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24 Problems Only Bar Managers Will Understand

1 hour ago


The average bartender – male or female – may have their own set of issues and quibbles with the job, but at the end of the day, when their shift comes to an end, they get to forget about work and concentrate on whatever deviant lifestyle occupies their time outside of the pub. They get to go home, relax and think about a life without the bar.

Not you, my friend. When the bar staff have vanished into the night to eat, sleep or hunt down the elusive party, you’re cashing up and refloating tills, trying to figure out how and why the cash handling has gone awry. When the doormen are sitting at home trying to unclench by playing video games until the sun comes up, you’re reviewing the rotas for the next week and worrying about whether you’ve got enough staff on for the beer festival. »

- Ben Cooke

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25 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Feb 28)

2 hours ago


Brock Lesnar. Rockstar Spud. Candace Cameron Bure? It’s not everyday that those three names occupy the same space, especially in a wrestling article. Over the past week they’ve all contributed to moments that are truly standout, but they’re not alone.

From Roman Reigns feigning blood loss to Chris Jericho legitimately getting a black eye, and from uranages through ladders to test of strengths being won by female genitalia – the following spots are currently the most noteworthy in wrestling.

Due to both WWE and Ring of Honor having Pay-Per-Views recently as well as Tna being a Lethal Lockdown episode, this is a massive edition of this series. 25 .gifs in all occupy the list so let’s get to it with a highlight from the Fastlane pre-show…

25. Double Foot Stomp Off The Barricade WWE.com

Here’s a cool twist on Alberto Del Rio’s favorite match finisher. »

- Mitch Nickelson

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10 Wild WrestleMania 32 Predictions That Could Come True

4 hours ago


It’s that time of the year again, when WWE smarks make outlandish predictions for the upcoming WrestleMania which have almost zero per cent chance of ever happening.

While select WWE fans still cling to the hope of Cm Punk making a grand return before WrestleMania 32, others are frantically trying to figure out how Goldberg could fit into their fantasy card which includes the debuts of Finn Balor and Baylor soon before The Rock has an impromptu match with Stone Cold Steve Austin for the Hardcore Championship.

So maybe some of the fantasy-booked cards out there aren’t that bad, but you get the idea.

It’s highly unlikely anything more earth shattering than Shane McMahon returning will happen in the lead-up to WrestleMania 32, but there are still five weeks of WWE programming to go before what has been dubbed ‘the biggest WrestleMania ever’ in the Dallas Cowboys’ home of At&T Stadium. »

- Matt Marsden

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DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow: 18 Wtf Moments From ‘Star City 2046’

4 hours ago

The CW

Star City 2046 does exactly as it says on the tin: it picks up the Legends of Tomorrow action in a future Star City landscape, and in turn this gave the show its very best episode to date.

Of course, with Star City there comes the Green Arrow. Whilst our ragtag titular team soon discover that the Emerald Archer of this future Star City isn’t Oliver Queen, it’s not long before we get reacquainted with an older, bearded, one-armed version of Ollie. A version who is bitter at the world and who is resigned to being helpless when it comes to the chaos and carnage that fills the streets of his city.

With the order of the day being to grab some vital Smoak Technologies-created equipment, the Legends have to deal with a Star City that is being ran into the ground by a new Deathstroke. And in addition to that, »

- Andrew Pollard

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8 Things We Need To See In The R-Rated Cut Of Batman V Superman

5 hours ago

DC Comics

It’s not uncommon for extended versions of PG-13 movies to be Rated “R” when they hit home video (both The Wolverine and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies got that treatment), but that didn’t make the news that an “Ultimate” version of Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice on Blu-Ray will be R-Rated due to violent scenes still came as a very pleasant and unexpected surprise earlier this week.

This cut will no doubt have plenty of additional scenes, with the R resulting in it feeling a little different to the PG-13 version currently on its way to cinemas.

