November 18, 2015: SECO delists some from Belarus sanctions, suspends others till March 15

On Wednesday, Swiss regulators delisted the following person:

SSID: 20-5748 Name: Chyzh Iury Aliaksandravich Spelling variant: a) Chyzh Yury
Aliaksandravich (Belarusian) b) Chizh Iuri Aleksandrovich (Russian) c) Chizh Yuri
Aleksandrovich (Russian) d) ЧЫЖ Юрый Аляксандравіч (Belarusian) e) ЧИЖ Юрий
Александрович (Russian)

DOB: 28 Mar 1963 POB: Soboli, Bierezowsky Rajon, Brestkaja Oblast (Соболи,
Березовский район, Брестская область)
Identification document: Passport No.
SP0008543, Belarus (current validity doubtful)

Justification: Iury Chyzh is associated with President Lukashenka and his sons and
benefits from and supports the Lukashenka regime, especially through his holding company
LLC Triple. The activities of LLC Triple include activities resulting from public awards and
concessions from the regime. In June 2013 he was awarded by President Lukashenka the
highest state distinction for his services. The sporting positions which Iury Chyzh retains,
notably his membership of the Central Council of the President's Sports Club and being
Chair of the Board of the football club FC Dynamo Minsk and Chair of the Belarusian
Federation of wrestling, confirm his association to the regime.
Modifications: Amended on
20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 18 Nov 2015

and entities:

SSID: 20-5848 Name: LLC Triple Spelling variant: ООО ТРАЙПЛ (Belarusian)

Address: a) Pobediteley Avenue 51/2, Room 15, Minsk, 220035 b) Республика Беларусь,
проспект Победителей, дом 51, корпус 2, помещение 15, Минск, 220035
Justification: Holding company of Iury Chyzh. Iury Chyzh provides financial support to the
Lukashenka regime, notably through his holding company LLC Triple.
Modifications: De-
listed on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5862 Name: LLC Triple Metal Trade Spelling variant: ООО Трайплметаллтрейд

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5866 Name: JSC Berezovsky KSI Spelling variant: ОАО Березовский комбинат
силикатных изделий (Belarusian)

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: Amended on 20 Dec 2013, de-listed
on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5870 Name: JV LLC Triple-Techno Spelling variant: СП ООО Трайпл-Техно

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5882 Name: JCJSC QuartzMelProm Spelling variant: СЗАО Кварцмелпром

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5890 Name: CJSC Prostor-Trade Spelling variant: Совместное закрытое
акционерное общество “Простор-Трейд” (Russian)

Address: пр. Дзержинского 126, комн. 33, Минск, 220025

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: Amended on 11 Aug 2015, de-listed
on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5894 Name: JLLC AquaTriple Spelling variant: СП ООО Акватрайпл

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5898 Name: LLC Rakowski browar Spelling variant: ООО Ракаўскі бровар

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5902 Name: MSSFC Logoysk Spelling variant: ГСОК Логойск (Belarusian)
Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5906 Name: Triple-Agro ACC Spelling variant: Трайпл-Агро (Belarusian)
Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 18 Nov 2015

SSID: 20-5910 Name: CJSC Dinamo-Minsk Spelling variant: ЗАО ФК Динамо-Минск

Justification: Designated companies LLC Triple and LLC Rakowski browar together hold
majority shares and control of CJSC Dinamo-Minsk. Both LLC Triple and LLC Rakowski
browar are controlled by Iury Chyzh who holds majority shares in both entities and therefore
ultimately controls CJSC Dinamo Minsk.
Modifications: Amended on 11 Aug 2015, de-
listed on 18 Nov 2015

from its Consolidated List for the Belarus sanctions program. It also amended a slew (probably all the remaining records) of records to say that travel and financial sanctions are suspended until March 15th, 2016.


