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Layers of Fear PC

Layers of Fear Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 32 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 105 Ratings

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  • Summary: Layers of Fear is a psychedelic horror where you take control over an insane painter in his quest to finish his magnum opus.


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 32
  2. Negative: 1 out of 32
  1. Feb 14, 2016
    The true masterpiece is the endless struggle to create art. Jump scares and predictable tricks in horror games won't work anymore. The story of the artist is intriguing while still making you feel tense and uneasy about what you see. Layers of Fear made story, gameplay, and atmosphere work together in harmony.
  2. Feb 14, 2016
    A fun, thrilling – and yes, very scary ride. Its amazing visuals and fascinatingly-creepy environments will have you hesitating at times, jumping at others, but always pushing onwards to uncover the story of its insane protagonist.
  3. Feb 15, 2016
    Yes Layers of Fear has a ton of jump scares yet everything else comes together as well to offer players a feeling of truly descending into madness. Sometimes a game comes along that sees a team of people coming together to create something unique and scary all the same. That’s Layers of Fear in a nutshell and it scared the living hell out of me.
  4. Feb 18, 2016
    Layers of Fear is a well executed title, which focuses on the linearity and jump scares rather than psychological terror. But his biggest setback is a story that could have given more of itself for enjoying this "ghost train" more than just going through it.
  5. Feb 20, 2016
    Layers of Fear masterfully toys with your sense of reality, when it's not throwing cheesy jump scares in your face.
  6. Feb 15, 2016
    Layers of Fear is a linear game that is a few steps behind the horror titans. The 4 hours needed to see the ending couldn't be considered wasted time but I had some doubts during. The game can scare you pretty well - unfortunately after a while the pattern becomes too repetitive (at the same time this is the moment where the rooms become more interesting). Layers of Fear takes some stuff from the P.T. demo - but when you copy, you should do it from the best source possible.
  7. Feb 15, 2016
    In other words, not so much a game as a tool to drive traffic to someone’s YouTube channel. That’s not game development. It’s pandering.

See all 33 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21
  1. Aug 27, 2015
    The best horror game this year! Absolutely amazing mood, groundbreaking visual style. It looks a way better then PT. There is just one snag -The best horror game this year! Absolutely amazing mood, groundbreaking visual style. It looks a way better then PT. There is just one snag - you better don't play this game alone at night! Expand
  2. Feb 25, 2016
    Великая игра. Не страшная, но весьма увлекательная. После первого эмоционального прохождения появляется желание пройти ее как детектив иВеликая игра. Не страшная, но весьма увлекательная. После первого эмоционального прохождения появляется желание пройти ее как детектив и открыть все загадки.
    Проплаченные Журналюги как обычно поставили невысокие оценки, тк разработчики им не заплтили.
    А Энгри джо со своим 6 из 10 вообще обосрался и перестал считаться обьктивным критиком (стал таким жирным логвиновым из пиндосии).

    В общем 10 из 10. Игра полностью оправдывает и цену каждую секунду игры.
  3. Feb 16, 2016
    Fanstastic game ! I want more !!! The best horror game this year! This game is amazing !!!!Fanstastic game ! I want more !!! The best horror game this year! This game is amazing !!!!

  4. Feb 21, 2016
    I needed three attempts to leave the lobby/first floor.
    Not because of a technical bug, no, because the atmosphere got me right from the
    I needed three attempts to leave the lobby/first floor.
    Not because of a technical bug, no, because the atmosphere got me right from the first step into the game.
    What I love about this game, is that I don´t have to run from crazy creatures or fight monsters,
    I can simply dive into the mad atmosphere and "enjoy" really good horror.
  5. Feb 21, 2016
    It's a great horror experience with many creative elements.

    Many complain about there being too many jumpscares, but what is a horror game
    It's a great horror experience with many creative elements.

    Many complain about there being too many jumpscares, but what is a horror game without the fear of something lurking to jump and kill/scare you? Jumpscares are not a large problem because a lot of the games spook comes from the atmosphere. The several jumps in the game are pretty well done regardless.
    Great graphics and decent animations make this title an appealing one. Needless to say, this is a clear upside.
    The story is interesting and dark, and the player can read notes and look at items to get additional facts and information. There are multiple endings for replayability.
    The gameplay is simple. There are a few puzzles of sorts, but the majority of the game comes from the horror aspect. There are many very creative scenes that break up the basic events of the game.

    Overall 8.5-9/10. If you are on the fence about buying it, just wait for a sale. Otherwise I recommend it for any horror enthusiasts. Make sure you play it alone in the dark for the most memorable effect! You shouldn't need to turn on the lights while playing.
  6. Feb 16, 2016
    This a game is not bad. It has nice design, decent graphic, good soundtrack and horror atmosphere. Unfortunately game scares you not withThis a game is not bad. It has nice design, decent graphic, good soundtrack and horror atmosphere. Unfortunately game scares you not with elements listed above but with jumpscares. Expand
  7. Feb 20, 2016
    Came looking for something like 'The Vanishing of Ethan Carter', which I loved, and was dissapointed. That one was more of adventure-misteryCame looking for something like 'The Vanishing of Ethan Carter', which I loved, and was dissapointed. That one was more of adventure-mistery game; this one, it seems, pure horror like 'Anmesia' & friends (don´t like them), but without a real enemy -you can´t die-.

    After opening the empty bottles wardrove, nothing more surprised me for the rest of the game. Notice that I only played 60% of it, because the story really wasn´t worth it with great but repetitive visuals, looping gameplay and some gems of music. When you have hundreds of games in your backlog, time is priority, so...

    Either way, you can´t name your game 'Layers of fear', when FEAR is what it lacks. Heck, even 'Bioshock 1' creeped the hell out of me, even 'Don´t Starve' and 'Dark Souls' caused more dread upon me while in the noob phase.

    Obviously, emotion-focused games differ greatly in differents people´s perceptions, but if you feel alluded, DON´T BUY.

See all 21 User Reviews