Exactly how different this R-Rated Batman V Superman will be remains to be seen; what extra scenes will be included and just how much of an impact will the newly added violent moments which were cut from the theatrical version end up having on the movie? »

- Josh Wilding

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20 Best & Worst Movies From 2016 Oscar Nominees

7 hours ago

Group 1 Film Company

The time has come once more for the movie world to hold its breath temporarily as a committee of white old men decide to give awards to entirely the wrong movies and ignore what sparse diversity Hollywood allows to flourish. Curiously, though it”s now almost fashionable to rag on the Oscars (or boycott them entirely), they remain the standard for performance and technical quality and millions are invested in “campaigning” for their attention. So of course we all still pay attention.


And to give the Academy their dues, there are almost no decisions they could make that wouldn’t see them torn apart by wolves.

When the dust settles and all of the speeches have bored their way into our heads, new winners will be crowned and we’ll have a whole new stock of actors to lavish praise on and over-hype until they make a »

- Simon Gallagher

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25 Most Revealing WWE Instagram Posts Of The Week (Feb 28th)

7 hours ago


Just when you think WWE is as predictable as it’s ever been, the music hits, the Money comes and Shane McMahon is somehow appearing at WrestleMania in 2016. In the PG Era. Wow.

If this week’s biggest rumours are to be believed, Shane O Mac will also herald the start of a second Attitude Era (assuming he somehow manages to gain control of Raw). After all, Vince did do a massive swear and Roman Reigns was allowed to be covered in blood. Yes, the idea of abandoning the advertiser friendly PG approach would not make business sense entirely, but hopefully we’ll see a compromise (perhaps enabled by a new brand split) whereby Shane controls an edgier product on Raw and Vince can play to families on Smackdown. It’s all interesting talk, at least.

The week also saw more Mania 32 rumours (with Batista and Goldberg seemingly ruled »

- Simon Gallagher

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The X-Files: 21 Wtf Moments From The Season’s Final Two Episodes

8 hours ago


The X-Files revival has come and gone, all too quickly for most fans. It had its ups, and it had its downs, its scares, its laughs, and just as often, its Wtf moments. Lots and lots of Wtf moments.

The final two episodes of the season, which consisted of Babylon, a tale of terrorism and psychic ability, and My Struggle Part 2, the follow up to the season opener, a story involving aliens, a man-made plague, and world domination plots, could not have been more different – night and day really. The latter was played as a serious, straight continuation of the ongoing mythology of the show, although it attempted to move into a “new” mythology story line that dropped the alien colonization concept entirely. The former attempted to tie the show into current events, no small task for a series that peaked in the 90s – but straddled the fence between serious drama and comedy. »

- Jay Anderson

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10 Burning Questions For WWE Raw (Feb 29)

8 hours ago


If you’re a semi-regular Monday Night Raw viewer, you can typically tell when it’s WrestleMania season: Undertaker starts showing up, other part-timers come out of the woodwork, Hall of Fame inductions are announced, and WWE brass try to push a main event that fans outright reject down our collective throats.

Sad to say, that’s actually become a routine thing in recent years. Consider WrestleMania Xxvii, with Miz versus John Cena headlining, or Xxix, with the Cena/Rock rematch (of a “Once in a Lifetime” match, no less), or XXX, with Randy Orton and Batista battling for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, or last year’s title match between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns. None of those matches (with the possible exception of Rock/Cena) was something fans were particularly starved for and demanding. Hogan/Andre, Austin/Michaels or Undertaker/Hbk they weren’t.

But that »

- Scott Carlson

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10 Amazing Movies That Didn’t Receive An Oscar Nomination

8 hours ago

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

More often than not over the years, Oscar gets it wrong. Be it an iffy decision in the Best Supporting category – Cuba Gooding, Jr. over Ed Norton, anyone? – or the more egregious crimes of picking the wrong Best Picture – need we remind you that Ordinary People delivered a knockout to Raging Bull at the 53rd Academy Awards?

Even as recently as this year, a certain hip hop biopic has been left out of all the major categories, which has really brought to light the impact it can have on the filmic community when a well-received, popular movie isn’t given recognition in what is arguably the most coveted awards ceremony on the planet. These examples, and the debate regarding whether the Oscars are losing their prestige given the startling omissions being made, are causing people to wonder just who the hell votes for »

- Shaun Davis

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10 Movies That Will Make You Cry Yourself To Sleep

9 hours ago

Warner Bros

Sometimes you just want a good cry. It’s healthy and natural and dammit, maybe you just have a desire to have your heartstrings tugged at for a couple of hours. And that’s why there’s an entire sub-genre of movies dedicated to making you weep.

