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Risen Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 27 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 27
  2. Negative: 5 out of 27
  1. Reviewed by: Soren Andersen
    Feb 18, 2016
    With intelligence and great moviemaking skill, [Reynolds] has created a classic variation on a venerated ancient theme.
  2. Reviewed by: Peter Keough
    Feb 18, 2016
    As played by Fiennes, who has the aquiline face and piercing eyes of Max Van Sydow, Clavius is no pushover. You believe his disbelief, so when it wavers, yours might as well.
  3. Reviewed by: Justin Chang
    Feb 18, 2016
    Whether or not it triggers a craze for divinely inspired detective stories, Risen makes a decent case for itself as the “Columbo� of the genre: It’s amiable, creaky and not remotely predicated on the element of surprise.
  4. Reviewed by: Bill Goodykoontz
    Feb 18, 2016
    The film, directed and co-written by Kevin Reynolds ("Fandango," um, "Waterworld"), is a nice-enough telling of the Resurrection of Jesus, which at times seems like it also wants to be a Very Special Episode of "CSI: Jerusalem." It's well-made and well-acted.
  5. Reviewed by: Ignatiy Vishnevetsky
    Feb 18, 2016
    Refreshingly unpretentious, Risen reimagines the Gospel as an ancient Roman cop movie.
  6. Reviewed by: Richard Roeper
    Feb 18, 2016
    Give the Sony Pictures-backed Affirm Films and Risen director and co-writer Kevin Reynolds credit for making a different kind of Biblical semi-epic.
  7. Reviewed by: Eric Henderson
    Feb 19, 2016
    It's an episode of Without a Trace: Jerusalem presented with all the panache of a Trinity Broadcasting Network TV special.

See all 27 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 23, 2016
    This is the way a faith based film should be presented to an audience that seeks this type of movie. The makers of Risen had the courage theThis is the way a faith based film should be presented to an audience that seeks this type of movie. The makers of Risen had the courage the makers of movies like Exodus gods and kings, and Noah didn't. Expand
  2. Feb 24, 2016
    If you are not a religious person please ignore my critique .... for those of you who are this is one of the best filmed biblical storiesIf you are not a religious person please ignore my critique .... for those of you who are this is one of the best filmed biblical stories I've ever seen. Believable props and well directed acting. The 9 rating I know is high but it is for the genre. Believers will enjoy this movie immensely. 2 THUMBS UP ...for sure Expand
  3. Feb 20, 2016
    I am a pretty harsh critic of typical Christian film making. This one, however, was very well done. The story is plausible; it does a good jobI am a pretty harsh critic of typical Christian film making. This one, however, was very well done. The story is plausible; it does a good job of capturing an accurate cultural, historical and religious context for its setting. There are a lot of little details it gets right. The writing and acting are good. And the story doesn't try to do too much. It doesn't overreach.

    Granted, there are places that stretch the historical record and biblical accounts, but not dramatically so. But this story isn't a biblical account, so some liberties are expected and necessary. I think the film will be under appreciated for the effort put into the making of the film convincingly fit within the biblical frame, even among Christians, which is a shame.

    All in all, though, a very good film and I would absolutely recommend it. The message is Christian. If themes like sacrifice, forgiveness, loving your enemies, salvation and unconditional love offends you, you'll want to avoid the film. Otherwise, enjoy.
  4. Feb 19, 2016
    A fun movie, with many touching moments. It really is faithful to the original story of Jesus, but also completely different as the story ofA fun movie, with many touching moments. It really is faithful to the original story of Jesus, but also completely different as the story of a Roman Tribune commanded to find the body of Jesus to quell the new messiah movement. Jesus is played by an excellent choice of actor, and the Fiennes is awesome! Expand
  5. Feb 21, 2016
    "I want to believe." Approach this as an X-Files episode and you'll be fine. An X-Files episode that just so happens to depict the seminal"I want to believe." Approach this as an X-Files episode and you'll be fine. An X-Files episode that just so happens to depict the seminal moment in Catholic orthodoxy. The point of view is that of the Roman Tribune Clavius played with steely grit by Joseph Fiennes, who is tasked with the nasty business of cleaning up Pilate's claim to fame: the crucifixion of Jesus.

    The movie is a solid historical period piece for three quarters of the film. It plays more like a murder mystery as Clavius tries to track down the whereabouts of the new disciples who represent a threat to the governing status quo, and more importantly, the crucified body that has vanished from the tomb under supernatural circumstances. Clavius doggedly kicks in doors and interviews witnesses, trying to make sense of it all before an expected visit by Pilate's boss. Then ultimately the producers show their cards and go all in on the Clavius conversion as he ultimately helps the disciples escape and rendezvous with Jesus at Galilee.

    This film was made by the Sony denominational studio Affirm Films, so the payoff for the expected demographic is not at all unexpected. Before the film started, there were a string of previews for upcoming faith-based features, so Hollywood has clearly identified a reasonably fallow market over the past few years. The difference now is we are slowly starting to see better talent and production values in some of these efforts.

    Risen should not be avoided purely because you may be a religious skeptic, just as you should not avoid a film about, say, strange lights in Roswell NM just because you don't believe in UFOs.
  6. Feb 20, 2016
    While people usually enjoy movies like these, I usually try to do the same thing, but it's just that my taste most likely fails to catchWhile people usually enjoy movies like these, I usually try to do the same thing, but it's just that my taste most likely fails to catch anything enjoyable and good about this movie. Expand