FINMA Notice

Data files of updates – PDF, XML


October 29, 2015: Temporary General License issued for OFAC Belarus sanctions

Unlike most General Licenses, this one is only in effect until April 30, 2016, unless otherwise extended. It authorizes all transactions with the following firms that were sanctioned under Executive Order 13405:

    • Belarusian Oil Trade House
    • Belneftekhim
    • Belneftekhim USA, Inc.
    • Belshina OAO
    • Grodno Azot OAO
    • Grodno Khimvolokno OAO
    • Lakokraska OAO
    • Naftan OAO
    • Polotsk Steklovolokno OAO

It is subject to the usual “don't involved other SDNs” restriction, and doesn't apply to property which is already blocked. However, in addition, if your transactions exceed $10,000, you have to file a report with the State Department (by mail or by emailing, containing the following information:

(1) Estimated or actual dollar value of the transaction(s), as determined by the value of
the goods, services, or contract;

(2) The parties involved;

(3) The type and scope of activities conducted; and

(4) The dates or duration of the activities.


OFAC Notice

Belarus General License


November 3, 2015: Another Finnish regulatory update


Finnish regulatory update


November 2, 2015: HMT changes Belarus sanctions

On Monday, Her Majesty's Treasury (HMT) implemented Council Regulations 2015/1948 and 2015/1949 by delisting the following entities:


Other Information: Subsidiary of LLC Triple Listed on: 26/03/2012 Last Updated:
31/10/2015 Group ID: 12582.


Other Information: Subsidiary of LLC Triple Listed on: 26/03/2012 Last Updated:
31/10/2015 Group ID: 12580.


Other Information: Subsidiary of LLC Triple Listed on: 26/03/2012 Last Updated:
31/10/2015 Group ID: 12590.


Other Information: Subsidiary of LLC Triple Listed on: 26/03/2012 Last Updated:
31/10/2015 Group ID: 12591.

and amending the following listings:

NAVUMAU, Uladzimir, Uladzimiravich

DOB: 07/02/1956. POB: Smolensk, Russia a.k.a: NAUMOV, Vladimir, Vladimirovich Other
Information: Former Minister of the Interior. Former Head of the President's Security
Received a residence in the Drozdy nonmenklatura district in Minsk from the
Presidential Administration
. Listed on: 22/05/2006 Last Updated: 31/10/2015 Group ID:

SHEIMAN, Viktar, Uladzimiravich

DOB: 26/05/1958. POB: Hrodna region a.k.a: (1) SHEIMAN, Viktor,

Vladimirovich (2) SHEYMAN, Viktar, Uladzimiravich (3) SHEYMAN, Viktor,

Vladimirovich Position: Special Assistant/Aid to the President. Head of the Management
Department of the President’s Administration. Other Information: Former Secretary of the
Security Council. Listed on: 22/05/2006 Last Updated: 19/11/2013 Group ID: 8904.

Sanctions against all persons and entities listed under the Belarus sanctions program, except for the two persons above and:

  • PAULICHENKA, Dzmity, Valerievich

  • SIVAKAU, Iury, Leanidavich

are now suspended. Their names and details are listed in the notice from HMT.


HMT Notice

Council Regulation (EU) No 2015/1948

Council Regulation (EU) No 2015/1949


July 16, 2015: More Finnish regulatory updates

Here are the list of EU regulations mentioned in the latest update from Finnish regulators:



August 11, 2015: SECO updates Belarus sanctions

On Tuesday, Swiss regulators amended the listings for 5 individuals:

SSID: 20-4642 Name: Bazanau Aliaksandr Viktaravich Spelling variant: a) Bazanov
Aleksandr Viktorovich (Russian) b) БАЗАНАЎ Аляскандр Віктаравіч (Belarusian) c)
БАЗАНОВ Александр Викторович (Russian)

DOB: 26 Nov 1962 POB: Kazakhstan Address: прт Победителей, 7 Информационно
аналитический центр, Минск, 220004, Belarus

Justification: Deputy Director general of Beltelecom in charge of external relations and
relations with the state institutions. Former Director of the Information and Analytical Center
of the President’s Administration. He isAdministration which acts as one of the main sources
of state propaganda, which supportssupporting and justifiesjustifying the repression of the
democratic opposition and of civil society. Democratic opposition and civil society are
systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4652 Name: Kryshtapovich Leu Eustafievich Spelling variant: a) Kryshtapovich
Leu Yeustafievich (Belarusian) b) Krishtapovich Lev Evstafievich (Russian) c) Krishtapovich
Lev Yevstafievich (Russian) d) КРЫШТАПОВIЧ Леў Еўстафьевіч (Belarusian) e)
КРИШТАПОВИЧ Лев Евстафьевич (Russian)