But there’s a big difference between a “tearjerker” and a “shameless heart puncher.” Some movies don’t just want to make you cry, they want to make you to cry so hard that your neighbours call the police out of concern. They want to make you cry so much that your body runs out of moisture, so your eyes just start sending little salt rocks down your cheeks. They want to make you cry into the night. And possibly into the next morning.

So it’s with the utmost caution that we guide you through the most heartbreaking, emotionally devastating »

- Jacob Trowbridge

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10 Lamest WWE Pay Per View Concepts Ever

9 hours ago


With pay-per-view taking a decided backseat to the WWE Network, the idea has been put forth to reduce the number of WWE pay-per-views from its annual dozen. This is actually a reasonable idea. Since nothing of note really happens at secondary events like Payback and Fastlane and Night of Champions, there’s really no point in spending three weeks building matches for something that’s largely going to be ignored.

Keep the big five pay-per-views (Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, Money in the Bank, SummerSlam, Survivor Series), and run seven live specials on the Network on Saturdays in the vein of October’s Madison Square Garden show, or the upcoming Toronto event. Hey, bring back Saturday Night’s Main Event as a Network exclusive – you don’t have to waste the whole roster on insta-feuds that way.

If the pay-per-view output is indeed going to diminish, I can’t say »

- Justin Henry

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Far Cry Primal: 9 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do

9 hours ago


For whatever reason, Ubisoft’s latest Far Cry isn’t setting the world on fire like the last two, but that doesn’t stop it being one of the coolest and most fun gaming experiences out there.

Riding sabre-tooth tigers, lobbing spears through tribes of enemies’ stomachs, deploying bee-bombs and stopping to gnaw on the occasional chunk of meat to regain your health, think Leo DiCaprio in The Revenant, add mammoths and loincloths and you’re almost there.

What it lacks in modern technology and a gripping storyline it more than makes up for through exemplary world design, with novel and unique twists on established abilities, and a few more additions that set it apart from its predecessors the more you play.

However, whilst you’ll be familiar with calling your owl in for some sick stealth kills after an hour or two, chances are the world of 10,000 BC »

- Scott Tailford

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10 Most Overrated Players In World Football Right Now

9 hours ago

© Daniele Mascolo/epa/Corbis

The words legend and superstar seem to get bandied about far too often these days.

Just because someone can do a trick or two and gets paid an absurd amount of money doesn’t mean they should be seen as brushing shoulders with the greats of yesteryear. Names such as George Best and Pele deserve the title – they were true icons of the beautiful game – but many players these days are wrongly labelled as the best thing since sliced bread.

There’s been many one-season wonders throughout the years and those whose egos makes them think they’re worthy of being worshipped, but many players these days – not including the likes of Lionel Messi of course – mistakenly believe their own hype.

So who exactly falls into the overrated category? Whose price tags have been ridiculous and who have the media helped build up into something they’re quite clearly not? »

- Jamie Roberts

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Finn Balor Teases ‘Bulletproof’ Debut On WWE Raw Monday?

10 hours ago


In what may be seen as a spoiler of sorts, Finn Balor took to his official Instagram account wwebalor to drop a possible hint regarding an impending debut on the main roster.

As we now know, Balor’s New Japan Pro Wrestling Bullet Club cohorts Doc Gallows and “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson are now officially WWE talents, and reports leaked earlier this week that the stable would no longer be going by the previously assumed moniker of “The Balor Club”, but instead will be known as the similarly-themed “Bullet Proof”.

Opinions were mixed on the name and speculation begin to run rampant that the group would somehow be inserted into the storyline regarding Shane McMahon and his struggle for control of WWE. So far there’s been no evidence to suggest that would happen, but a cryptic Instagram post by the Nxt champion could indicate the faction may be »

- Brad Hamilton

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Triple H To Defend WWE Title At March To WrestleMania?

