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Opinion Columns

Doug Wight: What is the Nevada County Civil Grand Jury?

March 4, 2016 — 

In Nevada County the civil grand jury is made up of citizens who volunteer to serve. Each year the Nevada County Superior Court selects 19 jurors from the pool of volunteers to serve for one year, from July 1 to the following June 30.

Historically, the grand jury may be traced back to early Anglo-Saxon custom and law as a body of notable citizens who were chosen to protect the community. In California, since 1850 the state Constitution has required that each county impanel a “regular” grand jury each year.

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Leland French: Nevada County Board of Supervisors make tough decisions for all of us

March 4, 2016 — 

Nevada County is blessed with a Board of Supervisors (BOS) who gathers the facts and makes hard decisions to support the needs of the citizens in the county.

The article “Dear Supervisors: please supervise” by Pamela Biery on Feb. 17 appears to be written by a supporter of illegal marijuana and may be one of the many who has been violating the well intended ordinance 2349 because they personally did not agree with it.

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Monique Wright: Late school start tough on the younger kids

March 3, 2016 — 

In reference to the article, “Getting on board” that ran on the front page of The Union on Feb. 11, I am one of the stakeholders Mr. Fredrickson spoke of. I am a parent of a seven year old in the Grass Valley School District.

I want folks to know that there is a large collective of district folks who sympathize with the fact that a majority of the kids that go to Nevada Union or Bear River high schools have to get up early. That is tough; I get that. I had to do it and you probably had to do it. A later start time might be beneficial to them. New studies are coming out that posit the pros and cons of a later start time.

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Mike Brockman: No more whining

March 2, 2016 — 

I have a friend who just hates Obama and likes Trump.

And he will call me and he might berate Obama for 10 or 15 minutes. Or if not that, something else that frustrates him.

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Rachel Helm: Apple versus the FBI and the DOJ

March 2, 2016 — 

I spent 30 years working for companies that develop data management and business application software, so I know a little bit about how data encryption algorithms work and even more about how high-tech marketing departments operate.

Consequently, I’ve been watching the dispute between the FBI and Apple with a little bit of amazement.

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Michael Mauldin: The time for change is now

March 1, 2016 — 

Charlie Reese, a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, recently wrote his last column as he is retiring.

He does an interesting thing, he puts the blame of virtually all the country’s woes on the backs of 545 individuals.

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Terry McLaughin: You can thank 'Citizens United' for the film '13 Hours'

February 29, 2016 — 

In 2004 a nonprofit advocacy group called “Citizens United” complained to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) that Michael Moore’s film “Fahrenheit 9/11” was an “electioneering communication” which actively sought to discredit George Bush, and thus violated the Bipartisan Reform Act of 2002, which limited those types of communications close to elections.

Citizens United wanted Moore’s film (which he admitted he hoped would influence the 2004 election) shut down. The FEC declined to do so, stating that “The film ... represented bona fide commercial activity, not contributions or expenditures.”

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Norton Lehner: When it comes to marijuana, ask your doctor

February 26, 2016 — 

Many of us see legalization of marijuana for recreational use as the common-sense thing to do. We perceive marijuana to be relatively harmless, compared to alcohol and tobacco. The evidence, however, does not support those perceptions.

The Mayo Clinic is among other reputable medical organizations that have identified potential harmful side effects associated with marijuana use.

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John Palmer: Welcome to California's cannabis country!

February 26, 2016 — 

A month ago, I listened to the Nevada County Board of Supervisors’ meeting in which they were to decide whether or not to ban outdoor growing of marijuana.

I listened again the other day when the “discussion” continued. It got me wondering: Why does the citizenry always have to come “hat in hand” to their lawmakers to beg for some scrap of leniency when it comes to marijuana? I think it’s because our lawmakers still believe the hundred year old myth that marijuana is evil. It’s time for that to change.

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Pauli Halstead: We must be open to real solutions on homelessness

February 26, 2016 — 

The general public may be unaware of current State Law requiring jurisdictions to adjust zoning to accommodate emergency shelters.

