalsave.org.—
Published: March 11, 2016
William Clifford Mill Jr. passed away March 8, 2016. He was 79.Bill was a long time resident of Grass Valley and Meadow Valley, Calif. He served honorably in the US Army after graduation from Grass Valley High School. He returned home to pursue a truck driving career, and spent many years driving beer trucks. He retired to Reno, Nevada.He is
Published: March 11, 2016
World-renowned organist Walter Strony joins the Music in the Mountains chorus and orchestra this afternoon for a selection of classic pieces from Bach, Handel and Durufle. Strony made his public debut in 1974 at the age of 18 and has since established himself as one of few organists equally at home playing both theatre and classical organ. Last July, Strony,
Published: March 11, 2016
Darlene Eckland Thorburn passed away on March 3, 2016 at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital. She was 70.She was born in San Francisco to John and Angie Moeller. Darlene graduated from Galileo High School in 1963. She had worked for PG&E; and JC Penney in the SF Bay Area. Darlene moved to Grass Valley in 1987, where she and her husband
Published: March 11, 2016
Albert Eugene “Gene” Dachenhausen passed away, peacefully, at his home on Feb. 24, 2016. He was 80. Gene’s Fresno High School days included being a star basketball player. He then joined the Air Force and served four years in England. He was employed as a heavy equipment operator with Operating Engineers for 40 years.Through the years he enjoyed golfing, RV
Published: March 11, 2016
A Nevada County judge has agreed to reschedule the sentencing in the Gold Country Lenders for the fourth time, to late May, which will mark nearly a year since a jury found CEO Phil Lester and CFO Susan Laferte guilty of multiple counts of fraud.Lester and Laferte were arrested in September 2012; the case, which was tried by California Deputy
Published: March 11, 2016
A group of family, friends and colleagues met March 6 at Pioneer Park to dedicate a memorial bench in honor of Donna Rocker, who passed away last summer. Members of her Red Hat group initiated the idea for a memorial bench. Gary Deardorf volunteered his time to make the bench from wood that he had milled himself.Rocker was a beloved
Published: March 11, 2016
Silver Springs principal Marty Mathiesen, far left, back row, took students to Squaw Valley on Wednesday, the fifth trip of the season. Among the adults who tagged along for the day were Nevada County District Attorney Cliff Newell, second from the right, back row, and Clint Lunde, director of ski/snowboard operations at Squaw, second from the left, back row.
Published: March 11, 2016
“Women Left Out of History: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due” is the theme celebrating Women’s History Month at the monthly dinner meeting of Business and Professional Women of Nevada County on March 16 at Summer Thyme’s Bakery & Deli, 213 Colfax Ave. in Grass Valley. Members of the public are invited. Five women who never received recognition for their
Published: March 11, 2016
Grass Valley Police DepartmentThursday9:28 a.m. — A caller from a business in the 1900 block of Nevada City Highway reported a man filling a cup with soda that he did not purchase, and refusing to leave. He was cited on suspicion of possessing stolen property.9:36 a.m. — A woman from the 2000 block of Nevada City Highway reported the theft
Published: March 11, 2016
Northern California Republicans, Democrats and members of the Tea Party will discuss in a live broadcast Tuesday the actions needed to solve one of California’s most troubling water issues; refilling groundwater aquifers beneath the Central Valley “breadbasket.” Operation Unite® and KVMR 89.5 FM have scheduled this one hour “round table” broadcast at 6 p.m. on March 15.Discussions will cover conveyance,
Published: March 11, 2016
A new, 10-day public review period for a revised impartial analysis of Measure W begins at 8 a.m. today, according to the Nevada County elections office.The new impartial analysis, ordered on Tuesday by a Superior Court judge to correct five errors in the original analysis, is necessary for the outdoor marijuana ban initiative to make the June 7 ballot. Alison
Published: March 10, 2016
David Wong took a winding path as an undergraduate student. He entered UC Davis as an engineering major, zigzagged his way into psychology, and finally graduated with a degree in child development. Ten years ago, the California native careened into his fourth calling after a career streak that took him first from a job as a pilot, to being the
Published: March 10, 2016
Long-time merchant Valerie Moberg became the latest contender to throw her name in a running to claim a spot on Nevada City’s city council, where three seats will open up during the summer primary election. The 52-year-old owner of Nevada City’s Broad Street Inn is the second person to file her paperwork with the city clerk, officially announcing her bid
Published: March 10, 2016
