January 12, 2016: UN, DFAT, OSFI remove ABD AL WAHAB ABD AL HAFIZ from Al-Qaida sanctions list

Yesterday, Australian and Canadian regulators removed the following person from their anti-terror sanctions:

QDi.157 Name: 1: ABD AL WAHAB 2: ABD AL HAFIZ 3: na 4: na

Name (original script): عبد الوهاب عبد الحافظ

Title: na Designation: na DOB: 7 Sep. 1967 POB: Algiers, Algeria Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mouloud Ferdjani, born 7 Sep. 1967 in Algeria b) Abdelwahab Abdelhafid, born 30 Oct. 1968 in Algeria c) Abdel Wahab Abdelhafid, born 30 Oct. 1968 in Algeria d) Abdewahab Abdel Hafid, born 30 Oct. 1968 in Algeria e) Abedel Wahad Abdelhafio, born 30 Oct. 1968 in Algeria f) Abdelouahab Abdelhafid, born 30 Oct. 1968 in El Harrach, Algeria (appears in Algerian passport number 3525282) Low quality a.k.a.: a) Mourad b) Saidc) Rabah Di Roma Nationality: Algerian Passport no.: Algerian passport number 3525282 (issued under name Abdelouahab Abdelhafid (good quality a.k.a. f)) National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 17 Mar. 2004 (amended on 26 Nov. 2004, 9 Sep. 2005, 21 Dec. 2007, 25 Jan. 2010, 16 May 2011, 17 Aug. 2015 ) Other information: Sentenced in absentia in Italy to 5 years of imprisonment. Arrest warrant issued by the Italian authorities on 19 May 2005, cancelled on 18 March 2008. Linked to support for the Organization of Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (QDe.014). Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 30 Jul. 2009.

After his removal by the United Nations Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee.


OSFI Notice



December 18, 2015: HK SFC AML/CTF Circular

Only about a week since the previous circular, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (HK SFC) issued another AML/CTF circular to publicize changes to the lists published by the United Nations Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee. A PDF of the UN web notices is attached.


HK SFC Notice

HK SFC Circular

UN Web Notices


January 7, 2015: EU, HMT remove 1, change a bunch of Al-Qaida sanctions listings

Yesterday, Her Majesty's Treasury (HMT) implemented Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/13, by removing the following person from its Al-Qaida sanctions program:

YOUSEF, Rafik, Mohamad

27/08/1974. POB: Baghdad, Iraq a.k.a: KAIRADIN, Mohamad,

Nationality: Iraqi Passport Details: German travel document
(Reiseausweise) A 0092301
Address: Germany (in prison). Other Information:
UN Ref QI.M.205.05. Member of Ansar Al-Islam. Sentenced on 15 July 2008 to 8
years imprisonment in Germany.
Listed on: 07/12/2005 Last Updated: 07/01/2016
Group ID: 8783.

and by modifying the following listings:

ABD AL-BAQI, Nashwan, Abd Al-Razzaq
DOB: –/–/1961. POB: Mosul, Iraq a.k.a: (1) ABU ABDALLAH (2) AL-IRAQI, Abd Al-
Hadi (3) AL-IRAQI, Abdal, Al-Hadi
(4) MOHAMMED, Omar, Uthman (5) AL-TAWEEL,
Abdul, Hadi (6) AL-ANSARI, Abd, al-Hadi (7) AL-MUHAYMAN, Abd (8) ARIF ALI,
Abdul, Hadi
National Identification number: Ration Card no. 0094195
Nationality: Iraqi Other Information: UN Ref QI.A.12.01. Al-Qaida senior official.
In custody of the USA, as of July 2007
(a) Father’s name: Abd al-Razzaq Abd al-
Baqi, (b) Mother
’s name: Nadira Ayoub Asaad. Also referred to as Abu Ayub. Photo
available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.
10/10/2001 Last Updated: 07/01/2016 Group ID: 6923

HUSSEIN, Mohammad, Tahir, Hammid
Title: Imam DOB: 01/11/1975. POB: Poshok, Iraq a.k.a: AL KURDI, Abdelhamid
Nationality: Iraqi Address: Sulaymaniya, Iraq Other Information: UN Ref
QI.H.144.03. A deportation order was issued by the Italian authorities on 18 Oct
2004. Considered a fugitive from justice by the Italian authorities as of Sept 2007
Mother’s name: Attia Mohiuddin Taha. Listed on: 18/11/2003 Last Updated:
07/01/2016 Group ID: 7867

RASHID, Ata, Abdoulaziz
DOB: 01/12/1973. POB: Sulaimaniya, Iraq a.k.a: (1) BARZINGY, Ata, Abdoul, Aziz
(2) RASHID, Abdoulaziz, Ata
Nationality: Iraqi Address: Germany. National
Identification number:
Ration card 6110922 Other Information: UN Ref
Mother’s name: Khadija Majid Mohammed Listed on: 07/12/2005
Last Updated: 07/01/2016 Group ID: 8782