Effective Jan. 1, 2008, SB2 (Chapter 633, Statutes of 2007) requires every California city and county to engage in a detailed analysis of emergency shelters, transitional, and supportive housing in their Housing Element and to regulate zoning for the facilities. SB2 mandates jurisdictions to recognize emergency, transitional, and supportive housing in their zoning code.

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Loraine Webb: An open letter to our Nevada County Board of Supervisors

February 25, 2016 — 

Thank you for listening attentively to all of your constituents on the profound need for fairly regulated medical cannabis in Nevada County.

We are asking that you move to rescind the complete prohibition on outdoor cultivation of medical cannabis (and expensive voter initiative), and replace them with our following balanced recommendation. Whether or not legitimate cannabis patients and farmers are in the “minority,” is an issue outside of constitutional law, as this country was founded on the principle that minorities must be equally protected under the law.

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Bill Trzeciak: A Democrat's improbable dream

February 23, 2016 — 

I want it all.

I make no bones about it – I want a woman to be president.

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George Rebane: Political correctness often reduces informational content

February 23, 2016 — 

I am responding to publisher Jim Hemig’s Feb. 12 column entitled, “Editorial page challenge accepted.”

First and foremost, thank you, Mr. Hemig, for The Union and the work you and your colleagues do to bring us our very own newspaper. After reading your editorial in some detail, there are a few points (misconceptions?) I would like to clear up.

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Lev El-Askari: The future of politics should include the ban of 'big money'

February 22, 2016 — 

There are examples of unpredictable election years throughout history, but none like what we are seeing today.

No one expected Harry Truman to beat Thomas Dewey in the 1948 election, or Barack Obama to win the Democratic nomination in 2008. Both the Republican and Democratic National Committees can generally nominate who they want or at least someone close to their ideals.

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Rick Kooi: Solar, wind power a challenge to utility companies' profits

February 21, 2016 — 

Recently the Public Utilities Commission rebuffed the utility companies’ attempt to impose higher fees on rooftop solar, referred to as NEM 2.0. Had the utilities prevailed, it would have had a chilling impact on the burgeoning solar industry in California.

The utilities wanted to impose monthly fees on consumers who had solar on their homes or businesses. They also asked the PUC if they could pay consumers less for the electricity the consumers generated than they charged the consumers for the electricity the utilities generated.

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Leta Gibney: Quiet heroes deserve recognition

February 21, 2016 — 

Two local heroes, Seth Thompson and Tom Kellar, have worked tirelessly to house over 310 people from our community with the help of Joanna Robinson and Jodi Benson.

We featured them on my first episode of “Local Heroes” on The Good News Show on KVMR with Mikail Graham and Amigo Cantisano.

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Joe Vielbig: Smart meters can cause health problems

February 19, 2016 — 

Paula Orloff’s recent Other Voices on Smart Meters prompted me to tell our story and ask the Nevada County Board of Supervisors and Nevada City and Grass Valley city councils to ban Smart Meters in Nevada County.

PG&E; claim: “Independent and leading international health experts have tested and determined this technology is safe.”

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Elaine Meckler: An avowed socialist ... what does that mean?

February 19, 2016 — 

The definition of socialism is:

1. Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

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Cynthia Hren: How to protect and secure freedom

February 18, 2016 — 

My husband and I just graduated from a terrific course on our United States Constitution.

Every voting citizen, elected official and political candidate should take this course. It gives valuable insights into the foundational principles of America and the view of Law and Government as it was intended by the framers of our Constitutional Republic. It can give us guidance how we may handle the difficulties facing our nation now and in the future.

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Pamela Biery: Supervisors need to supervise

February 16, 2016 — 

Just at the moment California begins to learn from its neighbors and create a flexible platform for establishing responsible medical marijuana regulations, Nevada County jumps down a misguided path of ill-advised legal proceedings.

Nevada County doesn’t need the marijuana ordinance put in place Jan. 12, 2016. Nevada County doesn’t need a $75,000 vote on an ordinance that will be outdated and become an obstacle to change. Nevada County needs its supervisors to focus on their job: administrate, oversee and protect Nevada County with a participatory process of regulation development.

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Jim Firth: Being a presidential candidate vs. being president

February 15, 2016 — 

Voters are evaluating candidates for president now. The idea that their choice will provide our country with a president who represents us all doesn’t appear to hold much sway just yet.

