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Reduced Fees - Total Disability and Certain Veterans

Applicants for this license must be a resident of South Dakota and meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • has a total disability (limited to a wheelchair and permanently physically unable to walk);
  • provide a copy of a letter from the VA indicating they have received the "K" award or they receive a veteran's allotment for a total (100 percent) disability which is deemed a service-related injury and will meet eligibility as established in state law 41-6-10.2;
  • provide a copy of a letter from the Social Security Administration indicating they are receiving a 100 percent Social Security disability and verification they have served on active duty in the armed forces or as a member of the armed forces reserve or National Guard; or
  • provide a copy of the discharge papers showing their former status as a Prisoner of War.
state parks permit

Any South Dakota resident who receives a veteran's allotment for a total disability which is deemed a service-related injury or who has received the United States Veterans Administration's "K" Award, or any resident who was held as a prisoner of war may obtain free admission to any South Dakota state park or recreation area, and any such person may receive a 50 percent discount on any camping fee or associated electrical service fee.

Vetrans Disability Park Entrance Application

contact information

605.223.7660 | wildinfo@state.sd.us


A person must apply on forms provided by GFP and include with the application proof of South Dakota residency and a written statement from a doctor of medicine, osteopathy, or chiropractic, who is currently and validly licensed by the South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners or Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The doctor shall verify the applicant has a permanent inability to walk.

For subsequent applications, a conservation officer in the county of the applicant's residence may verify the applicant's total disability in lieu of the doctor's statement.

A veteran may provide proof at the time of application of receipt of such allotment, social security disability benefits, discharge papers, or award. If you do not have the verification papers in your possession, you may contact the Veterans Administration in Sioux Falls and have them sent to you.

SANDS - Sportsmen Assisting Disabled Sportsmen

The SANDS program helps men, women and children with disabilities by providing a means for them to meet able-bodied outdoors men and women who volunteer their time and abilities. They work to help people with disabilities enjoy hunting and fishing.www.sandsusa.org