Do you understand legal consumers?

Like any business, a law firm needs to know its customers. Using insights into the motivations and typical behaviors of consumers, law firms like yours can increase their chances of gaining prospective clients.

So what do legal consumers want?
In a word, speed.

People facing legal issues generally want swift resolution. Once they’re aware that they need representation, they don’t want to spend a lot of time looking for it. This can be a boon for your firm, but only if you’re prepared to react to it.

This white paper will use FindLaw’s 2015 U.S. Consumer Legal Needs Survey and other resources to highlight the three stages nearly all legal consumers follow in their quest to hire an attorney:

  • Awareness – Where legal consumers recognize that they have a legal need.
  • Interest/Consideration – Where consumers begin to search for and evaluate possible solutions, including hiring an attorney.
  • Purchase – Where consumers choose to contact and ultimately hire an attorney.