December 13, 2015: HK SFC AML/CTF Circular

The December 13th circular by the Hong Kong Securites and Futures Commission notified firms of three changes: changes to the US Executive Order 13224 sanctions lists, changes to UN Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee sanctions listings, and the repeal of the asset-freezing part of the UN Liberian sanctions program. It also notes that the arms embargo still applies to Liberia.


HK SFC Notice

HK SFC Circular

United Nations Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Web Notices


December 7, 2015: HK SFC AML/CTF Circular

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (HK SFC) issued a circular to its members, alerting them to changes in their anti-terror compliance requirements. It notes that the US list for Executive Order 13224 (the primary anti-terror E.O. issued after September 11, 2001) has been updated, and provides a PDF of the UN Sanctions Committee's delisting of Nazih Abdul Hamed Nabih Al-Ruqai'i.


HK SFC Notice


PDF of UN Sanctions Committee Press Release


November 16, 2017: New Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission Circular

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) issued a circular to its member firms alerting them to changes in the anti-terror sanctions lists issued by the United Nations and under US Executive Order 13224. While they just provide the URL to search for the latest US list of targets, they do provide a PDF of the online United Nations notices – in this case, 2 notices (one of which added an entry to their list, and another which removed one).


Hong Kong SFC Notice

Hong Kong SFC Circular (English)

PDF of UN Notices


October 9, 2015: New Hong Kong Securities and Future Commission sanctions Circular

HK SFC issues circulars to its member firms from time to time to apprise them of updates either to US Executive Order 13224 (the one signed right after 9/11 blocking terorist property) and/or the UN Security Council's Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee. This month, both were updated – and the UN one is pretty big (18 page PDF).


HK SFC Circular

PDF of UN Al-Qaida notices


August 8, 2015: HK SFC alerts firms to updated sanctions measures

The circular from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission notes two changes. Changes to sanctions under the United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Ordinance were listed in Gazette Notice 5804 on August 7th. Additionally, the SFC notes that the US Treasury Department has updated the list of persons designated under Executive Order 13224, and provides the appropriate URL.


Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission Circular