POB: Pekalin, District of Smolevichi Address: Информационноаналитический центр, пр
т Победителей, 7, Минск, 220004, Belarus

Justification: Head of the Scientific Research Department of the State Culture and Arts
University. Former Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Centre of the
President’s Administration which acts as one of the President. An important source and
main sources of state propaganda, which supportssupporting and justifiesjustifying the
repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. Democratic opposition and civil
society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4720 Name: Kisialiou Anatol Siamionavich Spelling variant: a) Kiselev Anatoli
menovich (Russian) b) Kiselyov Anatoli Semyonovich (Russian) c) КИСЯЛЕЎ Анатоль
Сяменавiч (Belarusian) d) КИСЕЛЕВ Анатолий Семенович (Russian)
Justification: Former Head of Regional Election Commission of the Brest region for the
Presidential election of 2010,2010. Head of the Regional Election Commission of the Brest
region for the local elections in March 2014. Head of the pro-regime regional trade union
organisation. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the
violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December
2010 and for falsifications in the local elections of March 2014 in the Brest region.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4946 Name: Zhadobin Iury Viktaravich Spelling variant: a) Zhadobin Yury
Viktaravich (Belarusian) b) Zhadobin Iuri Viktorovich (Russian) c) Zhadobin Yuri Viktorovich
(Russian) d) ЖАДОБIН Юрый Віктаравіч (Belarusian) e) ЖАДОБИН Юрий Викторович

DOB: 14 Nov 1954 POB: Dnipropetrovsk Identification document: ID card No.
3141154A021PB0, Belarus

Justification: Former Minister of Defence since December 2009Defence. He was actively
involved in undermining democracy in Belarus. As a member of the Security Council, he
approvesapproved the repressive decisions agreed at ministerial level, including the decision
to repress the peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010. After December 2010, he
praised the “total defeat of destructive forces”, when referring to the democratic opposition.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, 28 Nov 2014, 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-28110 Name: Volkov Vitaliy Nikolayevich Spelling variant: a) Volkau Vital
Mikalayevich (Belarusian) b)
Волкаў Віталь Мiкалаевiч (Belarusian) bc) Волков Виталий
Николаевич (Russian)

Justification: Judge at the regional court in Shklov. In January 2012 he decided to transfer
former Presidential candidate and opposition activist N. Statkevich to a closed- type prison in
Mogilov on the mere basis of alleged violations of the rules of imprisonment in Shklov penal
colony IK-17. This decision has thus led to breaches of N. Statkevich’s human rights
including sleep deprivation and threatening his health.
Modifications: Listed on 5 Aug 2014,
amended on 28 Nov 2014, 11 Aug 2015

and 3 entities listed under the Belarus sanctions program:

SSID: 20-5840 Name: Spetspriborservice Spelling variant: Спецприборсервис

Justification: Entity formerly controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev. This company is part of the
BelTech Holding whose majority shareholder is Dmitry Gurinovich, Mr Peftiyev’s former
advisor in Velcom
Beltech Holding.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013,
11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5890 Name: JCJSC ProstoremarketCJSC Prostor-Trade Spelling variant: СЗАО
Простомаркет (Belarusian
Совместное закрытое акционерное общество “Простор

Трейд” (Russian)

Address: пр. Дзержинского 126, комн. 33, Минск, 220025

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: Amended on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5910 Name: CJCSCJSC Dinamo-Minsk Spelling variant: ЗАО ФК Динамо
Минск (Belarusian)

Justification: SubsidiaryDesignated companies LLC Triple and LLC Rakowski browar together hold majority shares and control of CJSC Dinamo-Minsk. Both LLC TripleTriple and
LLC Rakowski browar are controlled by Iury Chyzh who holds majority shares in both entities
and therefore ultimately controls CJSC Dinamo Minsk.
Modifications: Amended on 11 Aug

They also delisted the following individuals:

