Mishandled baggage

If you have a checked baggage missing, please approach one of our friendly guest service officers immediately.

You will need to provide your baggage tag that was given to you at the time of check-in for us to track your baggage through our Baggage Tracing System. Our guest service assistants then will update you on the status of the baggage periodically.

Your baggage will be declared missing after a period of 7 days for Domestic travel, and 14 days for International travel, from the date of the PIR. In this situation, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Copy of guest passport / ID
  2. Copy of guest bank book / statement
  3. SWIFT/BCB/IBN code (for international transaction)
  4. An authorization letter for 3rd party account (if necessary)
  5. Copy of 3rd party passport / ID (if necessary)

Guests will be contacted by our Central Baggage Tracing Office staff for further action.

The following telephone numbers are for missing baggage enquiries only. No other enquiries will be dealt with at these numbers:

Kuala Lumpur Central Baggage Tracing Office: +603 8778 5495
Bangkok Central Baggage Tracing Office: +662 562 5869
Jakarta Central Baggage Tracing Office: +6221 5591 6126 and +6221 7034 6616

Alternatively, you can fill up our e-form here by selecting "Baggage" at the "Type" field.

Please note that we do not accept any responsibility for personal belongings misplaced or lost on board the aircraft or in the airport terminal. All items carried by you are solely at your own risk. Any items found on board will be forwarded to the lost property offices at the respective airports. Any items found at the airport terminal will be handed over to the airport authorities.

Delayed baggage

If your baggage has been delayed, we will make the necessary arrangements to deliver it to your local address provided in the PIR form as and when it arrives. Arrangements will also be made to assist you should items of baggage arrive damaged.

If you wish to file a claim or an action regarding delay of checked baggage, you must notify us within twenty-one (21) days from the date the baggage has been placed at your disposal.

Damaged baggage

If your baggage is damaged, you should immediately approach one of our friendly guest service officers. Details of the damage to your baggage will be recorded and you will be offered immediate assistance, if necessary. Please note that damage to accessories and wear and tear may not be covered by us.

If your bag is damaged as a result of over-packing or unsuitable packaging, our liability will be reduced.

If you wish to file a claim or an action regarding damage to checked baggage after you've left the airport, you must notify us as soon as you discover the damage, and at the latest within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the baggage.