July 9, 2015: OFAC removes a bunch of Balkans and Burmese sanctions targets

On Thursday, OFAC delisted the following persons who were designated under the Balkans and Burmese programs:

WIN, Soe; DOB 10 May 1947; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Lieutenant-General; Prime Minister; Member, State Peace and Development Council (individual) [BURMA].
BO, Maung; DOB 16 Feb 1945; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Lieutenant-General; Chief of Bureau of Special Operation 4; Member, State Peace and Development Council (individual) [BURMA].
ZAW, Thidar (a.k.a. ZAW, Daw Thidar; a.k.a. ZAW, Thida), 6 Cairnhill Circle, Number 18-07, Cairnhill Crest 229813, Singapore; Burma; DOB 02 Feb 1964; alt. DOB 02 Feb 1964; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Wife of Tay ZA (individual) [BURMA].
ZAW, Daw Thidar (a.k.a. ZAW, Thida; a.k.a. ZAW, Thidar), 6 Cairnhill Circle, Number 18-07, Cairnhill Crest 229813, Singapore; Burma; DOB 02 Feb 1964; alt. DOB 02 Feb 1964; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Wife of Tay ZA (individual) [BURMA].
ZAW, Thida (a.k.a. ZAW, Daw Thidar; a.k.a. ZAW, Thidar), 6 Cairnhill Circle, Number 18-07, Cairnhill Crest 229813, Singapore; Burma; DOB 02 Feb 1964; alt. DOB 02 Feb 1964; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Wife of Tay ZA (individual) [BURMA].
ADEMI, Rahim; DOB 30 Jan 1954; POB Karac, Serbia and Montenegro; ICTY indictee (individual) [BALKANS].
LANDZO, Esad; DOB 07 Mar 1973; ICTY indictee (individual) [BALKANS].
LJUBICIC, Pasko; DOB 15 Nov 1965; POB Nezirovic, Bosnia-Herzegovina; ICTY indictee (individual) [BALKANS].​


OFAC Notice


June 11, 2015: OFAC Balkans removals, counter-terrorism change

Yes, there still is an Balkans sanctions program over at OFAC. But, yesterday, the following listings were removed:

PRIVREDNA BANKA SARAJEVO AD (a.k.a. PRIVREDNA BANKA AD SRPSKO SARAJEVO), Str Srpskih Ratnika br 14, 71420 Pale, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Dobroslava Jedevica 14, 71000 Pale, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Kralja Nikole Str 65, Srbinje/Foca, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ljube Milanovica Str 12, Trebinje, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Filipa Kljajica Str 6, Zvornik, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 9/11 Str Zagrebacka, Belgrade 11000, Serbia; SWIFT/BIC PRSS BA 22 [BALKANS].
PRIVREDNA BANKA AD SRPSKO SARAJEVO (a.k.a. PRIVREDNA BANKA SARAJEVO AD), Str Srpskih Ratnika br 14, 71420 Pale, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Dobroslava Jedevica 14, 71000 Pale, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Kralja Nikole Str 65, Srbinje/Foca, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ljube Milanovica Str 12, Trebinje, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Filipa Kljajica Str 6, Zvornik, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 9/11 Str Zagrebacka, Belgrade 11000, Serbia; SWIFT/BIC PRSS BA 22 [BALKANS].
VRACAR, Milenko, Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 15 May 1956; POB Nisavici, Prijedor, Bosnia-Herzegovina (individual) [BALKANS].

and the following counter-terrorism listing was updated:

TABAJA, Adham Husayn (a.k.a. TABAJA, Adham Hussein; a.k.a. TABAJAH, Adham); DOB 24 Oct 1697; POB Kfartebnit 50, Lebanon; alt. POB Kfar Tibnit, Lebanon; alt. POB Ghobeiry, Lebanon; alt. POB Al Ghubayrah, Lebanon; nationality Lebanon; Gender Male; Passport RL1294089 (Lebanon); Identification Number 00986426 (Iraq) (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HIZBALLAH). -to- TABAJA, Adham Husayn (a.k.a. TABAJA, Adham Hussein; a.k.a. TABAJAH, Adham)|; DOB 24 Oct 1967; POB Kfartebnit 50, Lebanon; alt. POB Kfar Tibnit, Lebanon; alt. POB Ghobeiry, Lebanon; alt. POB Al Ghubayrah, Lebanon; nationality Lebanon; Gender Male; Passport RL1294089 (Lebanon); Identification Number 00986426(Iraq)| (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HIZBALLAH).


OFAC Notice


February 7, 2014: OFAC removes 3 from Balkans sanctions

On Friday, OFAC removed the following 3 individuals from SDN List (previously sanctioned under the Balkans program):

GOTOVINA, Ante; DOB 12 Oct 1955; POB Pasman, Croatia; ICTY indictee (individual) [BALKANS].
ORIC, Naser; DOB 03 Mar 1967; POB Potocari, Bosnia-Herzegovina; ICTY indictee in custody (individual) [BALKANS].
SAROVIC, Mirko; DOB 16 Sep 1956; POB Rogatica, Serbia (individual) [BALKANS].



OFAC Notice


The OFAC Book of Why: Balkans Sanctions

It’s good to understand the reasoning behind sanctions programs – once you get past the ones you kind of know by heart, like the Iranian and terrorism programs. One good reason is that we’re responsible for adding to the SDN list when we hear of someone or some entity that meets the definition of the program.

Let’s start with the name of the sanctions program in the sanctions flyer: Blocking Property of Persons Who Threaten International Stabilization Efforts in the Western Balkans

Now, the Balkans program (did you even realize we still had one?) goes back to 2001’s Executive Order 13219, and sanctions the following:

(i) the persons listed in the Annex to this order; and
(ii) persons designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, because they are found:
(A) to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing, acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of threatening the peace in or diminishing the stability or security of any area or state in the Western Balkans region, undermining the authority, efforts, or objectives of international organizations or entities present in the region, or endangering the safety of persons participating in or providing support to the activities of those international organizations or entities, or
(B) to have actively obstructed, or to pose a significant risk of actively obstructing, implementation of the Dayton Accords in Bosnia or United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 in Kosovo, or
(C) materially to assist in, sponsor, or provide financial or technological support for, or goods or services in support of, such acts of violence or obstructionism, or
(D) to be owned or controlled by, or acting or purporting to act directly or indirectly for or on behalf of, any of the foregoing persons,

This was then modified by Executive 13304 in 2003 to read:

(A) to be under open indictment by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, unless circumstances warrant otherwise, or
(B) to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing, acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of threatening the peace in or diminishing the stability or security of any
area or state in the Western Balkans region, undermining the authority, efforts, or objectives of international organizations or entities present in the region, or endangering the safety of persons participating in or providing support to the activities of those international organizations or entities, or
(C) to have actively obstructed, or pose a significant risk of actively obstructing, the Ohrid Framework Agreement of 2001 relating to Macedonia, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 relating to Kosovo, or the Dayton Accords or the Conclusions of the Peace Implementation Conference held in London on December 8-9, 1995, including the decisions or conclusions of the High Representative, the Peace Implementation Council or its Steering Board, relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina, or
(D) to have materially assisted in, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services in support of, such acts of violence or obstructionism or any person listed in or designated pursuant to this order, or
(E) to be owned or controlled by, or acting or purporting to act directly or indirectly for or on behalf of, any person listed in or designated pursuant to this order,
that are or hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of United States persons, are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in.