AHMAD, Farhad, Kanabi
DOB: 01/07/1971. POB: Arbil, Iraq a.k.a: (1) ACHMED, Kaua, Omar (2)
(3) AHMED, Kawa, Omar Nationality: Iraqi Passport Details:
German travel document (Reiseausweis) A 0139243 (revoked as at Sep 2012)
Address: Arbil, Qushtuba, house no. SH 11, alley 5380, Iraq. Other Information:
UN Ref QI.A.203.05. Released from custody in Germany on 10 Dec 2010 and
relocated to Iraq on 6 Dec 2011
Mother’s name: Farida Hussein Khadir. Listed on:
07/12/2005 Last Updated: 07/01/2016 Group ID: 8781

DOB: (1) 02/07/1975. (2) 02/05/1972. (3) 03/07/1975. (4) –/–/1972. (5) 02/05/1975.
POB: (1) Mosul (2) Baghdad (3) Day Az-Zawr, (1) Iraq (2) Iraq (3) Syria a.k.a: (1) AL
ZAFIRI, Khalil, Ibrahim (2) JASSEM, Khalil, Ibrahim (3) MOHAMMAD, Khalil, Ibrahim
(4) AL-ZAHIRI, Khalil, Ibrahim Nationality: Syrian Passport Details: T04338017
(Temporary suspension of deportation issued by Alien's Office of the City of Mainz,
expired on 8.5.2013
Address: Refugee Shelter Alte Ziegelei, 55128, Mainz,
Other Information: UN Ref QI.M.206.05. Also referred to as Khalil.
Photo and fingerprints available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council
Special Notice.
Listed on: 07/12/2005 Last Updated: 07/01/2016 Group ID: 8785.

AL-MAZIDIH, Akram, Turki, Hishan
DOB: (1) –/–/1974. (2) –/–/1975. (3) –/–/1979. a.k.a: AL-HISHAN, Akram, Turki
Address: Zabadani, Syrian Arab Republic. (a) Deir ez-Zor Governorate Syrian Arab
Republic, (b) Iraq, (c) Jordan.
National Identification number: Ration card no.
Other Information: UN Ref QI.A.276.10. Cousin of Ghazy Fezza Hishan Al
Mother’s name: Masouma Abd al-Rahman. Photo available for inclusion in
the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice
. Also referred to as Abu Jarrah
and Abu Akram.
Listed on: 29/03/2010 Last Updated: 07/01/2016 Group ID:

AL-MAZIDIH, Ghazy, Fezza, Hishan
DOB: (1) –/–/1974. (2) –/–/1975. a.k.a: (1) HISHAN, Ghazy, Fezzaa (2) SHLASH,
Mushari, Abd Aziz, Saleh
Address: Zabadani, Syrian Arab Republic. (a) Syrian Arab
Republic, (b) Iraq.
Other Information: UN Ref QI.A.277.10. Cousin of Akram Turki
Hishan Al Mazidih.
Also referred to as Abu Faysal and Abu Ghazzy.
Listed on:
29/03/2010 Last Updated: 07/01/2016 Group ID: 11051.

AL-DARI, Muthanna, Harith
Title: Dr DOB: 16/06/1969. POB: Iraq a.k.a: (1) AL DARI, Muthana, Harith (2) AL
DARI, Muthanna (3) AL-DARI, Muthana, Haris (4)
AL-DARI, Muthanna (5) AL-DARI,
Muthanna, Hareth (6) AL-DARI, Muthanna, Harith, Sulayman (7) AL-DHARI,
Muthana, Haris (8)
AL-DHARI, Muthanna, Hareth (9) AL-DHARI, Muthanna, Harith,
Sulayman (10) AL-ZAWBA', Muthanna, Harith, Sulayman, Al-Dari (11) AL-ZAWBA'I,
Muthanna, Harith, Sulayman, Al-Dari (12) AL-ZOBAI, Muthanna, Harith, Sulayman,
Al-Dari (13) AL-ZOWBAI, Muthanna, Harith, al-Dari
Nationality: Iraqi Address: (1)
Khan Dari, Iraq (previous). (2) Egypt (previous). (3) Asas Village, Abu Ghurayb, Iraq
(previous). (4) Amman, Jordan.
National Identification number: Ration card
number 1729765.
Other Information: UN Ref QI.A.278.10. Provided operational
guidance, financial support and other services to or in support of Al-Qaida in Iraq
Mother’s name: Heba Khamis Dari. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-
UN Security Council Special Notice.
Listed on: 07/04/2010 Last Updated:
07/01/2016 Group ID: 11052.