The Gold Country Gymnastics boys team recently wrapped up the regular season at the Gold Country Classic held in Richmond.Rhett Miller had an amazing showing in Level 9 (all ages), earning first place all-around with a score of 73.1. Miller placed first in the floor exercise, the pommel, the rings, the vault, the parallel bars, and the high-bar. In Level
Published: March 10, 2016
Nevada Union High School will be honoring its inaugural Hall of Fame class with a dinner and ceremony at the Nevada City Elks Lodge April 2.  Tickets to attend the event are on sale and can be purchased for $35 per seat or $240 for a table. Tickets do need to be purchased in advance. For more information on how to
Published: March 10, 2016
As part of North Lake Tahoe’s SnowFest 2016, the 12th annual I-Did-A-Run event returns to Tahoe Donner on Sunday at the Tahoe Donner Downhill Ski Area. This event will take place rain or shine, and it’s the chance every dog dreams of – a day to meet lots of new friends and to show off their running skills in the
Published: March 10, 2016
The South Yuba River Citizens League will host the second annual “Growing Green for the Yuba” March 19 on the San Juan Ridge.The event is an all-day workshop for watershed stakeholders interested in learning more about best practices in cannabis cultivation that protect the environment. While the political and legal future for cannabis cultivation in the Yuba River watershed appears
Published: March 10, 2016
If you mention a fishing trip, what comes to mind for most of us is getting out early on a pleasant sunny day and getting back in time for dinner. Sure you might have to dress well for some cool temps, but overall a nice day on the water. The antithesis of this would be an overnight trip in the
Published: March 10, 2016
Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release will offer a half day training Saturday to illustrate to newcomers as well as more experienced rehabbers how to care for injured adults or orphaned baby squirrels. “It is common at this time of the year to receive many phone calls from residents that find abandoned baby squirrels when their nests are damaged or destroyed or
Published: March 10, 2016
A few spaces are still available for the 2016 UC California Naturalist Program at Sierra Streams Institute that starts Tuesday.The UC California Naturalist Program is a broad overview of California’s natural history and introduces students specifically to Sierra foothill ecosystems and watershed processes. The 10-week course runs Tuesday evenings, March 15-May 17, and includes four Saturday field trips.Sierra Streams Institute
Published: March 10, 2016
I believe it is a ridiculous mistake to donate books to jail for inmates. Here is why. If you go to jail, you should be thinking about how you will change your life when you get out because you never want to do time again. It should be a miserable time, not an enjoyable relaxing vacation! It should be uncomfortable
Published: March 10, 2016
States of Grace, shown last Wednesday at the Del Oro was beautifully produced and inspirational, telling the story of Dr. Grace’s journey of loss, resilience and renewal. High marks to Sierra Cinemas and especially the staff at the Del Oro for enabling this screening, and being so gracious and helpful during the course of the evening. And thank you to
Published: March 10, 2016
Ms. Cynthia Hren, in her guest column “How to protect and secure freedom,” makes the standard religious pitch conservatives use to justify our “individual rights.” She states, “Our founders knew that if man, or government, is the source of our rights, then the rights that are given can also be taken away. The true purpose of civil government is to
Published: March 10, 2016
Last week I mentioned some of my youthful activities and the fun my friends and I had growing up in the south Bay Area. With no worries and the freedom to run from house to house, around the neighborhood and into town, we were able to explore our boundaries and possibilities. There’s something magical about being a kid. Roaming around
Published: March 10, 2016
The frequency of scam phone calls has been increasing lately, and I thought it would be appropriate to remind readers of The Union.Scam one is a phone call, allegedly from the IRS, stating that they have initiated legal proceedings to collect unpaid taxes, instructing you to immediately call a phone number. If you call, they tell you that you owe
Published: March 10, 2016
The South Yuba River Citizens League will host the second annual “Growing Green for the Yuba,” an all-day workshop for watershed stakeholders interested in learning more about best practices in cannabis cultivation that protect the environment, on March 19.While most of the attention surrounding cannabis cultivation has focused on medical, economic, or social impacts, SYRCL remains committed to sharing educational
Published: March 10, 2016
Activist photojournalist Skip Schiel will present a photo narrative, “Holy Water: the Jordan River, Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea,” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, at the Nevada City United Methodist Church, 433 Broad St., Nevada City.Schiel describes himself as a “socially engaged participatory photographer.” His work has included environmental desecration, racism and racial injustice, South Africa, poverty, American Indians,
