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Kiefer Sutherland's Emotional Reaction To Working Opposite His Father

1 hour ago

There are numerous families that are something of Hollywood royalty, where multiple generations have been stars on the big and small screens. Sometimes these generations get to work with one another, and on occasion, real life parents and children even get to parents and children in a project.think Jane and Henry Fonda in On Golden Pond. 24 star Kiefer Sutherland recently had the chance to star opposite his Golden Globe winning father, Donald Sutherland, and it was apparently a deeply emotional moment. Kiefer and Donald Sutherland took the opportunity to work together in the upcoming western, Forsaken, where they, surprise, surprise, play a father and son. Though the younger Sutherland prepared himself to work with his father ahead of time, when it actually went down, he told the La Times that it was overwhelming. He said: As much as I planned as an actor that this is what I want »

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How James Bond May Change To Keep Daniel Craig As 007

2 hours ago

During the build up to the latest James Bond adventure, Spectre, there was a lot of talk about whether or not Daniel Craig would be back to play the iconic spy for another movie. He is reportedly contracted for one more, but at one point during the press rounds he also said the thought of playing the character again made him want to slash his own wrists. The folks in charge certainly appear to want Craig back for the 25th James Bond movie, and are considering pushing it back in order to accommodate his schedule. It was recently announced that Daniel Craig will star in the 20-part series Purity, which will reportedly film fairly soon. This led many to presume that this meant the end for Craig as James Bond, as MGM hoped to get a new film into theaters by next year. But a source told Yahoo that: They »

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Jennifer Aniston And Jason Bateman's Holiday Comedy Has An All-Star Cast

3 hours ago

DreamWorks Pictures’ holiday comedy, Office Christmas Party, has gone and amassed a rather impressive cast ahead of its shoot, which is due to begin at some point over the next few weeks in Atlanta. As you can probably tell from the title, Office Christmas Party revolves around a festive workplace soiree that gets a little out of hand. The comedy has been in development for a while, but the latest iteration was written by Lee Eisenberg (Bad Teacher), Gene Stupnitsky (Year One), and Laura Solon, while Blades Of Glory’s Will Speck and Josh Gordon will direct. But who will show up in front of the camera? Well, according to The Hollywood Reporter, a bevy of comedic talent actually. Take a look at Office Christmas Party’s stellar cast below.  Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Aniston will take the female lead in Office Christmas Party. »

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Watch How Deadpool Brought Colossus To Life Through VFX

3 hours ago

Although Deadpool wasn’t Piotr Rasputin's, a.k.a. Colossus, first movie appearance, it was unquestionably his most important. Not only did the steel-skinned mutant get to have meaningful dialogue (and with a Russian accent, finally), but he looked the closest he’s ever been to his comic book counterpart. Although Deadpool had a smaller budget compared to most superhero movies, they were able to create a great-looking Colossus, and now there’s a video showing how that was accomplished.  In this VFX breakdown from Wired, they go over the steps taken by effects studio Digital Domain to bring Deadpool ’s Colossus to life, and it was quite complicated. While X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, and X-Men: Days of Future Past had Daniel Cudmore playing Colossus, Deadpool’s version of the character took five actors to create. That’s right, »

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The Futuristic Way Star Wars: Episode VIII Is Beefing Up On-Set Security

3 hours ago

Security on movie sets is a big deal. And I.m not talking about the safety of actors and crewmembers, but making sure that plot secrets stay secret. No one is quite as renowned for the lengths they go to in order to maintain that shroud of mystery quite like Star Wars, but according to one new report, they.re taking things up a notch on Star Wars: Episode VIII and employing an appropriately science fiction style strategy. They will apparently use a fleet of drones to keep other drones from flying over the sets and taking pictures. This issue first raised its head during production on Star Wars: The Force Awakens as intrepid fans flew drones over the Greenham Common set, where the scenes of the Resistance base where filmed. It was through some of these images that we got our first looks at a Millennium Falcon build, Poe »

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Why One Theater Chain Is Ignoring The MPAA And Letting Teens See An R-Rated Movie

5 hours ago

Michael Moore’s latest film, Where To Invade Next, made a poor start to its box office tenure when it was released earlier this month. The documentarian’s journey across the globe to borrow traits from different countries for America to use had Moore’s lowest opening per-theatre average ever. But, Michael Moore now has a helping hand from the Alamo Drafthouse, which has decided to “relax” its R-rating policy for the film.  Rather than this being a blatant attempt to assist Where To Invade Next’s underwhelming box office start, it’s actually because the chain can’t believe it was ever rated R in the first place. Alamo Drafthouse, which has cinemas across 13 states, made this announcement on Friday, with their CEO Tim League releasing a statement, via Entertainment Weekly, that highlighted why they feel it »

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The 15 Most Remarkably Average Movies Of All Time

5 hours ago

Some movies are great. They blow your mind, show you the world in a bold, new way, and otherwise stick with you in one way or another long after you watch. Other movies are god-awful and make you question all of the various life choices that led you to purchasing a ticket to that screening of that film on that particular day. As good or bad as movies can be, there are also those that you watch, were perfectly serviceable, and that, after you walk out of the theater, turn off your TV, or close your laptop, you never, ever think of again. They.re fine, existing in a space that is neither good nor bad, and that.s okay. With that in mind, we.ve compiled a list of movies that are most remarkable for how unremarkable they are. There are, of course, many more, so let us know »

