A former cop says taking away Bradley Murdoch’s work privlieges in prison might make him

Falconio murder

BRADLEY Murdoch’s status as a medium-security prisoner in the Darwin Correctional Centre should be upgraded to maximum in an effort to force him to reveal the location of his victim, Peter Falconio

‘Calculating’ Kenny-Dowall’s accuser ‘not reliable’

AN emotional Shaun Kenny-Dowall embraced a large group of supporters, including his father John, with tears in his eyes after he was acquitted of assaulting former partner Jess Peris.

Man arrested Man arrested over backpacker attack

Man arrested over backpacker attack

A MAN who allegedly attacked two backpackers and stole their belongings has been arrested by police

Politics CLP ‘got quotes wrong’

CLP ‘got quotes wrong’

The owner of Action Sheetmetal, Harry Maschke, says the Country Liberals misquoted him in a press release claiming he was endorsing the party ahead of Labor

Kid With His Hand Stuck in a Vending Machine.

Arm caught Six hour vending machine ordeal for little Leo

LITTLE Leo Shorthouse had never seen a vending machine before yesterday and it’s doubtful he’ll want to again after a marathon city ordeal

Police action More raids over pensioner and carer scheme rorts

More raids over pensioner and carer scheme rorts

TWO more travel agencies have been raided by police as the investigation into the pensioner and carer concession scheme rorts continues

Concerns over future Pangaea scraps 140 jobs over gas moratorium fears

Pangaea scraps 140 jobs over gas moratorium fears

A MAJOR oil and gas company will sack 140 workers, scaling back its spending until it can gain certainty surrounding fracking in the Northern Territory

Survey results Council report card not too flash

Council report card not too flash

DARWIN Council has fallen short of its self-imposed targets for many frontline services, including footpath maintenance, rubbish collection, pools and customer service

Royal commission ‘It’s creepy at the very least’

‘It’s creepy at the very least’

CARDINAL George Pell has given his greatest insight yet into how paedophiles operated inside Australia’s church, with an admission that has raised eyebrows of survivors.

Brave return Darwin will always be home

Darwin will always be home

He lost three family members in a house fire, suffered burns to 40 per cent of his body, and had to stay in hospital for more than a year, but Tim Thurtell is determined to keep Darwin his home

Pane-ful knock Window cops Hale damage

Window cops Hale damage

NIGHTCLIFF Tigers coach and Labor candidate for Blain Damian Hale smashed a glass window during a tense NTFL elimination final last night

Cop shop croc

Croc found wandering through Territory police headquarters car park

Off and running Racing reptiles not a croc

THERE’S horse racing, car racing, marathon racing and now....croc racing?

From the Archive

Cranky croc snatches chainsaw from hands of workman up a tree

SAWTOOTH Cranky croc snatches chainsaw from hands of workman up a tree

A HUGE crocodile leapt out of a pond to rip a chainsaw from a man’s hands as he trimmed a tree branch several metres off the ground