February 2, 2015: EU, HMT amend 3 Tunisian sanctions listings

On February 2nd, guided by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2015/147, Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT) changed the listings on the Consolidated List for the following 3 people designated under the Tunisian sanctions program:

BEN ALI, Faouzi, Ben Haj, Hamda, Ben Haj, Hassen.
DOB: 13/03/1947.
POB: Hammam-Sousse, Tunisia
Nationality: Tunisian
National Identification no: 02800443
Address: Formerly residing at rue El Moez, Hammam-Sousse, Tunisia.
Other Information: Deceased 25 February 2011. Managing director. Spouse of Zohra
Ben Ammar.
Group ID: 11619.

TRABELSI, Mohamed, Adel, Ben Mohamed, Ben Rehouma.
DOB: 26/04/1950.
POB: Tunis, Tunisia
Nationality: Tunisian
National Identification no: 00178522
Address: Formerly residing at 3 rue de la Colombe, Gammarth Superieur, Tunisia.
Other Information:
Deceased 27 January 2011. Managing director. Son of Saida Dherif.
Spouse of Souad Ben Jemia.
Group ID: 11595.

TRABELSI, Moncef, Ben Mohamed, Ben Rhouma.
DOB: 04/03/1944.
POB: Tunis, Tunisia
Nationality: Tunisian
National Identification no: 05000799
Address: Formerly residing at 11 rue de France, Rades Ben Arous, Tunisia.
Other Information: Deceased 4 April 2011. Managing director. Son of Saida Dherif.
Spouse of Yamina Souiei.
Group ID: 11586.


HMT Notice

Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2015/147


Sweden Explains It All: EU Tunisia sanctions

This is the historical background behind the sanctions against Tunisia:

Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and a number of ministers were forced to resign as the result of widespread popular protests against the regime in January 2011. The Tunisian authorities subsequently took legal action against several individual members of the former government and those close to them on suspicion of embezzling Tunisian public property and other economic crimes. In light of this, the EU decided on 31 January 2011 to introduce targeted sanctions, in the form of freezing of assets, against individual members of the former government and natural and legal persons linked to them. The sanctions were subsequently extended to 31 January 2014, and are subject to continuous review.

and what the current sanctions are:

All funds and economic resources belonging to etc. natural and legal persons responsible for misappropriation of Tunisian state funds, and natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with them are to be frozen. Furthermore, no funds or economic resources are to be made available to them. In certain cases, however, exemptions can be granted, e.g. on humanitarian grounds. Frozen assets may also be released in certain cases for the enforcement of judgments etc., in order to facilitate their return to the Tunisian state.

and what EU documents relate to these sanctions:

The sanctions are regulated by Council Decision 2011/72/CFSP of 31 January 2011. This decision has been supplemented by Council Implementing Decision 2011/79/CFSP and Council Decision 2012/724/CFSP, which contains certain additional exemptions from the provisions on freezing etc. Council Decision 2011/72/CFSP has been extended through Council Decision 2012/50/CFSP and 2013/72/CFSP and applies until 31 January 2014. The Council Decisions are implemented through Council Regulations (EU) Nos 101/2011 and 1100/2012. The documents can be downloaded here.

Please note that the EU will be reviewing this sanctions program for renewal or suspension at the end of this month.


Sweden EU Tunisia sanctions page


March 6, 2014: OSFI adds 1, delists 8 under FACFOTER

That's the Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials (Tunisia and Egypt) Regulations. Here are the changes:

2. Items 9, 19, 47 to 51 and 122 of Schedule 2 to the Regulations are repealed:

9. Rachid Mohamed Rachid (also known among other names as Rachid Mohamed Rachid Rached), born on February 9, 1955 and former Minister of Trade and Industry

19. Hania Mahmoud Abdel Rahman Fahmi (also known among other names as Hanya Mahmoud Abdel-Rahman Fahmy), born on July 5, 1959, spouse of Rachid Mohamed Rachid

47. Hesham El Sayed Mohamed El Hazek (also known among other names as Hesham Elsayed Mohamed Elhazek), born on May 7, 1965, Managing Director of the Egyptian Union Company for Investments

48. Ocsana Pavikina (also known among other names as Oksana Yafekena)

49. Omar Hesham El Sayed El Hazek (also known among other names as Omar Hesham ElSayed ElHazek), born on May 29, 1995

50. Rania AbdelKarim Mohamed El Khattabi (also known among other names as Rania Abdelkarim Mohamed Elkhattabi), born on May 9, 1973, spouse of Hesham El Sayed Mohamed El Hazek

51. Hussein Ali Habib Sajwani (also known among other names as Hussein Aly Habib Segwany)

122. Khaled Mounir Saleh Mostafa Sabet, born on October 12, 1961, son of Mounir Saleh Moustafa Sabet


OSFI Notice



End of Month Clearance: Al-Qaida & Tunisia updates for HMT

Two updates from Her Majesty's Treasury today:

First, under the auspices of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 731/2013, the following person was removed from the Al-Qaida sanctions program:

SUGHAYR, Muhammad, 'Abdallah, Salih

DOB: 20/08/1972.

