Opting out of KiwiSaver

If you're a new employee who's been automatically enrolled, you can choose to opt out of KiwiSaver. If you don't opt out, you'll remain a KiwiSaver member and deductions will continue to be made from your pay.

Who can opt out?

If you ... then you ...
chose to join KiwiSaver can't opt out - but you may be able to take a contributions holiday.
have been automatically enrolled can opt out.

When you can opt out

You're automatically enrolled in KiwiSaver

You can't opt out until you've been in your job for 2 weeks


You can opt out any time during this period


You can't opt out. You can apply for a late opt out, or an early contributions holiday.


How you opt out

You can do it online by sending a completed Opt-out request form (KS10) to Inland Revenue or your employer.

After you opt out

  • Inland Revenue will notify your employer.
  • Your employer will stop:
    • deducting KiwiSaver contributions from your pay
    • making employer contributions.
  • Inland Revenue will refund:
    • to you any contributions already deducted from your pay
    • to your employer any employer contributions.
  • Your employer may refund to you any contributions already deducted from your pay but not yet forwarded to Inland Revenue.

How long do contribution refunds from Inland Revenue take?

Refunding your contributions could take some time after they've been deducted from your pay. This is because even if you're paid weekly or fortnightly, employers file their payroll information with Inland Revenue monthly. It then takes time to process the information.

Generally speaking, it takes 30 working days to process a refund. 

Late opt-outs

If events outside your control mean you can't complete the opt-out request within 8 weeks (56 days) of starting your new job, you can apply for a late opt-out.

Who can opt out late?

Inland Revenue may accept late opt-outs for up to 3 months after receiving your first contribution if:

  • your employer didn't supply you with a KiwiSaver employee information pack (KS3) within 7 days of you starting your job
  • Inland Revenue didn't send you an investment statement for the default KiwiSaver scheme that you were allocated to
  • your employer didn't give you an investment statement for their chosen KiwiSaver scheme
  • events outside your control prevented you from delivering your opt-out notice on time
  • you were automatically enrolled when you shouldn't have been.

How to opt out late

You can do it online by sending a completed Opt-out request form (KS10) to Inland Revenue, including your reason for opting out late.

Getting your late opt-out refund

It can take up to 3 months to send your refund to you, as we may have to get your contributions back from your KiwiSaver provider.