Cuban Asset Control Regulation Amendments, Part 2

Some flavor from the amendments document, in relatively clear English:

(d) General license for travel-related transactions incident to exportation or reexportation
of certain items. (1) The travel-related transactions set forth in § 515.560(c) and such additional
transactions as are directly incident to the conduct of market research, commercial marketing,
sales or contract negotiation, accompanied delivery, installation, leasing, or servicing in Cuba of
items consistent with the export or reexport licensing policy of the Department of Commerce are
authorized, provided that the traveler
s schedule of activities does not include free time or
recreation in excess of that consistent with a full-time schedule.

(2) The travel-related transactions set forth in § 515.560(c) and such additional
transactions as are directly incident to the facilitation of the temporary sojourn of aircraft and
vessels as authorized by 15 CFR 740.15 (License Exception Aircraft, Vessels and Spacecraft) or
pursuant to other authorization by the Department of Commerce for travel between the United
States and Cuba authorized pursuant to this part, including travel-related transactions by
personnel who are persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction and who are required for normal operation
and service on board a vessel or aircraft, as well as personnel who are persons subject to U.S.
jurisdiction and who are required to provide services to a vessel in port or aircraft on the ground,
provided that:

(i) The aircraft or vessel must be transporting individuals whose travel between the
United States and Cuba is authorized pursuant to any section of this part other than paragraph
(d)(2) of this section; and

(ii) Such travel-related transactions by such personnel are limited to the duration and
scope of their duties in relation to the particular authorized temporary sojourn.


§ 515.545 Transactions related to information and informational materials.

(a) Transactions relating to the creation, dissemination, artistic or other substantive
alteration, or enhancement of informational materials are authorized, including employment of
Cuban nationals and remittance of royalties or other payments in connection with such
transactions. This section authorizes marketing related to the dissemination of such
informational materials but does not authorize other marketing or business consulting services.

(b) General license. (1) The travel-related transactions set forth in § 515.560(c) and such
additional transactions as are directly incident to the exportation, importation, or transmission of
information or informational materials as defined in § 515.332 are authorized, provided that the
s schedule of activities does not include free time or recreation in excess of that
consistent with a full-time schedule.

(2) The travel-related transactions set forth in § 515.560(c) and such additional
transactions as are directly incident to professional media or artistic productions of information
or informational materials for exportation, importation, or transmission, including the filming or
production of media programs (such as movies and television programs), the recording of music,
and the creation of artworks in Cuba, are authorized, provided that the traveler is regularly
employed in or has demonstrated professional experience in a field relevant to such professional
media or artistic productions, and that the
traveler’s schedule of activities does not include free
time or recreation in excess of that consistent with a full-time schedule.


§ 515.564 Professional research and professional meetings in Cuba.

(2) Professional meetings. The travel-related transactions set forth in § 515.560(c) and
such additional transactions as are directly incident to travel to Cuba to attend or organize
professional meetings or conferences in Cuba are authorized, provided that:

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(ii) For a traveler:

(A) Attending a professional meeting or conference, the purpose of the meeting or
conference directly relates to the traveler’s profession, professional background, or area of
expertise, including area of graduate-level full-time study;

(B) Organizing a professional meeting or conference on behalf of an entity, either the
’s profession must be related to the organization of professional meetings or conferences
or the traveler must be an employee or contractor of an entity that is organizing the professional
meeting or conference.

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(iv) The traveler’s schedule of activities does not include free time or recreation in
excess of that consistent with a full-time schedule of attendance at, or organization of,
professional meetings or conferences.

Note to § 515.564(a)(2): Transactions incident to the organization of professional
meetings or conferences include marketing related to such meetings or conferences in Cuba.

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