10 hours ago


If we are to trust the people in charge of WWE.com, it appears that WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H will be defending his belt earlier than originally thought.

It has been reported previously that Triple H will be in action at the big WWE house show in Madison Square Garden on March 25th, just over a week before WrestleMania 32. At that event, which is being advertised as “Daniel Bryan Appreciation Night,” Hunter will team with Sheamus to take on Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose.

However, an announcement on WWE.com indicates that Triple H might actually be defending his title on the WWE Network special “March To WrestleMania” on March 12th. That show, which takes place live from Toronto, would be Triple H’s first in-ring action since winning the title last month at the Royal Rumble.

An announcement promoting the show was posted on WWE. »

- Ryan Droste

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10 Unbelievable Stories About Area 51

10 hours ago


If ever you begin to question just how far the human imagination is willing to go, think of Area 51. Nothing more than a few square miles of flat desert in an otherwise unremarkable part of Southern Nevada, it has become one of the most mysterious and iconic parts of the planet for no other reason than the Us Military have a fence around it.

2013 saw a long-awaited acknowledgement from the White House that the facility existed, but absolutely nothing in the way of specifics over what was going on there.

Nature abhors a vacuum though, and the total lack of any official explanation from the American government means that the facility is *definitely* the home of alien beings, amazing futuristic tech, and experiments in the paranormal. Strictly speaking, there’s not any… y’know… proof of any of this, but since when has that stopped anyone.

Ever since the site was established in 1955 (actually, »

- Adam Clery

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WWE And Tna: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Feb 28)

10 hours ago


Here comes the money! Shane O’Mac is back, shaking and shuffling up the wrestling world. But, if we can pause for a moment, how sad is it that the product has grown so stale that a non-wrestler received the biggest pop in years? It will probably be the loudest reaction we hear until the triumphant return of Linda!

Well, elsewhere in the wrestling world, Dean Ambrose stole an ambulance, so we can only assume he’ll be out of WrestleMania along with John Cena and Randy Orton, because he will be in jail. Vince McMahon dropped the F-bomb on Monday’s Raw, a show where the wrestlers themselves remind us is PG programming. Will he suspend himself for 60 days for unprofessional conduct? No chance in hell!

The most confusing statement of the week is awarded to Josh Matthews who declared during the Grado and Eli Drake match »

- Andrew Soucek

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Shane McMahon And The Undertaker To Face Off On WWE Raw

27 February 2016 8:12 AM, PST


The Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pa has officially announced that both Shane McMahon and The Undertaker will be appearing at the arena’s Monday Night Raw on March 14. This marks the first time the WrestleMania 32 opponents will come face to face since their match at the show was announced.

Shane McMahon returned to Raw on February 22 after a seven-year absence, confronting his father and demanding control of the show. Vince agreed, but only if Shane could defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania. If Shane loses, Vince gets control of a lockbox filled with incriminating evidence Shane has collected.

The Undertaker is confirmed as appearing on this Monday’s Raw, live from Nashville, Tn. McMahon, however, is not being advertised until March 7, when the show will be broadcast from Chicago, Il. If history is any indication, the March 14 show – which comes exactly 20 days before WrestleMania – will be one of »

- Scott Fried

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Is A Major Batman Video Game Announcement Coming On April 25th?

27 February 2016 7:24 AM, PST


Remember when gamers found the hidden Arkham Asylum Easter Egg tucked away inside Warden Sharpe’s office, that proved Rocksteady had been working on Arkham City all along?

Well, we might have another case of just that. Don’t get too excited just yet though. After all, Rocksteady made it abundantly clear in the run up to and aftermath of Arkham Knight that they wouldn’t be doing another Batman game. Still, given their last cryptic Arkham Insider video, pretty much anything’s possible, even if the franchise is bound to live on with or without their expertise at the helm of another project.

Back to the Easter Egg though, which finds itself in the self-titled ‘Community Challenge Pack’ in the Wayne family’s humble abode. Players who interact with that famous grand piano are treated to a secret wall of sorts, with all sorts of writings regarding Penguin, »

- Ewan Paterson

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