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Why Doctor Strange Will Be The Best Superhero Movie Of 2016

6 hours ago

This November, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is finally exploring the world of magic through Doctor Strange. Previously described as "psychedelic," it.s already expected to be one of the most visually exciting movies this franchise has produced, with the Sorcerer Supreme battling all kinds of supernatural threats. In fact, according to Chiwetel Ejiofor, a.k.a. the movie.s Baron Mordo, and Anthony Mackie, a.k.a. the McU.s Falcon, Doctor Strange will be 2016.s biggest superhero movie hit. While interviewing Ejiofor and Mackie about their new movie, Triple 9, DesdeHollywood asked the actors which Marvel movie will be better: Captain America: Civil War or Doctor Strange? Ejiofor obviously supported his own project, but despite starring in Captain America: Civil War, Mackie agreed with him about Doctor Strange. As he put it:  Doctor Strange, just from the artwork that I have seen, it.s gonna be so different, so »

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The Deadpool Viral Marketing Officially Has Gone Too Far

7 hours ago

Having already grossed over $325.4 million since it was released just last Friday, Deadpool doesn.t really need any help in the marketing department. But, in the same way that a striker inadvertently scores a goal with his backside when he.s on a hot streak, 20th Century Fox got a helping hand earlier today when an accident involving two trucks saw thousands of Deadpool comics plastered across a highway. Now, it should be pointed out that no-one died in the incident, which took place just north of State Route 56 in Madison County, Ohio, but one of the drivers was taken to the hospital by medics for treatment. It.s been confirmed that the accident occurred when one truck, whose driver was asleep at the wheel, smashed into another that had pulled over to the side of the highway after breaking down. As you can seen in the picture below, this »

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Why Bridge Of Spies Has An Ace Up Its Sleeve In The Best Picture Race

7 hours ago

Quick, name your favorite Steven Spielberg movie. You likely said Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark or Jurassic Park. Some might even have said E.T. If you are a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, however, your answer probably involved one of Spielberg’s classic dissections of American or global history, for whenever the director aims his camera at the past, the Academy tends to sit up straight and listen. They did it again this year with Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies, an admirable account of a Cold War negotiation. But do they love it enough to reward it with Best Picture? Bridge of Spies has most of the ingredients you would put in an “imaginary” Oscar contender. Directed by Steven Spielberg and starring two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks, the movie is set during the heated moments of the Cold »

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Sounds Like Stephen King's It Will Get The Mature Version Fans Deserve

7 hours ago

Stephen King’s work is the stuff of nightmares. He’s created some of the most iconic characters of horror. However, it’s possible that no character has quite grabbed hold of our psyche like Pennywise the clown, the personification of the demon from King’s seminal tale It. While the cinematic adaptation of the story has been taking its sweet time coming to the screen, it now appears that when the film finally does come crawling out of the shower drain, it will do so with the intention of scaring the hell out of you. Producer Roy Lee has confirmed in an interview with Collider that the script they have is for an R-rated version of the story. This means that the movie won’t have to pull any punches when it comes to showing any violent, or simply terrifying, imagery. The book’ »

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The Hulk May Return To The McU A Lot Sooner Than We Thought

8 hours ago

After Hulk flew off into the sunset at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron, there was speculation about where the Green Goliath would appear next. Despite his name not popping up on the cast list, Captain America: Civil War was offered as a suggestion, and that gained traction after Mark Ruffao mentioned that Robert Downey Jr. said he was in the movie. Ruffalo later later confirmed he wouldn’t appear, but a new comment suggests that we might get to see a little of him after all. During an appearance on the Movies with Ali Plumb podcast (via HeyUGuys), Anthony Mackie, a.k.a. the McU’s Falcon, mentioned Ruffalo as if he’s one of the actors involved in Captain America: Civil War. Take a close look at his quote: It’s because it’s more of an acting movie than an action »

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Good News: The Bible Drama Risen Is Apparently Ok For Christians To See

8 hours ago

Still can.t decided whether or not to see Risen this weekend? Well, those of you who are on the fence about watching the Biblical epic are in luck, because the good folks over at Faith Driven Consumer have endorsed the film. In fact, the Christian advocacy group waxed lyrical about Risen, as the head of their organization told their millions of subscribers: Risen is, at long last, the movie we.ve all been waiting for. According to The Hollywood Reporter, this message was written by Faith Driven Consumer.s Chris Stone; who then decided to spread the word via email. Faith Driven Consumer didn.t stop there though, because they also provided a review for Risen, giving the film 4.5 stars out of 5. You can check out CinemaBlend's thoughts on Risen by clicking here. However, rather than being an indication of the cinematic qualities of Risen, this score is a »

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The One Mad Max: Fury Road Stunt That Made The Producer Think Twice