SSID: 20-4395 Name: Niavyhlas Henadz Mikalaevich Spelling variant: a) Nevyglas
Gennadi Nikolaevich (Russian) b) НЯВЫГЛАС Генадзь Мiкалаевіч (Belarusian) c)
НЕВЫГЛАС Геннадий Николаевич (Russian)

DOB: 11 Feb 1954 POB: Parahonsk, Pinsk district Identification document: ID card No.
3110254A014PB5, Belarus

Justification: Deputy Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation and
former Head of President’s Security Service, former Head of the National Security Council,
former Head of the President’s Administration. As Head of the President’s Administration, he
was directly responsible for organising fraudulent elections in 2006 and in the subsequent
repression of peaceful demonstrators.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec
2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4402 Name: Piatkevich Natallia Uladzimirauna Spelling variant: a) Petkevich
Natalia Vladimirovna (Russian) b) Petkevich Natalya Vladimirovna (Russian) c) ПЯТКЕВIЧ
Наталля Уладзіміраўна (Belarusian) d) ПЕТКЕВИЧ Наталья Владимировна (Russian)
DOB: 24 Oct 1972 POB: Minsk Identification document: ID card No. 4241072A012PB1,

Justification: Assistant to the President and former Deputy Head of the President’s
Administration. In her previous capacity, she was in charge of legal and justice issues in the
President’s Administration and was directly responsible for organising the fraudulent
elections in 2006 and 2010.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-
listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4409 Name: Rubinau Anatol Mikalaevich Spelling variant: a) Rubinov Anatoli
Nikolaevich (Russia
n) b) PYБIНAЎ Анатоль Мікалаевіч (Belarusian) c) РУБИНОВ
Анатолий Николаевич (Russian)

DOB: 15 Apr 1939 POB: Mohilev

Justification: Chairman of the Upper House of Parliament, former Deputy Head in charge of
Media and Ideology of the President’s Administration (2006
2008). In that position, he was
one of the main sources and voices of state propaganda and ideological support for the
regime. Member of the Security Council since March 2014.
Modifications: Amended on 14
Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, 28 Nov 2014, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4527 Name: Kozik Leanid Piatrovich Spelling variant: a) Kozik Leonid Petrovich
(Russian) b) КОЗIК Леанід Пятровіч (Belarusian) c) КОЗИК Леонид Петрович (Russian)
DOB: 13 Jul 1948 POB: Borisov Identification document: ID card No. 3130748A017PB8,

Justification: Head of the Federation of Trade Unions. Former deputy Prime Minister and
deputy Head of the President’s Administration. Key figure and supporter of the regime.
Responsible for the violations in the fraudulent creation of electoral committees, where the
members of the pro-regime trade unions represent a major part, and the fraudulent
designation of candidates, and for exerting pressure on workers to vote for the regime.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4672 Name: Maltsau Leanid Siamionavich Spelling variant: a) Maltsev Leonid
Semenovich (Russian) b) МАЛЬЦАЎ Леанід Сяменавiч (Belarusian) c) МАЛЬЦЕВ Леонид
Семенович (Russian)

DOB: 29 Aug 1949 POB: Vetenevka (Ветеньевка), Slonim rayon, Grodno Region ((д.
Ветеньевка, Слонимского района, Гродненской области))
Identification document: ID
card No. 3290849A002PB5, Belarus

Justification: Head of the State Border Committee, former Secretary of the Security
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, 28 Nov 2014, de-listed on
11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4736 Name: Vasilieu Aliaksei Aliaksandravich Spelling variant: a) Vasilyeu
Aliaksey Aliaksandravich (Belarusian) b) Vasiliev Aleksei Aleksandrovich (Russian) c)
Vasilyev Alexey Alexandrovich (Russian) d) ВАСIЛЬЕЎ Аляксей Аляксандравіч
(Belarusian) e) ВАСИЛЬЕВ Алексей Александрович (Russian)