The Republicans have a blustering outsider leading (first in New Hampshire — second in Iowa), an extremist evangelical in second place (third in New Hampshire — first in Iowa), a missing in action senator or a governor in third, and a mixed bag of “establishment” or “outsider” or never elected in fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh place, plus more.

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Gene Jovich: Column missed mark on marijuana

February 14, 2016 — 

In response to The Union article dated Jan. 21 in the Family Focus section — the commentary, “Being told no may trigger the opposite,” by Hollie Grimaldi Flores lacks any common sense and reeks of San Francisco anti-establishment whose views are offensive, baseless and unfounded.

This article should have never been included in the “Family Focus” section. Flores apparently does not understand the difference between medical and recreational marijuana. Medical marijuana is what the current Nevada county ordinance addresses.

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Ray Bryars: It's time to get serious about enforcing litter laws

February 12, 2016 — 

I have a couple of questions for Nevada County community leaders:

The first question is: What do you see at the side of our roads as you drive to work, visit friends, go shopping, etc.?

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Manny Montes: Bernie or Hillary — an Obama third term

February 12, 2016 — 

An Obama third term, Bernie or Hillary, will mean our America will be taken further down the road to perdition.

The first an avowed socialist, the other a congenital liar. In either case, both present the smiley face of benevolence which is really the picture of Dorian Gray. They are of the progressive mind set as master potter, placing societal clay, the collective, on their potter’s wheel, and modeling it this way and that.

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Eddie Garcia: State of Jefferson is based in reality

February 11, 2016 — 

In its recent editorial, “Our View: State of Jefferson proposition not based in reality,” The Union’s Editorial Board makes its opinion public. It thinks our efforts to create a new state are pointless.

I would like to wholeheartedly disagree with the board’s opinion.

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Heather Burke: What the county isn't telling us about its cannabis initiative

February 9, 2016 — 

Only once in the conversation about local cannabis cultivation have we heard the county suggest “an overturn of the ban could lead to the formation of a committee that would search for alternatives to an outright prohibition on outdoor grows.” 

Not a word of this possibility was hinted at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Jan. 12, nor in the official numerous statements in the fallout over the poorly drafted language of the two enactments, nor even in the purported “intent” language the board ratified Tuesday.

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Patrick Wagner: There are other options to 'statist' medicine

February 8, 2016 — 

Here’s a question. On an average day in America, what percentage of health care services are distributed in acute care hospitals compared to outpatient services?

Another question is about money. What percentage is spent on an average day in each of these settings (spent vs. squandered and stolen)?

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An alternative alternate universe

February 7, 2016 — 

As I read George Rebane’s Other Voices column (Swan Song from an Alternate Universe, Jan. 16, 2016) I found a familiar, well-practiced response welling up in me. He spoke of President Obama and his supporters as inhabiting “an alternate universe” and then went on to list his damning criticisms of this President’s administration.

I began to scroll through my list of rebuttal points. I am a bit of a numbers junky and somewhat a victim of my training as a scientist — I may overvalue objectivity at times. I try to form my understanding of issues from the “raw data” up rather than starting with a preconceived model of how things “should” work.

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Jeff Vogel: The most dangerous religion of all

February 5, 2016 — 

We live in an age of terrifying high-definition spectacles, with beheadings and massacres some of the horrors that fill us all with fear and dread — the tragic killings in Paris and San Bernardino the most recent horrors to confront us.

These gruesome spectacles have profound side effects on our perspective. They obscure the brutality and terror caused by our bombs and drones (such as our bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan) and they distract our attention from those predators who cause suffering on a far grander scale than any jihadists.

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Robert Whiteaker: A tale of two gods

February 5, 2016 — 

Why does Jihad Joe want to kill me? I don’t think it’s personal, but if I were in the right place at the right time I could get killed by a Jihadist.

I have looked into this and it turns out that if he blows us both up he gets to go straight to a wonderful life in heaven, despite whatever sins he has committed, and I don’t. That’s a pretty good way to recruit terrorists: “Bomb yourself into Heaven now. Why wait and risk not getting there?”

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