Published: March 10, 2016
The Nevada Joint Union High School District will eliminate up to 7.90 credentialed staff positions for the 2016-2017 school year. The district’s board of trustees unanimously approved the layoffs at its Wednesday meeting, held at Silver Springs High School. California law requires schools districts notify teachers by March 15 that they could be laid off at the end of the
Published: March 10, 2016
Joyce Mae (Nelson) Sawyer passed away Feb. 26, 2016. She was 82.Joyce Mae Nelson was born on March 13, 1933, to Bill and Mae Nelson during the Great Depression in the U.S. Her parents taught her hard work and it showed. At the age of 10, Joyce was diagnosed with Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes and her life required strict structure
Published: March 10, 2016
In January and February, the League of Women Voters of Western Nevada County presented a two-part series on housing and homelessness in Nevada County. At Saturday’s meeting, the League will host a panel addressing the cost of homelessness from mental health and criminal justice perspectives. Speakers will include Judge Thomas A. Anderson, Nevada County Superior Court; Rebecca Slade, Director, Nevada
Published: March 10, 2016
Roy “Wheat” Overstreet, of Nevada City, CA passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on March 6, 2016. He was 67.He was born and raised in Berkeley, CA and moved to Nevada County in 1976. In 1977, he married Linda Moll of Waverly, MN. They had three children.Roy was a carpenter and cabinet maker who, when he wasn’t building for others, spent
Published: March 10, 2016
James “Jim” Douglas Deubery passed away at his home in Grass Valley, Ca. on March 4, 2016, after a short battle with lung cancer. He was 74.He was born on June 3, 1941 in Ohio. He was honorably discharged from the USMC in 1962. He moved to Sierra County from Southern California more than 30 years ago. He loved panning
Published: March 10, 2016
A lawsuit filed by Bear Yuba Land Trust against a property owner and a tree service, alleging trespassing and damage to property within Woodpecker Wildlife Preserve on Banner Mountain, has been set for late November.The jury trial is estimated to last six days and is scheduled to start Nov. 29. A settlement conference was set for Nov. 7, and a
Published: March 10, 2016
Grass Valley Police DepartmentWednesday9:56 a.m. — A caller from the 1000 block of East Main Street reported a fraudulent PG&E; call.10:21 a.m. — A caller from Condon Park reported juveniles with what appeared to be a .22 rifle; one shot had been discharged.12:38 p.m. — A caller from Mill and Chapel streets reported ongoing drug transactions.2:38 p.m. — A caller
Published: March 10, 2016
United Way of Nevada County has been in existence for over 33 years and could not exist if it were not for volunteers that continuously help make it a viable, thriving agency. Last week Seven Hills Middle School students in the Interact Club, above, helped prepare the United Way spring newsletter for mailing. These students spent many hours after school
Published: March 10, 2016
The city of Grass Valley has named Lt. Alex Gammelgard as its new police chief, replacing John Foster.Foster officially retired at the end of 2015 after 17 years — but agreed to stay on an interim basis while city staff worked to find a replacement for him.City Manager Bob Richardson said the position was only opened to internal candidates, and
Published: March 10, 2016
Ever since Nikolai Lugansky’s final, graceful piano key strokes during a March 2011 concert in Grass Valley, the mesmerized crowd has asked for more. It has taken five years to make that happen. This Monday, InConcert Sierra will once again present the world-renowned musician in a special performance. Not only did Luganksy’s performance leave a mark on the sold-out audience,
Published: March 10, 2016
The Young Messiah Rated PG-13, running time 111 minutes. Starts Friday, March 11 at Sierra Cinemas.The inspiring and unique story of 7-year-old Jesus Christ and His family as they come to a fuller understanding of His divine nature and purpose.10 Cloverfield LaneRated PG-13, running time 105 minutes. Starts Friday, March 11 at Del Oro Theatre.Starring John Goodman. A young woman
Published: March 10, 2016
It isn’t every day you run into jousting knights, an enchanted forest, a talking pony, and, of course, a family of dysfunctional giants. But to Joe McHugh, that’s part of the beauty and creativity you can find in live radio theater.The latter is coming to the Nevada Theatre and a KVMR 89.5 FM/kvmr.org streaming live broadcast for the first time
Published: March 10, 2016
In an era of brutish, childish and highly polarized political behavior, a pair of upcoming public affairs programs demonstrates how KVMR 89.5 FM is working to cross the current political divide. “While our reputation for being unabashedly progressive and definitely provocative is well deserved, we still think people with opposite political views can find some common ground,” explained the Nevada
Published: March 10, 2016
