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Democratic Presidential Candidates Attend Iowa Jefferson-Jackson DinnerDemocratic Presidential Candidates Attend Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

Source: Scott Olson / Getty

With Super Tuesday right around the corner, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton clinched another caucus win, taking Nevada last night from her opponent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. 

It wasn’t landslide though: Clinton won a 52.7 percent of the vote to Sanders’ 47.2 percent, giving Clinton 19 delegates and Sanders 15. This win, comes after being blown out by Sanders in the New Hampshire primary a few weeks back.

In her victory speech “Clinton repeated a line that has worked well for her over the past two weeks against Sanders,” CNN pointed out. “The truth is, we aren’t a single-issue country. We need more than a plan for the big banks; the middle class needs a raise and we need more jobs. We need jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced, jobs that provide dignity and a future,” she said.

According to Politicus USA, Sanders wasn’t petty about his loss and even called Clinton to congratulated her. In a statement, he told his supporters that he was “proud” of the campaign they ran, thanked them for their hard work and reminded them that being the underdog isn’t always a bad thing.

“I am also proud of the fact that we have brought many working people and young people into the political process and believe that we have the wind at our back as we head toward Super Tuesday. I want to thank the people of Nevada for their support that they have given us and the boost that their support will give us as we go forward,” he said.

And that boost may be coming, CNN notes. While South Carolina’s primary may be heavily in Clinton’s favor thanks to African-American voters, there are plenty of other states down the pipeline that Sanders can win, narrowing Clinton’s lead.

Speaking of South Carolina, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump continues his dominance by winning the southern state with 33 percent of the vote, compared to 22 percent for both Rubio and Cruz.

Confident that he will take a majority of the 10 primaries and caucuses happening on Tuesday, Trump said at this victory speech, “We’re going to start winning for our country because our country doesn’t win anymore.”

Trump leads delegates with 55, Ted Cruz has 11, Marco Rubio has 10, John Kasich has five, Jeb Bush has 4 and Ben Carson has three, the Associated Press reported

One Republican who won’t even see 5 delegates in total is Jeb Bush, who suspended his campaign after coming in a distant dismal fourth place in the S.C. primary, NBC reported. Bush said, “I’m proud of the campaign we have run, but the people of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken and I respect their decision, so tonight I am suspending my campaign.”

While who is voters will back may seem irrelevant given how small that support was, his financial backing isn’t, says CNN. Where and who those millions will go to next, remains to be seen.

[SOURCES: CNN, Politicus USA, The Associated Press, NBC]


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