July 10, 2015: OFAC publishes initial set of Venezuela sanctions regulations

Last Friday, OFAC published the Venezuela Sanctions Regulations, which implement Executive Order 13692 and the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014. As OFAC notes, these are just the initial set of regulations:

OFAC intends to supplement this part 591 with a more comprehensive set of regulations, which may include additional interpretive and definitional guidance and additional general licenses and statements of licensing


OFAC Notice

Venezuela Sanctions Regulations


March 9, 2015: New Week, New OFAC Program

On Monday, OFAC designated the following 7 persons:

BENAVIDES TORRES, Antonio Jose (Latin: BENAVIDES TORRES, Antonio José); DOB 13 Jun 1961; POB Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 6.371.374 (Venezuela); Passport 026719333 (Venezuela) expires 24 Aug 2014; Major General, Commander of the Strategic Region for the Integral Defense (REDI) of the Central Region, Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB); former Division General, Director of Operations, Venezuela's Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) (individual) [VENEZUELA].

BERNAL MARTINEZ, Manuel Gregorio (Latin: BERNAL MARTÍNEZ, Manuel Gregorio); DOB 12 Jul 1965; POB Caracas, Venezuela; nationality Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 6.976.131 (Venezuela); Passport 0502004 (Venezuela) expires 19 Feb 2014; Brigadier General, Chief of the 31st Armored Brigade of Caracas of Venezuela's Bolivarian Army; former Director General of Venezuela's Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) (individual) [VENEZUELA].

GONZALEZ LOPEZ, Gustavo Enrique (Latin: GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ, Gustavo Enrique); DOB 02 Nov 1960; POB Venezuela; nationality Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 5.726.284 (Venezuela); Passport B0111931 (Venezuela); Director General of Venezuela's Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN); Major General, President of Venezuela's Strategic Center of Security and Protection of the Homeland (CESPPA) (individual) [VENEZUELA].

HARINGHTON PADRON, Katherine Nayarith; DOB 05 Dec 1971; POB Caracas, Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Female; Cedula No. 10.548.414 (Venezuela); Passport 042677664 (Venezuela) expires 25 Feb 2016; National Level Prosecutor, 20th District, Venezuela's Public Ministry (individual) [VENEZUELA].

NOGUERA PIETRI, Justo Jose (Latin: NOGUERA PIETRI, Justo José); DOB 15 Mar 1961; POB Piritu, Venezuela; nationality Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 5.944.426 (Venezuela); Passport B0942407 (Venezuela) expires 18 Dec 2006; alt. Passport 018295955 (Venezuela); President of the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana (CVG); former Major General, General Commander of Venezuela's Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) (individual) [VENEZUELA].

PEREZ URDANETA, Manuel Eduardo (Latin: PÉREZ URDANETA, Manuel Eduardo); DOB 26 May 1962; POB Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 6.357.038 (Venezuela); Passport 001234503 (Venezuela) expires 03 Jul 2012; Director of Venezuela's Bolivarian National Police (individual) [VENEZUELA].

VIVAS LANDINO, Miguel Alcides; DOB 08 Jul 1961; POB Venezuela; nationality Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 7.617.778 (Venezuela); Passport B0097656 (Venezuela); Major General, Inspector General of Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB); former Commander of the Strategic Region for the Integral Defense (REDI) of the Andes Region, Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) (individual) [VENEZUELA]. ​

under the brand-spanking new Venezuela sanctions program. It also provided a link to the Executive Order establishing the program, which targets human rights abuses and suppression of dissent.


OFAC Notice

Executive Order