Mother Hips’ own Tim Bluhm will join guitarist Scott Law for a special Grass Valley performance Thursday presented by The Center for the Arts.Best-known as the lead singer of California band the Mother Hips and keyboardist/ guitarist for his wife, Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers, Tim Bluhm has toured professionally for 25 years and written and recorded hundreds of songs.Occasionally,
Published: March 10, 2016
Three masters featured regularly at Maui’s renowned “Slack Key Show” will bring Hawai‘i’s unique folk styles to the Grass Valley stage in a special performance Saturday presented by The Center for the Arts.Those include: George Kahumoku Jr., Led Kaapana and Jeff Peterson.Growing up in the country, the trio spent childhoods where Hawaiian music and culture were entertainment and education. Together,
Published: March 10, 2016
How does a play about a “crippled” youth who stares at cows, a cold and mean girl who likes to break eggs, two foster aunties (one who talks to stones and the other who overeats on sweets), a rude and intrusive town gossip, along with assorted crude and casually cruel neighbors, create such comedy and laughter? In “The Cripple of
Published: March 10, 2016
Duo Lisa Lynne & Aryeh Frankfurter will give a concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Off Center Stage, 315 Richardson St., Grass Valley.They are a multi-instrumentalist duo with Celtic Harps, Swedish Nyckelharpa, Ukrainian Bandura, Bouzouki, Cittern and more. They hail from San Francisco and tour extensively, both having successful recording and performing careers built from years of street performing and
Published: March 10, 2016
Excuse me, it’s getting dark in here.Let’s see, is it going to rain? Or, are we in the middle of a solar eclipse?Or, is it just later in the evening and there is only a baby new moon to light the way?Please let me know.You see, I’m just trying to get my bearings here.This transition into the so-called Fifth Dimension
Published: March 10, 2016
THURSDAYSpring Paper Crafting — 11 a.m., Madelyn Helling Library, 980 Helling Way, Nevada. Spring Paper Crafting Thursday, March 10, 2016 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Space is limited to 8 people. Collaborative Technology Center Class Room. ‘Feathers and Fur’ Art Show — 12 p.m., The Center For The Arts, 314 West Main St., Grass Valley. Local artists Tony Machado, Carolyn
Published: March 10, 2016
COOPER’S ALE HOUSE235 Commercial St., Nevada City530-265-0116http://coopersnclive.comTue & Thurs - KaraokeFri Mar 11 – DJ Lab Rat - $5.Sat Mar 12 – Aequoria/Ailes/Misophonia - $8.CRAZY HORSE SALOON & GRILL230 Commercial St., Nevada City (530) 265-4000www.crazyhorsenc.comFri Mar 11 – Geezer Gig – Oldies Rock, Blues, Country and Swing - 5 p.m. –Free – One Grass Two Grass – High energy string
Published: March 10, 2016
Imagine an artfully prepared four-course dinner featuring seasonal food. Then, imagine original artworks surrounding you — large colorful paintings, handcrafted sculpture and hand-blown glass, with an elegant table artistically presented for its guests. Finally, imagine the addition of food for thought: a fascinating talk about how art affects the brain — all in the inspiring setting of a small new
Published: March 10, 2016
The World Beat Percussion Ensemble plays 8 to 10 p.m. Saturday at Elixart at 408 Broad St., Nevada City $5 to $10 The group features local wizards of rhythm including Michael DiMartino, Gary Greenburg, Kit Bailey and Rob Holland. The show will feature rhythms from Africa,Brazil, Middle East and the Caribbean.
Published: March 10, 2016
GrooveSession plays 9:30 p.m. Saturday at Crazy Horse Saloon, Nevada City. $8.The power funk-soul-rock trio from Southern California includes brothers Manny Sanchez on voodoo drums and lead vocals and Ronnie Sanchez stretching boundaries on the bass. Guitarist Sarven Manguiat slices through the thick rhythms with electrifying licks. http://www.groovesessionmusic.com/
Published: March 10, 2016
Nevada City Elks Lodge #518 will hold its third annual Antique Western Memorabilia Show and Sale Friday and Saturday at the lodge at 518 Hwy 49 N, Nevada City.The event, which runs 1 to 5 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, raises funds for the lodge’s Most Valuable Students Scholarship Program.Vendors from Nevada, Oregon and from all
Published: March 10, 2016
A former U.S. Marshal from Florida was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years in prison for planning and participating in the robbery of marijuana from drug dealers in Yuba City.In sentencing Clorenzo Griffin, 38, of Fort Lauderdale, U.S. District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller noted that the defendant was very lucky that nothing worse happened on the day of his arrest. Mueller
Published: March 9, 2016
Alexander Rossi is back in the Manor Racing fold as official reserve driver. Although he’ll be racing in the 2016 IndyCar Series, he will also be making history as the first driver to perform a Formula 1 role simultaneously.Rossi, a Nevada City native, will attend 11 Grands Prix’s with Manor Racing, where he will work with the engineers and drivers
Published: March 9, 2016

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