8 hours ago

In an environment where Hollywood can make literally anything happen, and look real, thanks to digital effects, Mad Max: Fury Road became something of an outlier when it made a commitment to doing many of their effects practically. There is a downside to actually make cars crash into each other however. It.s that there are actual people in those cars. Doug Mitchell is a longtime collaborator with Mad Max: Fury Road director George Miller. As a producer on Fury Road, Mitchell was closely involved in many aspects of production, including all of those great practical effects. He tells The Hollywood Reporter that right from the start he realized the seriousness of their plan. He was worried about the stunt man in the film.s very first stunt. The one that stood out for me was the very first one, in which Guy Norris, the additional unit director and stunt »

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Disney's Awesome Pete's Dragon Poster Gives Us Our First Look At Elliott

9 hours ago

The great Disney movie machine moves ever onward. However, the studio has so many different projects going on at once, that some seem to get lost in the shuffle. One of the movies we know comparatively little about right now is the upcoming remake of Pete.s Dragon. However, today we got our first look, so to speak, of the dragon Elliott. In addition, Disney promises more details to come very soon. Check out the first poster for the film. While the image does a truly lovely job of showing us something without actually showing us anything, that.s sort of the point. Elliott is the dragon who has befriended the titular Pete. He has a tendency to make himself invisible, or otherwise hide from most people, which means that having him hide behind a tree is par for the course for the character. What the poster does do is »

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The Rock and Kevin Hart Are Hosting The MTV Movie Awards, Get The Details

9 hours ago

The annual MTV Movie Awards have become one of the biggest nights in entertainment. Unlike the Oscars or the BAFTAs, it’s a night where more mainstream entertainers get to let loose and achieve recognition for their accomplishments. This year will see the event’s 25th anniversary, and as such it only makes sense that the network will choose to commemorate the occasion with something special. For such a big night, MTV has enlisted the help of two of Hollywood’s biggest stars to host the affair. Well… one of them is the biggest; the other is not so big (in stature). A new announcement from MTV indicates that the network has enlisted the talents of Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart to take on the hosting duties for the 25th annual MTV movie awards. The decision to have these two box office giants host makes »

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Adaptation Of Stephen King's The Stand Has Hit Yet Another Snag

10 hours ago

Stephen King has more of his books turned into TV series and movies than literally anybody else. His novel 11.22.63 is currently running on Hulu, and his Dark Tower series is moving forward, though in a very confusing way. With so many projects being worked on, it.s only fair that King would have, at least, one work in another well-known part of the Hollywood process: development hell. A feature film adaptation of Stephen King.s magnum opus The Stand has been on the drawing board for years. It.s seen multiple directors over the years and while things appeared to be moving forward with Josh Boone (The Fault In Our Stars) both writing and directing the film, or films, that.s now off the table as well... at least, at the moment. According to producer Roy Lee.s interview with Collider, Boone is looking at making a different movie that »

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The Revenant Is The Result Of An Irresponsible Decision, According To The Director

10 hours ago

We’ve all heard the horror stories associated with The Revenant’s production. From uncooperative weather to being forced to shoot the film chronologically, the film seemed plagued with problems at every turn. It’s the sort of endeavor that no sane person would ever wish upon himself or herself, and according to the film’s director, it’s not a project he would have undertaken if he had thought about it too much. Speaking with Rolling Stone, Alejandro G. Iñárritu explained that the decision to make The Revenant in retrospect seems like a completely irresponsible one: I would say the film is a happy accident of a very bad decision. It's the result of an irresponsible decision that I made. But we need that sometimes – to be naive, blind from reality. If not, we will not embark ourselves on »

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The True Story Behind Shia Labeouf And Tom Hardy's On-Set Fight

10 hours ago

Back in 2012, Tom Hardy co-starred in the movie Lawless with Shia Labeouf. The movie was a solid outing for both actors, but the most interesting item to come out of the project was the report that the two actors got into a fight on the set. John Hillcoat was the director of the film, and he’s now come out to say that the fight did happen, though any rumors that Tom Hardy was taken down were greatly exaggerated. John Hillcoat is the director behind the new film Triple 9, and as part of his promotion for his new project, he recently took part in an Ama on Reddit. During the online interrogation, Hillcoat was asked about the rumor that Tom Hardy was actually knocked out on the set of Lawless by Shia Labeouf. Hillcoat did confirm the altercation, but not the result.  There was definitely a fight between »

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Watch Ryan Reynolds Audition Unlikely Deadpool 2 Sidekicks

11 hours ago

Deadpool is the most popular movie in the country right now. It.s so big that there are already plans for a sequel. Knowing that, it.s little surprise that other people in Hollywood are looking to get in on the action. One of them is late night talk show host James Corden. He wants to be in Deadpool so badly that he thinks the merc with a mouth needs a sidekick, just so Corden himself can play the role. Check out the comedian.s ideas in the clip below. The premise of the sketch from The Late Late Show with James Corden is an impromptu pitch meeting so Corden can present Ryan Reynolds with a number of different ideas. As Reynolds points out, the entire concept of a sidekick really goes against Deadpool.s whole schtick, but the man cannot be dissuaded. What follows is a parade of the »

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