Dec 23, 2015: Finnish regulatory update

Mr. Watchlist assumes this is the last one of the year…


Finnish regulatory update


November 3, 2015: Another Finnish regulatory update


Finnish regulatory update


October 23, 2015: Another Finnish regulatory update


Finnish regulatory update


October 9, 2015: Finnish regulatory updates

On a regular basis, Finnish regulators publish EU sanctions compliance links. Here is the October 9th, 2015 edition:


Finnish regulatory update


September 15, 2015: Quiet month for the Finns

Finnish authorities, on a regular basis, issue a review of recent EU sanctions actions, including the links to the relevant Decisions and Regulations. Here is the lastest, issued September 15th:

Financial sanctions



Central African Republic

Travel Restrictions


Central African Republic


July 16, 2015: More Finnish regulatory updates

Here are the list of EU regulations mentioned in the latest update from Finnish regulators:



July 3, 2015: Finnish regulatory update

Finnish regulators regularly recap EU sanctions decisions and regulations that come into force. On July 3rd, they listed the following:

  • Financial sanctions
  • Export and import restrictions
    • Iran
      • Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1050 continued the temporary suspensions and licensing conditions under the Joint Plan of Action until July 7th. The ban on imports of Iranian petrochemical products, as well as a ban on the transport of Iranian crude oil continues to be suspended. The suspension of the crude oil ban only applies to carriage outside the EU. The import of crude oil and petroleum products in the EU is still not allowed. The ban on trade in gold or precious metals is also suspended.
    • Ukraine, Crimea and Sevastopol
      • Ukraine: Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/971 extends restrictions until 01.31.2016. Defence equipment exports and imports to Russia is prohibited. In addition, it is prohibited to export dual-use items and technology to Russia, or for Russian use, if they are or may be in whole or in part, for military purposes or for military end-users. Dual-use export is prohibited also for separately listed companies that produce products for both civilian and military use. Export restrictions also relates to exploration of oil and certain products related to oil production.
      • Crimea and Sevastopol: Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/959 extends restrictive measures until June 23, 2016. The export of certain goods and technology to the Crimea or Sevastopol is prohibited. Subject to an export ban are the products suitable for use in transport, telecommunications and energy as well as oil, gas and related to the exploitation of mineral resources in key sectors. Also, technical assistance, brokering services and the provision of financing are prohibited related to the above functions. The restrictive measures also prohibit the provision of services directly related to the tourism sector in the Crimea and Sevastopol.


  • Travel Restrictions