December 11, 2015: SECO adds Emrah Erdodan to Al-Qaida/Bin Laden/Taliban sanctions

On Friday, Swiss regulators added the following person:

SSID: 10-33403 Foreign identifier: QDi.362 Name: Emrah Erdogan

DOB: 2 Feb 1988 POB: Karliova, Turkey Low quality a.k.a.: a) Imraan Al-Kurdy b) Imraanc) Imran d) Imran ibn Hassan e) Salahaddin El Kurdy f) Salahaddin Al Kudy g) SalahaddinAl-Kurdy h) Salah Aldin i) Sulaiman j) Ismatollah k) Ismatullah l) Ismatullah Al KurdyAddress: Werl Prison, Germany (since May 2015) Nationality: Germany Identificationdocument: Other No. C700RKL8R4, Germany, Date of issue: 18 Feb 2010, Expiry date: 17Feb 2016 (German BPA)

Relation: affiliated with Al-Qaida (QE.A.4.01., SSID 10-17297) Other information: a)Former foreign terrorist fighter affiliated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004) in North Waziristan,Pakistan (2010-2011) and with Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujaahidiin (Al-Shabaab) in Somalia(2011-2012). Convicted to seven years of imprisonment by the Higher Regional Court inFrankfurt/Main, Germany in 2014. Physical description: eye colour brown, hair colour brown,build: strong, weight: 92 kg, height: 176 cm, birthmark on right back. b) Mother’s name:Emine Erdogan. Father’s name: Sait Erdogan. Modifications: Listed on 11 Dec 2015

to their Al-Qaida/Bin Laden/Taliban sanctions list.


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