Regulatory Spotlight: Prohibited Activities under Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Act of 2010

So, what can't you do with terrorists?

It's limited in scope, since these are individuals. You can't give them access to funds or “economic resources”, which is another way of saying assets that aren't monetary instruments.

HMT defines what actions are prohibited:

(a) in relation to funds—

(i) use, alter, move, allow access to or transfer,

(ii) deal with the funds in any other way that would result in any

change in volume, amount, location, ownership, possession, character or destination, or

(iii) make any other change that would enable use, including portfolio management;

(b) in relation to economic resources, exchange or use in exchange for funds, goods or services.

subject to any exceptions or licenses.

The Act differentiates from providing assets to a designated person, and providing assets that ultimately benefit a designated person. In the second case, the litmus test is whether or not the designated person is able to discharge a significant financial obligation that they have some responsibility for.

When the asset in question is non-monetary, HMT prohibits only the provision of assets that the designated person is likely to exchange for monetary instruments, goods or services.

The exceptions are simple: you can credit interest or other earnings (e.g. dividends) to a frozen account (i.e. an account that contains funds or monetary instruments belonging to or benefitting the designated person). Also allowed is the crediting of the account with payments contracted/agreed to before the account was frozen (Mr. Watchlist is not sure why assets gained during the designation period cannot be credited if the account is frozen).

On the outgoing side, the Act specifies that social security payments can be made to non-designated person from funds not belonging to a designated person (see above distinction between ownership and benefit) “whether or not the payment is made in respect of a designated person.”

HMT can grant general or specific licenses. The license specifies what things are authorized by it, whom it is granted to, any conditions and the relevant time period, if any. They can, of course, modify or revoke the license at any time.

When the license is granted, changed or revoked, Treasury must given written notice of specific licenses to those person(s) it applies to, or provide appropriate publicity of general licenses.

As you can imagine, providing materially false information or misleading, inaccurate or fraudulent documents is illegal (in British English – “person commits an offence”). Similarly, if you don't limit yourself to any conditions or timeframe of a license, that's illegal, too.

Lastly, any activities that that circumvent or facilitate circumvention of the prohibitions is illegal. The Act specifically notes that the offender “intentionally participates in activities knowing that the object of effect of them is (whether directly or indirectly)” getting around the sanctions – a bit of wiggle room on both ends.


UK Social Security overview (from US Social Security Administration)

July 30, 2013: OFAC updates Cuba, Narcotics sanctions

Monday, OFAC made two sets of sanctions changes. First, they removed the following vessels from the Cuban sanctions program:

ACECHILLY (Acechilly Navigation Co., Malta) (vessel) [CUBA].
ACEFROSTY (Acefrosty Shipping Co., Malta) (vessel) [CUBA].
CASABLANCA (Epamac Shipping Co., Ltd., Malta) (vessel) [CUBA].
COTTY (Heywood Navigation Corp., Panama) (vessel) [CUBA].
FLYING DRAGON (Flight Dragon Shipping Ltd., Malta) (vessel) [CUBA].
FRIGO HISPANIA (Ace Indic Navigation Co., Malta) (vessel) [CUBA].
HUNTSLAND (Huntsland Navigation Co., Ltd., Malta) (vessel) [CUBA].
HUNTSVILLE (Huntsville Navigation Co., Ltd., Malta) (vessel) [CUBA].
HURACAN (Senanque Shipping Co., Ltd., Cyprus) (vessel) [CUBA].
LAS COLORADOS (Naviera Maritima de Arosa, Spain) (vessel) [CUBA].
ONYX ISLANDS (Maryol Enterprises, Inc., Panama) (vessel) [CUBA].
PALMA MOCHA (Naviera Maritima de Arosa, Spain) (vessel) [CUBA].
PINO DEL AGUA (Naviera Maritima de Arosa, Spain) (vessel) [CUBA].
RAHIM 3 (Pioneer Shipping Ltd., Malta) (vessel) [CUBA].
ALAMINOS (f.k.a. RUBY ISLANDS) (P32C3) General Cargo 15,088DWT 8,909GRT Cyprus flag (Alaminos Shipping Co. Ltd.) (vessel) [CUBA].
RUBY ISLANDS (a.k.a. ALAMINOS) (P32C3) General Cargo 15,088DWT 8,909GRT Cyprus flag (Alaminos Shipping Co. Ltd.) (vessel) [CUBA].
CARIBBEAN PRINCESS (C4GL) General Cargo 24,155DWT 16,794GRT Cyprus flag (CARIBBEAN PRINCESS SHIPPING (SDN)) (vessel) [CUBA].
CARIBBEAN QUEEN (C4JO) General Cargo 24,106DWT 16,794GRT Cyprus flag (CARIBBEAN QUEEN SHIPPING (SDN)) (vessel) [CUBA].
EMERALD ISLANDS (9HRP2) General Cargo 15,088DWT 8,909GRT Malta flag (BETTINA SHIPPING CO. LTD. (SDN)) (vessel) [CUBA].
GRETE STAR (f.k.a. AVIS FAITH) (HOQD) Container Ship 17,820DWT 11,318GRT Panama flag (Avisfaith Shipping) (vessel) [CUBA].
AVIS FAITH (a.k.a. GRETE STAR) (HOQD) Container Ship 17,820DWT 11,318GRT Panama flag (Avisfaith Shipping) (vessel) [CUBA].
LAURA I (f.k.a. LAURA) (HP7988) Container Ship 2,213DWT 1,843GRT Panama flag (Naviera Polovina S.A.) (vessel) [CUBA].
LAURA (a.k.a. LAURA I) (HP7988) Container Ship 2,213DWT 1,843GRT Panama flag (Naviera Polovina S.A.) (vessel) [CUBA].
LILAC ISLANDS (3FIM2) General Cargo 15,175DWT 8,976GRT Panama flag (VALETTA SHIPPING CORPORATION (SDN)) (vessel) [CUBA].
LOTUS ISLANDS (3FIL2) General Cargo 15,175DWT 8,976GRT Panama flag (WADENA SHIPPING CORPORATION (SDN)) (vessel) [CUBA].
NORTH ISLANDS (P3CH2) General Cargo 15,136DWT 8,996GRT Cyprus flag (NORTH ISLAND SHIPPING CO. LTD. (SDN)) (vessel) [CUBA].
SENANQUE (5BJR) General Cargo 5,479DWT 2,974GRT Cyprus flag (SENANQUE SHIPPING CO. LTD. (SDN)) (vessel) [CUBA].
STANDWEAR (5BQH) Bulk Carrier 19,095DWT 12,147GRT Cyprus flag (STANDWEAR SHIPPING CO. LTD. (SDN)) (vessel) [CUBA].
TAMMANY H (f.k.a. PRIMROSE ISLANDS) (5BXG) Bulk Carrier 26,400DWT 15,864GRT Cyprus flag (Odielo Shipping Co. Ltd.) (vessel) [CUBA].
PRIMROSE ISLANDS (a.k.a. TAMMANY H) (5BXG) Bulk Carrier 26,400DWT 15,864GRT Cyprus flag (Odielo Shipping Co. Ltd.) (vessel) [CUBA].

Secondly, the following 3 individuals and 3 companies linked to the head of the Sinaloa Cartel were added to the narcotics trafficking sanctions (under the Kingpin Act):

GARCIA RIOS, Tomasa, Cipriano Obeso 1520, Colonia Chapultepec, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; DOB 07 Mar 1971; POB Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; nationality Mexico; citizen Mexico; C.U.R.P. GART710307MSLRSM00 (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK].
NUNEZ BEDOYA, Jose Antonio, Calle Lic. Benito Juarez No. 396, Interior No. 5, Colonia Centro, Culiacan, Sinaloa 80000, Mexico; DOB 21 Dec 1941; POB Sinaloa, Mexico; nationality Mexico; citizen Mexico; R.F.C. NUBA411221867 (Mexico); C.U.R.P. NUBA411221HSLXDN05 (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK].

VERDUGO GARCIA, Monica Janeth, Cipriano Obeso 1520, Colonia Chapultepec, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; DOB 31 Jul 1992; POB Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; nationality Mexico; citizen Mexico; C.U.R.P. VEGM920731MSLRRN06 (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK].