Justification: Director of the Regional Property Fund. Former Head of Regional Election
Commission in the Minsk region for the Presidential election of 2010. As Chairman of a
Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international
electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in the Minsk region.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4828 Name: Poludzen Iauhen Iauhenavich Spelling variant: a) Paludzen Yauhen
Yauhenavich (Belarusian) b) Poluden Evgeni Evgenievich (Russian) c) Poluden Yevgeni
Yevgenyevich (Russian)
d) ПОЛУДЗЕНЬ Яўген Яўгенавіч (Belarusian) e) ПОЛУДЕНЬ
Евгений Евгеньевич (Russian) f) ПАЛУДЗЕНЬ Яўген Яўгенавiч (Belarusian)

DOB: 30 Jan 1962 Identification document: ID card No. 3300162A006PB3, Belarus
Justification: Former Deputy Minister of Interior and Head of the militia. Under his
command, militia forces brutally repressed the peaceful demonstrations on 19 December
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-4983 Name: Prakopau Yury Viktaravich Spelling variant: a) Prakopau Iury
Viktaravich (Belarusian) b) Prokopov Iuri Viktorovich (Russian) c) Prokopov Yuri Viktorovich
(Russian) d) ПРАКОПАЎ Юрый Вiктаравiч (Belarusian) e) ПРОКОПОВ Юрий Викторович

DOB: 7 Oct 1978 Identification document: ID card No. 3071078A031PB4, Belarus
Justification: Journalist of the state TV channel «Pervi» (No 1) with a senior and influential
position. He is the anchorman of the TV programme «In the centre of attention». This
programme is an instrument of state propaganda on TV, which supports and justifies the
repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. The opposition and civil society
are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using extensive falsified
information. He was particularly active in this regard after the crackdown on peaceful demon-
strations on 19 December 2010 and on subsequent protests.
Modifications: Amended on
14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5015 Name: Ablameika Siarhei Uladzimiravich Spelling variant: a) Ablameiko
Sergei Vladimirovich (Russian) b) Ablameyko Sergey Vladimirovich (Russian) c)
АБЛАМЕЙКА Сяргей Уладзіміравіч (Belarusian) d) АБЛАМЕЙКО Сергей Владимирович

DOB: 24 Sep 1956 POB: Voronovo, Grodno region Address: ул. Бобруйская, 5a, Minsk,

Justification: Rector of Belorusian State University. He was responsible for the expulsion of
several students from the University because they participated in the demonstrations on 19
December 2010 and in other peaceful demonstrations in 2011.
Modifications: Amended on
14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5023 Name: Ananich Alena Mikalaeuna Spelling variant: a) Ananich Elena
Nikolaevna (Russian) b) Ananich Yelena Nikolaevna (Russian) c) АНАНIЧ Алена
Мікалаеўна (Belarusian) d) АНАНИЧ Елена Николаевна (Russian)

Address: Суд Первомайского района г. Минска, ул. Толбухина, 9, Минск, 220012
Justification: Deputy President of the Pervomayski District Court of the city of Minsk.
Former judge at the Pervomayski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk. She was directly involved
in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20
December 2010 she sentenced civil society activists Paval Shalamitski, Mikhail Piatrenka,
Yauhen Batura and Tatsiana Grybouskaya to 10 days in jail, as well as Tornike Berydze to
11 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal
Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5044 Name: Baranouski Andrei Fiodaravich Spelling variant: a) Baranovski
Andrei Fedorovich (Russian) b) Baranovski Andrey Fedorovich (Russian) c) БАРАНОЎСКI
Андрэй Федаравіч (Belarusian) d) БАРАНОВСКИЙ Андрей Федорович (Russian)
Address: Суд Партизанского района г. Минска, ул. Семашко, 33, Минск, 220027
Justification: Judge at the Partizanski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk. He was directly
involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On
20 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activists Siarhei Piakarchyk and Siarhei
Navitski to 13 days in jail, as well as Yauhen Kandrautsu to 11 days in jail. The way he
conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained
the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.
Modifications: Amended on
14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5064 Name: Laptseva Alena Viacheslavauna Spelling variant: a) Lapteva Elena
Viacheslavovna (Russian) b) Lapteva Yelena Vyacheslavovna (Russian) c) ЛАПЦЕВА
Алена Вячаславаўна (Belarusian) d) ЛАПТЕВА Елена Вячеславовна (Russian)
Address: Суд Заводского района г. Минска, пр. Партизанский, 75 А, Минск, 220107
Justification: Judge at the Zavodskoi District Court of Minsk. She was directly involved in
the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20
December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Raman Maksimenka, Yuras Shpak-
Ryzhkou, Hanna Belskaya, Paval Sakolchik, Sviatlana Rubashkina, Uladzimir Parkalau and
Tatsyana Vaikovih to 10 days in jail. The way she conducted the trials was a clear violation
of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies
irrelevant to the accused.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed
on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5068 Name: Balauniou Mikalai Vasilievich Spelling variant: a) Bolovnev Nikolai
Vasilievich (Russian) b) БАЛАЎНЕЎ Мікалай Васільевіч (Belarusian) c) БОЛОВНЕВ Николай Васильевич (Russian)

