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City News

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Jeremy Darroch

Sky boss gets 250% pay and perks increase to £16.9m after customers get price hikes

Chief executive Jeremy Darroch's bumper deal included an £11.8m bonus for hitting targets in previous years.

BT signals end of Indian call centres by pledging to answer 80% of calls in UK by 2016

The company said its customers preferred to speak to a UK call centre rather than one based overseas

British Gas owner, Iain Conn

British Gas faces fury over 50% profits increase despite paltry price cut

The country’s biggest supplier made around £390million in the first six months of this year, up from £265million, but customers only got a 5% price cut

Engineers on the drilling platform of the Cuadrilla shale fracking facility

Fracking could knock SEVEN per cent off house prices warns secret report

Defra warned fracking could push up insurance costs for homes up to five miles away, while tourists may avoid areas near shale gas sites

A general view of a Morrisons supermarket in Essex

Morrisons bouncing back as Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury’s sales fall

Morrisons increased its share of the grocery market for the first time since the end of 2011, retail researchers Kantar Worldpanel revealed

Gas rings on a cooker at a home in London

Energy Watchdog wants more tariffs despite Ofgem imposing limits

A watchdog is set to recommend more energy deals to attract customers to switching

Bosses' earnings surge to 149% more than staff

Fatcats get even fatter: Bosses' earnings surge to 149x more than staff

The widening pay gap between top chief executives and workers has reached “astonishing” levels according to a study

I will stop bashing the bankers when the bankers stop bashing us

We are in for a long wait. The spivs are in charge, boasting “if you’re not cheating, you’re not working hard enough”

Traders work on the floor

Bent bankers and crooked city traders to be jailed for 10 years

Toughened sanctions will apply to tens of thousands of bankers in the UK

George Osborne's RBS discount sale could end up costing taxpayers £26BILLION, experts warn

The public had to bail out the failing bank eight years ago and it is now set to be sold off by the Government at a knockdown price to City investors

Lloyds Banking Group's chief executive Antonio Horta-Osorio poses for photographers outside the Lloyds Banking Group headquarters in central London

PPI scandal: Top bankers told to give bonuses worth millions back

Millions have been paid out to bankers in bonuses, but they might have to give it all back as a result of mis-sold payment protection insurance

Ed Gilligan

American Express president Ed Gilligan dies aged 55 after falling ill on business flight

The dad-of-four was pronounced dead in hospital after plane made emergency landing in Wisconsin on flight to New York from Tokyo

New Wonga advert exclusive

Unison slams Wonga TV adverts for 'shamelessly targeting the financially vulnerable'

Britain's biggest public sector union hits out over payday lender's new TV advert targeting hard working school dinner ladies and nurses

General view of an EE phone shop

Smart phone giant EE comes bottom in survey of high street shoppers

  • EE

Stores owned by the telecoms firm slated for their unhelpful staff and lengthy queues in consumer survey by watchdog Which?

Marks and Spencer’s has first rise in profits for four years as its fashion comes into vogue

The chain posted its first rise in annual profits for four years, up 6.1% to £661million

Top Tory donor Lord Bamford: UK should ditch Europe and go it alone

Chairman of digger giant JCB says country should quit unless EU is reformed piling pressure on Prime Minister David Cameron

'Morrisons may be in terminal decline' warns expert after sales slump

New boss David Potts has branded the chain a 'British underdog' and has vowed to 'rediscover our identity' after 2.9 per cent drop

Logos of an Aldi store and Lidl store

Sainsbury's posts first loss in a decade but says sales growth has boosted confidence

Britain's third biggest chain fell £72million into the red during the 12 months to mid-March from a near £800m profit a year ago


Bank lending to firms rises to £1.6bn in March

The British Bankers' Association says increase is highest upturn since February 2009

Costa Coffee

Costa Coffee set to go large with sales growth of 80% over five years

Owner Whitbread has set a sales target of £2.5billion for the chain, to cash in on a global coffee craze