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"Basically, it's the best blogging tool you'll find on the iPad."

- Gizmodo

"If you’re a blogger with an iPad, then I would highly recommend picking up Blogsy. It finally makes your iPad a worthy blogging tool."

- AppAdvice

"Wow. Blogsy iPad app for blogging just did to iOS blog editors what Tweetie did to iOS twitter clients back in the day."

- @TopiPad

"Blogsy finally brings quality blogging to the iPad — a device that was desperately waiting for an app like this to change the way bloggers can get things done without giving up on rich content editing, and media."

- Macstories

"There are other apps out there for blogging, but compared to the new app Blogsy they all absolutely stink."

- The Newest Rant

"Blogsy has lots of features and to be honest, I can say that it is the best wordpress and blogger app you will find on App Store."


"Blogsy is not just a great blogging application for the iPad. It is THE BEST blogging application for the iPad."

- iAppsForTeachers

"If you blog with any regularity, I recommend spending $5 for Blogsy."


Drag & Drop your pictures and videos straight into your blog post.

Drag & Drop Your Pictures

Drag & Drop photos from your Flickr, Picasa, Facebook, Instagram, blog's media library, iPad photo library right into your blog post. Choose pictures from any album, set, or friends’ photos. Or search across the whole site. All it takes is a finger to drag and place the photo into your blog post. Have more than one account? That’s not a problem as Blogsy supports as many accounts as you have. See this in action in our "Drag and Drop" how-to video.

Picasa Flickr Facebook Instagram

Drag & Drop Videos

Drag & Drop your, or anyone’s, YouTube or Vimeo videos into your blog post. Just take your finger and slide the video into your blog post. And you can just double-tap on the video to open the Video Settings menu to easily choose size, alignment and embed type. Check out our "Link, Image and Video Menus" how-to video to see how easy it is. blog post.

YouTube Vimeo

Drag & Drop from the Web

Drag & Drop from the built-in browser. That’s right, you can drag images and links straight from any web site right into your blog post. You can do research, get embed codes, copy text from websites and anything else you may want to do in a browser. There is no need to ever leave Blogsy to craft your perfect blog post. We have two how-to videos which show these things - "Drag and Drop" and "Creating Links"

Blog Platforms

Blogsy supports all the platforms shown below. Plus, most blogging platforms in the world support the MetaWeblog API so you can more than likely set up your blog in Blogsy. You can set up multiple blogs on each platform and multiple platforms. With Blogsy it is easy to manage both your personal and professional blogs.

WordPress.org WordPress.com Blogger TypePad Movable Type Joomla Drupal IBM Connections Tumblr SquareSpace MetaWeblog

Text Formatting

Do you want to bold some text, make lists, set alignment, or use that magical more tag without ever having to write any HTML? Well, in Blogsy it’s as easy as selecting the text and tapping on one of the buttons in the Formatting Toolbar. Make you posts look just the way you want without having to write any HTML. But if you want to write HTML you always can by flipping to the HTML Side in Blogsy. Watch our "Formatting" how-to video.


You can write Markdown in Blogsy. Just turn on Markdown in the Settings menu then when you want to write in Markdown tap on the Markdown icon in the dock, This will open the Markdown editor witch also has a special extended keyboard for to make typing Markdown easier.


emailCreate and send richly formatted emails. It's as easy as writing it up, formatting it and adding photos and videos then tapping on the email icon in the dock. This feature is handy for several reasons. First, if your blogging platform is not supported by Blogsy or doesn't use the MetaWeblog API but provides the ability to email-to-post then you can use Blogsy to post to your blog. Second, you can send richly formatted emails to friends and family. Finally, other internet services have features provided through email. For example you can send an email to Mail Chimp and it will send it to all your subscribers. Our "Email" how-to video shows this in action.

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New Blog Posts

Blogsy is no longer in the App Store.

January 29th, 2016 by

We tried to come out with a new version of Blogsy (Blogsy II) which would work with the latest version of iOS. Unfortunately, due to the changes in iOS, Blogsy II would become sluggish and basically unusable after dragging in only a few media items (photos or vidoes). Given the fact that the sales of … Read more


YouTube API change causing a problem

May 13th, 2015 by

YouTube changed their API and it has caused the YouTube integration in Blogsy to stop working. We are working on an update to work with the changes in the YouTube API. Once we have that update we will submit it to Apple and they take about a week to approve.