Address: Суд Заводского района г. Минска, пр. Партизанский, 75 А, Минск, 220107
Justification: Judge at the Zavodskoi District Court of the city of Minsk. He was directly
involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On
20 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activists Ihar Pashkovich, Dzimtry Pashyk,
Anton Davydzenka, Artsem Liaudanski and Artsem Kuzmin to 10 days in jail. The way he
conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained
the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.
Modifications: Amended on
14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5084 Name: Kuzniatsova Natallia Anatolieuna Spelling variant: a) Kuznetsova
Natalia Anatolievna (Russian) b) Kuznetsova Natalya Anatolyevna (Russian) c)
КУЗНЯЦОВА Наталля Анатольеўна (Belarusian) d) КУЗНЕЦОВА Наталья Анатольевна

DOB: 1973 POB: Minsk Address: Суд Московского района г. Минска, Проспект газеты
Правда, 27, Минск, 220042

Justification: Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk. She was directly
involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On
20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activist, Anastasia Lazareva, to 10 days in
jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5090 Name: Tselitsa Lidziia Fiodarauna Spelling variant: a) Tselitsa Lidzia
Fiodarauna (Belarusian) b) Tselitsa Lidziya Fiodarauna (Belarusian) c) Telitsa Lidiia
Fedorovna (Russian) d) Telitsa Lidia Fedorovna (Russian) e) Telitsa Lidiya Fedorovna
(Russian) f) ЦЕЛIЦА Лідзія Федараўна (Belarusian) g) ТЕЛИЦА Лидия Федоровна

Address: Суд Московского района г. Минска, Проспект газеты Правда, 27, Минск,

Justification: Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk. She was directly
involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On
20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activist Mikhail Barsukou to 10 days in jail
Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She
sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.
Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5094 Name: Charniak Alena Leanidauna Spelling variant: a) Cherniak Elena
Leonidovna (Russian) b) Cherniak Yelena Leonidovna (Russian) c) Chernyak Yelena
Leonidovna (Russian) d) ЧАРНЯК Алена Леанідаўна (Belarusian) e) ЧЕРНЯК Елена
Леонидовна (Russian)

Address: Суд Московского района г. Минска, Проспект газеты Правда, 27, Минск,

Justification: Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk. She was directly
involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On
20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Andrei Eliseeu, Hanna Yakavenka,
Henadz Chebatarovich respectively to 10, 11 and 12 days in jail. Her way of conducting the
trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of
evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused. Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec
2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5110 Name: Husakova Volha Arkadzieuna Spelling variant: a) Gusakova Olga
Arkadievna (Russian) b) ГУСАКОВА Вольга Аркадзьеўна (Belarusian) c) ГУСАКОВА
Ольга Аркадьевна (Russian)

Address: Суд Московского района г. Минска, Проспект газеты Правда, 27, Минск,

Justification: Judge at the Moskovsky District Court of Minsk. She was directly involved in
the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December
2010, she sentenced civil society activists, Aleksandryna Alibovich and Volha Kashtalian, to
10 days in jail, and Aliaksei Varonchanka and Eryk Arlou to 12 days in jail. Her way of
conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained
the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.
Modifications: Amended on
14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5130 Name: Varenik Natallia Siamionauna Spelling variant: a) Varenik Natalia
Semenovna (Russian) b) V
arenik Natalya Semyonovna (Russian) c) ВАРЭНIК Наталля
Сяменаўна (Belarusian) d) ВАРЕНИК Наталья Семеновна (Russian)

