
20130206-190117.jpgMr. Watchlist’s private persona is Eric A. Sohn, CAMS.

Eric has been a financial services professional for the large majority of the last 3 decades. He’s been active in ACAMS (Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists) since 2005, and was first certified in 2007.

Eric has served on the ACAMS Editorial Task Force since 2010, and contributes one or two articles for publication annually.

Currently, Eric is Director of Business Product for Dow Jones RIsk & Compliance. In this role, he wears many hats (which is OK, because Eric is very fond of hats, especially baseball caps and the hat made from kangaroo he brought back from Brisbane, Australia) providing support for the current product portfolio of data feed solutions, online tools and due diligence reporting services, as well as guiding future product portfolio direction. Those hats include thought leadership (of course), input into marketing collateral, trade show marketing, training, product management and sales support.

Prior to working for Dow Jones, Eric was a Principal Engagement Manager in Accuity’s Professional Services Group. In this capacity, he helped organizations define, implement and refine their watchlist compliance programs. His services included business process analysis, application installation and tailoring, false positive reduction analysis and advisory services, and business and technical training.

Disclaimer: The views represented here are my own, and any information posted here derives from my private capacity as a blogger and disseminator of information in my chosen field. It does not derive from, nor reflects on, the sourcing, management and dissemination of this information by my past, current or future employers. Furthermore, the timing of the posting of aggregated news on MrWatchlist.com has no correlation with the timing of the integration of that information into my employer’s product offerings.

The similarity between the name of this blog and the name of Dow Jones’s Watchlist product is purely coincidental. Who knew I’d work there some day?


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