POB: Al-Karawiya, Oneiza, Saudi Arabiaa.k.a: (1) ABU ABDULLAH


(3) AL-SAGHIR, Mohd

(4) AL-SUGAIR, Muhammad, 'Abdallah, Salih

(5) AL-SUGAYER, Muhammad

(6) AL-SUGHAIER, Muhammad', Abdallah, Salih(7) AL-SUGHAIR, Muhammad', Abdallah, Salih(8) AL-SUGHAYER, Muhammad', Abdallah, Salih(9) AL-SUGHAYIR, Muhammad', Abdallah, Salih(10) AL-SUQAYR, Muhammad', Abdallah, Salih(11) SSUGHAYER, Mohammad, Abdullah, S

Nationality: Saudi Arabian

Passport Details: E864131 (Saudi Arabian). Issued on 30 Dec 2001.

Expired on 6 Nov 2006Address: Saudi Arabia.

Other Information: UN ref QI.S.235.07. Involved in the financing of, arms supply to,recruitment for and otherwise provided assistance to Abu Sayyaf Group.

Group ID: 9167.

and the following person's listing was modified:

UTHMAN, Omar, Mahmoud

DOB: (1) 30/12/1960.(2) 13/12/1960.

POB: Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestinian Territoriesa.k.a: (1) ABU ISMAIL

(2) ABU UMAR, Abu Omar

(3) AL-FILISTINI, Abu Qatada

(4) OTHMAN, Omar, Mohammed

(5) TAKFIRI, Abu Umr

(6) UMAR, Abu Umar

(7) UTHMAN, Al-Samman(8) UTHMAN, Umar

Nationality: Jordanian

Address: United Kingdom (since 1993).

Jordan (since July 2013).

Other Information: UN Ref QI.M.31.01. Associated with Al-Qaida-related groups in the UKand other countries. Convicted in absentia in Jordan for involvement in terrorist acts in1998. Arrested in Feb 2001 in the UK, and was further detained between Oct 2002 andMar 2005, and between Aug 2005 and June 2008. In custody in the UK since Dec 2008pending the outcome of deportation proceedings (as at Mar 2009).

Previous address wasUnited Kingdom between 1993 and July 2013.

Group ID: 6932.

You'll note these are the changes recently made by the UN, then OSFI and DFAT. That extra layer of red tape over at the EU added a good week to this listing.

Second, in line with Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 735/2013, HMT has modified the listings for these three people under the EU's Tunisian sanctions:

TRABELSI, Mohamed, Ben Moncef, Ben Mohamed

.DOB: 07/01/1980.

POB: Sabha-Lybie

Nationality: Tunisian

National Identification no: 04524472

Address: Residence de l'Etoile de Nord, Suite B, 7th Floor, Apt. No 25, Centre urbain du nord, Cite El Khadra, Tunis, Tunisia.
Other Information: Managing director. Son of Yamina Souiei. Spouse of Ines Lejri.Subject to judicial investigation by Tunisian authorities re acquisition of property,opening of bank accounts and holding of financial assets in several countries aspart of money-laundering operations for complicity in the misuse of office by apublic office-holder (i.e. a former CEO of Société Tunisienne de Banque andformer CEO of Banque Nationale Agricole) to procure an unjustified advantage fora third party and to cause a loss to the administration.
Group ID: 11587.
MATERI, Fahd, Mohamed Sakher, Ben Moncef, Ben Mohamed, Hfaiez.

DOB: 02/12/1981.

POB: Tunis, Tunisia

Nationality: Tunisian

National Identification no: 04682068

Other Information: Son of Naima Boutiba. Spouse of Nesrine Ben Ali. Subject to judicialinvestigation by Tunisian authorities
re acquisition of property, opening of bank accountsand holding of financial assets in several countries as part of money-launderingoperations. for exerting wrongful influence over a public office-holder (ex-President Ben Ali) with a view to obtaining directly or indirectly an advantage foranother person, complicity in the misuse of office by a public office-holder (ex-President Ben Ali) to procure an unjustified advantage for a third party and tocause a loss to the administration, and complicity in the misappropriation ofTunisian public monies by a public office- holder (ex-President Ben Ali).
Group ID: 11588.

CHIBOUB, Mohamed, Slim, Ben Mohamed, Hassen, Ben Salah.

DOB: 13/01/1959.

Nationality: Tunisian
National Identification no: 00400688
Nationality: Tunisian
National Identification no: 00400688
Address: rue du Jardin, Sidi Bousaid, Tunis, Tunisia.
Other Information: CEO. Son of Leila Chaibi. Spouse of Dorsaf Ben Ali. Subject to judicialinvestigation by Tunisian authorities re acquisition of property, opening of bank accountsand holding of financial assets in several countries as part of money-launderingoperations. for exerting wrongful influence over a public office-holder (ex- President BenAli) with a view to obtaining directly or indirectly an advantage for another person,complicity in the misuse of office by a public office-holder to procure an unjustifiedadvantage for a third party and to cause a loss to the administration.

Group ID: 11630.


HMT Al-Qaida notice

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 731/2013

HMT Tunisia notice

Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 735/2013