Address: Суд Фрунзенского района г. Минска, ул. Д. Марцинкевича, 1, к. 2, Минск,

Justification: Judge at the Frunzenski District Court of the city of Minsk. She was directly
involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20
December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Valiantsina Furman and Vadzim
Klysheika to 10 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code
of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5178 Name: Skurat Viktar Vatslavavich Spelling variant: a) Skurat Viktor
Vatslavovich (Russian) b) СКУРАТ Віктар Вацлавaвiч (Belarusian) c) СКУРАТ Виктор
Вацлавович (Russian)

Justification: Former Head of the Security Department of the Ministry of Interior. In this
capacity responsible for severe human rights violations and the repression of civil society
and democratic opposition, notably in the aftermath of the presidential elections of 2010. In
February 2011, he received an award in the form of an acknowledgement certificate for his
services. Retired since February 2013. Head of the security department of the holding
company ‘MZOR’, which is a state owned company under the responsibility of the Ministry of
Industry of the Republic of Belarus and therefore directly associated with the Lukashenka
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, 28 Nov 2014, de-listed on
11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5210 Name: Padhaiski Henadz Danatavich Spelling variant: a) Podgaiski
Gennadi Donatovich (Russian) b) ПАДГАЙСКI Генадзь Данатавіч (Belarusian) c)
ПОДГАЙСКИЙ Геннадий Донатович (Russian)

Justification: Director of Minsk State Polytechnic College. Responsible for the expulsion of
students involved in protests following the December 2010 elections.
Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5218 Name: Batura Mikhail Paulavich Spelling variant: a) Batura Mikhail
Pavlovich (Russian) b) БАТУРА Міхаіл Паўлавіч (Belarusian) c) БАТУРА Михаил
Павлович (Russian)

DOB: 16 May 1950 POB: Kliukovichi, District of Novogrudok, Region of Grodno
Justification: Rector of Minsk State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Responsible for the expulsion of students involved in protests following the December 2010
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug

SSID: 20-5226 Name: Alpeeva Tamara Mikhailauna Spelling variant: a) Alpeyeva Tamara
Mikhailauna (Belarusian) b) Alpeeva Tamara Mikhailovna (Russian) c) Alpeyeva Tamara
Mikhailovna (Russian) d) АЛПЕЕВА Тамара Міхайлаўна (Belarusian) e) АЛПЕЕВА
Тамара Михайловна (Russian)

DOB: 1949 Address: Международный гуманитарноэкономический институт, ул.
Маяковского, 129, Минск, 220028, Belarus

Justification: Rector of International Humanitarian-Economic Institute. Responsible for the
expulsion of students involved in protests following the December 2010 elections.
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5234 Name: Merkul Natallia Viktarauna Spelling variant: a) Merkul Natalia
Viktorovna (Russian) b) Merkul Natalya Viktorovna (Russian) c) МЕРКУЛЬ Наталля
Віктараўна (Belarusian) d) МЕРКУЛЬ Наталья Викторовна (Russian)

DOB: 13 Nov 1964

Justification: Director of the Secondary School in Talkov City, Pukhovichi District. On 27
January 2011 she fired Natalia Ilinich, a highly regarded teacher of the secondary school for
her political views and for her participation at the 19 December 2010 events.
Amended on 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5355 Name: Paluyan Uladzimir Mikalaevich Spelling variant: a) Paluian
Uladzimir Mikalaevich (Belarusian) b) Poluyan Vladimir Nikolaevich (Russian) c) ПАЛУЯН
Уладзімір Мікалаевіч (Belarusian) d) ПОЛУЯН Владимир Николаевич (Russian)

DOB: 1961 POB: Village Nekrashevichi, of Karelichi district of Hrodna region
Justification: Minister of Taxes and Duties. Supervises tax authorities that support the
criminal case against Byalyatski using the pretext of tax evasion. Byalyatski was active in
defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation with
the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and democratic
Modifications: Amended on 14 Dec 2012, 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug

SSID: 20-5706 Name: Dubinina/Rouda Zhanna Piatrouna Spelling variant: a)
Dubinina/Rovdo Zhanna Petrovna (Russian) b) ДУБIНIНА/РОЎДА Жанна Пятроўна
(Belarusian) c) ДУБИНИНА/РОВДО Жанна Петровна (Russian)

Address: Суд Заводского района г. Минска, пр. Партизанский, 75 А, Минск, 220107
Justification: Judge at Zavodskoi District Court of Minsk. In 2010 she fined or sentenced
the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Hulyak
Vital, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); b) 2010.12.20, Vaskabovich Lyudmila, 30 daily
base units (1 050 000 BLR), c) 2010.12.20, Urywski Alyaksandr, 10 days in prison; d)
2010.12.20, Stashulyonak Veranika, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); e) 2010.12.20,
Say Syarhey, 10 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Maksimenka Hastassya, 10 days in prison; g)
2010.12.20, Nikitarovich Yuliya, 10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and
large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and as a result, she was responsible
for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.
Amended on 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5744 Name: Ziankevich Valiantsina Mikalaeuna Spelling variant: a) Zyankevich
Valyantsina Mikalayeuna (Belarusian) b) Zenkevich Valentina Nikolaevna (Russian) c)
ЗЯНЬКЕВIЧ Валянціна Мікалаеўна (Belarusian) d) ЗЕНЬКЕВИЧ Валентина Николаевна

Address: Минский городской суд, ул. ДунинаМарцинкевича, 1, Минск, 220092
Justification: Judge of the City Court of Minsk, former judge of Leninski District Court of
Minsk. In 2010 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their
peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Yarmolaw Yahor, 12 days in prison; b) 2010.12.20,
Palubok Alyaksandr, 15 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Mikhalkin Zakhar, 10 days in prison;
d) 2010.10.20, Smalak Syarhey, 15 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Vassilewski Alyaksandr,
15 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms against those involved in peaceful
protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the
democratic opposition in Belarus.
Modifications: Amended on 20 Dec 2013, de-listed on 11
Aug 2015

and entities:

SSID: 20-5858 Name: CJSC Askargoterminal Spelling variant: ЗАО Аскарготерминал

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5874 Name: JLLC Variant Spelling variant: СООО Вариант (Belarusian)
Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5878 Name: JLLC Triple-Dekor Spelling variant: СООО ТрайплДекор

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 11 Aug 2015

SSID: 20-5886 Name: JCJSC Altersolutions Spelling variant: СЗАО Альтерсолюшнс

Justification: Subsidiary of LLC Triple. Modifications: De-listed on 11 Aug 2015


FINMA Notice

Data files of updates – PDF, XML


August 3, 2015: EU, HMT remove 6 from Belarus sanctions

On Monday, HMT implemented Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2015/1133 by removing the following 2 people:

KOZIK, Leanid, Piatrovich
DOB: 13/07/1948. POB: Borisov a.k.a: KOZIK, Leonid, Petrovich National Identificationno: 3130748A017PB8 Position: Head of the Federation of Trade Unions OtherInformation: Former deputy Prime Minister and deputy Head of the President'sAdministration. Listed on: 22/05/2006 Last Updated: 14/07/2015 Group ID: 8893.
SKURAT, Viktar, Vatslavavich
a.k.a: SKURAT, Viktor, Vatslavovich Position: Head of the security department of thecompany ‘MZOR’ Other Information: MZOR is a state-owned holding company. FormerHead of the Security Department of the Ministry of Interior, from which he retired inFebruary 2013. Listed on: 29/03/2011 Last Updated: 14/07/2015 Group ID: 11730.

and 4 entities:

Other Information: Subsidiary of LLC Triple Listed on: 26/03/2012 Last Updated:14/07/2015 Group ID: 12579.
Other Information: Subsidiary of LLC Triple Listed on: 26/03/2012 Last Updated:14/07/2015 Group ID: 12586.
Other Information: Subsidiary of LLC Triple Listed on: 26/03/2012 Last Updated:14/07/2015 Group ID: 12584.
Other Information: Subsidiary of LLC Triple Listed on: 26/03/2012 Last Updated:14/07/2015 Group ID: 12583.

from sanctions on Belarus on the Consolidated List.


HMT Notice

Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2015/1133