CENTRO COMERCIAL Y HABITACIONAL LOMAS, S.A. DE C.V., Boulevard Emiliano Zapata #3125, Colonia Lomas Del Boulevard, Culiacan, Sinaloa 80110, Mexico [SDNTK].
PARQUE ACUATICO LOS CASCABELES, S.A. DE C.V., Carretera Interior a Costa Rica Km. 6, El Carrizal 2, Culiacan Rosales, Sinaloa 80430, Mexico; Folio Mercantil No. 75483 (Mexico) [SDNTK].
RANCHO AGRICOLA GANADERO LOS MEZQUITES, S.A. DE C.V., Entrada a los Cascabeles 2.8 Carretera Internacional Sur Km. 22, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; R.F.C. RAG000412BY5 (Mexico) [SDNTK].

as well as a raft of removals under the older Narcotics Control sanctions, a small number of Kingpin removals and a sizable number of changes to Kingpin Act designations.

The Sinaloa Cartel designations were big enough news that both the Treasury and the DEA issued press releases. Treasury even released a handy photo array and chart to show you today's designations.

Mr. Watchlist did go looking for news related to the Cuban vessel delistings – and couldn't find anything. That many removals seems to represent a significant thawing of American sanctions. Perhaps this is a gesture of goodwill in return for not offering asylum to Edward Snowden – which would also explain why it was not accompanied by PR.


OFAC notice

Treasury Press Release

Sinaloa Cartel chart


Regulatory Spotlight: Interim Designations under the Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Act of 2010

Interim designations, although they can't be renewed and can only last for 30 days, are much like final designations.

The notification requirements for interim designations, for both the initial notification and expiry of the designation, are the same as for final designations. Same thing goes for when notification is sent to the designated person and the designation is publicized.

Two things are special about interim designations. First, you can only do it one – for each set of evidence presented.

Secondly, HMT can convert the designation to a final one. Technically, the interim one expires when the final one is made. If this happens, the law actually says that HMT can combine the notification and publicity steps for the expiry of the interim designation and the establishment of the final designation.

Apparently, efficiency can get you in trouble if the law doesn't say you can be efficient

HMT Modifies Terror (1 change) & Iran (1 removal) Lists

Two changes for Her Majesty's Treasury on Monday. First, now that the EU has designated the Hezbollah military wing as a terror group, HMT has updated the listing to show that fact:


Other Information: Both UK listing only and EU listing.
Group ID: 7177.

Group ID: 7177.

Secondly, the General Court of the EU has annulled the listing of Iran Transfo under the EU's Iran sanctions program, so HMT is removing its listing, as well.


Terrorism Update Notice

Iran Update Notice

Court Judgment (Iran Transfo v Council)


Regulatory Spotlight: Final Designations under Terrorist Asset-Freezing Act 2010

Rather than bore you with all the details of a targeted program like a terror sanctions program, Mr. Watchlist thought it might be fun (if you call this fun) to highlight some of the more interesting sections of sanctions regulations – especially non-OFAC ones.Today, the UK act for sanctioning terrorists.

Her Majesty's Treasury can make 2 kinds of designations on its sanctions list – a final one that lasts for one year unless renewed, and an interim that can be made once for up to 30 days.

Final designations must be accompanied by written notice to the person being designated and must be publicized. However, if the person is under 18, or HMT believes that the designation should not be disclosed as a matter or national security, “reasons connected with the prevention or detection of serious crime” or in the “interests of justice,” then HMT has discretion as to whom will inform of the designation. If the conditions for not publicizing the designation cease to be valid (e.g. a minor turns 18), HMT must then provide the written notice to the designated individual and publicize it.

The one-year duration of a final designation starts with the date of the designation or renewal – not one year from the end of the current designation. The renewal is subject to the same notification & publicity requirements as the original designation.

If a final designation expires, HMT must notify the designated person in writing, and “take reasonable steps” to notify those informed of the designation (either the general public or those informed of a non-public designation).

HMT may modify or revoke a final designation at any point in time. If they do, they have the same notification requirements as for expiry of a final designation


OFAC’s IFCA/E.O. 13645 FAQ: Section 1245 Exceptions

The question (No 302):

Are there any exceptions to section 1245 of IFCA?

The answer:

A person will not be subject to sanctions under section 1245 of IFCA if a determination is made by the Department of the Treasury or the Department of State, as appropriate, that the person has established and enforced official policies, procedures, and controls to ensure that the person does not sell, supply, or transfer to or from Iran, or facilitate or conduct a significant financial transaction to sell supply, or transfer to or from Iran, materials listed in section 1245 as sanctioned under section 1245. The Department of the Treasury or the Department of State, as appropriate, will make this determination on a case by case basis as part of an investigation or enforcement action by the relevant Department. [06-03-13]