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Brentin Mock

Political Correspondent
Washington, D.C.

Brentin Mock covers national politics for Colorlines. He previously served as lead reporter for Voting Rights Watch 2012, covering the challenges presented by new voter ID laws, suppression of voter registration drives, and other attempts to limit electoral power of people of color.

Brentin is also a contributor for Demos’ blog PolicyShop, where he covers voting rights and civil rights; and also a blogger for Grist.org, where he writes about environmental justice. You can read some of his other work at Next American City, Facing South, The Root, In These Times, American Prospect and The Washington Post.

Follow Brentin on Twitter at @brentinmock.

Why the U.N. Climate Change Agreement Wasn't a Complete Disaster

Brentin Mock says that the glass is actually half full when it comes to the global climate agreement nearly 200 countries signed at COP 21 in Paris last week.  

Eric Holder's Racial Justice Legacy

Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation late last week. Here, a review of his work on voting rights, mass incarceration and police brutality.

Why Can't Obama Just Handle It?

Deportations. Reparations. Climate change. What exactly can the White House do about these things?

Senior Congressman John Conyers' Re-Election in Danger

Will John Conyers now needs a massive write-in campaign to continue to rep Detroit.

Only Property Owners Should Vote Says Fla. Congressman

Fla. Rep. Yoho doesn't stop with the nonsense, this time: voting.

Newark Wins Ras Baraka; Significant Challenges Ahead

Ras Baraka win is a referendum on education reform movement.

Two Republican Leaders Give Up on Voter ID

Sen. Rand Paul and Pa. Gov. Tom Corbett throw in the towel on voter ID

Racist Wisconsin Voter ID Law Banned For Life (or at Least Until the State Appeals)

Wisconsin becomes the fifth state where courts struck down voter ID laws.

Justice Department to Begin Collecting Racial Profiling Data

The Justice Department will start tabulating stop-and-frisk frequency and racial bias.

Arkansas Becomes Fourth State For Voter ID Court Defeat

Arkansas joins Pennsylvania, Missouri and Texas in voter ID court defeats.

Obama and Holder to Expand Clemency for Unfair Prison Sentences

The Obama Administration wants to free more people unfairly imprisoned from jail

New Orleans Filmmaker Spotlights Black Oystermen of Louisiana

Vanishing Pearls director Nailah Jefferson restores black fishers deleted from the BP oil spill saga.

More Voting Rights Restoration Coming for Virginia

Anyone with drug felony convictions in Virginia will now be eligible for automatic voting rights restoration.

Midterm Test: Who's Courting the Youth?

Not the usual suspects, says Robert "Biko" Baker, League of Young Voters Education Fund executive director

People in Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stones

The GOP has done poorly with its "minority outreach," but Democrats aren't doing too well, either.

FBI Arrests Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon

Charlotte mayor is facing a lot of years for bribery and extortion charges.

Obamacare Deadline Extended for Some

If you started purchasing Obamacare through the website, but didn't complete by March 31, no worries ... 'til April.

Is It Time To Finally Stick a Fork In the Tea Party?

Tea Party may be down, but not out.

Alex Sink Fails to Turn Up Voters of Color in Florida ... Again

Alex Sink just can't get the vote out for black and brown Floridians.

Racism's at Root of Adegbile Denial

Racism in the Senate continues to weaken civil rights law enforcement.