ALI AL-BADRI AL-SAMARRAI, Ibrahim, Awwad, Ibrahim
Title: Dr DOB: –/–/1971. POB: (1) Samarra, (1) Iraq (2) Iraq a.k.a: (1) AL-BADRI AL-
SAMARRAI, Ibrahim, 'Awad, Ibrahim (2) AL-BAGHDADI, Abu Bakr (3) 'ALI AL-BADRI
AL-SAMARRAI, Ibrahim, 'Awwad, Ibrahim (4) AL-QURAISHI, Abu Bakr, al-Baghdadi,
al-Husayni (5) AL-SAMARRA'I, Ibrahim, 'Awad, Ibrahim (6) AL-SAMARRA'I, Ibrahim,
Awwad, Ibrahim
Nationality: Iraqi Address: (a) Iraq, (b) Syria . National
Identification number:
Ration card number 0134852. Other Information: UN Ref
QI.A.299.11. Also referred as Abu Du'a, Abu Duaa' and Dr Ibrahim. Leader of Al-
Qaida in Iraq
. Currently based in Iraq
and Syria. Responsible for managing and
directing AQI large scale operations
Wife’s name: Saja Hamid al-Dulaimi, second
’s name: Asma Fawzi Mohammed al-Kubaissi. Photo available for inclusion in
the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.
Listed on: 17/10/2011 Last
07/01/2016 Group ID: 12157.

AL-JAWLANI, Abu Mohammed
DOB: (1) –/–/1975. (2) –/–/1976. (3) –/–/1977. (4) –/–/1978. (5) –/–/1979. (6)
. POB: Syria a.k.a: (1) AL-GOLANI, Abu Mohammed (2) AL-GOLANI, Abu
Muhammad (3) ALJAWLANI, Abu Muhammad (4) AL-JAWLANI, Abu Mohamed (5)
JAWLANI, Abu Muhammad (6) AL-JAWLANI, Muhammad (7) AL-JULANI, Abu
(8) AL-NAIMI, Amjad, Muzaffar, Hussein, Ali. Nationality: Syrian
Address: (a) Mosul, Souq al-Nabi Yunis, (b) In Syria as at June 2013 Other
UN Ref QI.A.317.13 Active in Syria as at Jun. 2013. Since Jan. 2012,
he is the Leader of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant. Associated with
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Mother’s name: Fatma Ali Majour.
Description: Dark complexion. Height 1.70m. Photo availablefor inclusion in the
INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.
Also known as Shaykh al-Fatih, Abu
and Al Fatih. Date of birth is approximate. Listed on: 06/08/2013 Last
07/01/2016 Group ID: 12883.

GAZIEV, Tarkhan, Ismailovich
DOB: 11/11/1965. POB: Bugaroy Village, Itum-Kalinskiy District, Republic of
Chechnya, Russia
a.k.a: (1) ASIM, Abu (2) BILALAL, Abu (3) GAZIEV, Husan, Isaevich
(4) GAZIEV, Tarkhan, Isaevich (5) ODUEV, Ramzan (6) SULIMOV, Umar (7) YASIR,
Nationality: Not registered as a citizen of the Russian Federation Passport
Passport No.: 620169661 (Russian foreign travel passport number)
Address: (1) Iraq, possible alternative location as at August 2015. (2) Syrian Arab
Republic, located in as at August 2015.
Other Information: Photo available for
inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice. Also referred to
as:Wainakh, Sever and Husan. Date of designation referred to in Article
Listed on: 09/10/2015 Last Updated: 09/10/2015 Group ID:


HMT Notice

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/13


January 7, 2016: OFAC starts the year in style

OFAC waited until almost a week into the New Year, but didn't disappoint, with a slew of changes to the counter-terrorism & counter-narcotics programs. First, they added the following person:

CHARARA, Ali Youssef (a.k.a. SHARARA, Ali Youssef; a.k.a. SHARARA, 'Ali Yusuf), Ghobeiry Center, Mcharrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon; Verdun 732 Center, 17th Floor, Verdun, Rachid Karameh Street, Beirut, Lebanon; Al-Ahlam, 4th Floor, Embassies Street, Bir Hassan, Beirut, Lebanon; DOB 25 Sep 1968; POB Sidon, Lebanon; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HIZBALLAH).

And the following entity:

SPECTRUM INVESTMENT GROUP HOLDING SAL (a.k.a. SPECTRUM INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT HOLDING SAL; a.k.a. SPECTRUM INVESTMENT GROUP HOLDING; a.k.a. SPECTRUM INVESTMENT GROUP SAL HOLDING; a.k.a. SPECTRUM INVESTMENT HOLDING; a.k.a. “SPECTRUM HOLDING”), Floor 17, Verdun 732 Building, Rachid Karameh Street, Verdun, Beirut, Lebanon; Verdun 732 Center, Rachid Karame Street, Beirut, Lebanon; P.O. Box 113-5333, Beirut, Lebanon; Business Registration Document # 1990106 (Lebanon) [SDGT] (Linked To: CHARARA, Ali Youssef).

to the anti-terror program. They also made the following changes:

BARRERA MARIN, Alvaro, c/o APVA S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o BARRERA RIOS NEGOCIOS INMOBILIARIOS E.U., Cali, Colombia; c/o CECEP EDITORES S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o CECEP S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o CIDCA, Bogota, Colombia; c/o COMERCIALIZADORA DE BIENES Y SERVICIOS ADMINISTRATIVOS Y FINANCIEROS S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o ENSAMBLADORA COLOMBIANA AUTOMOTRIZ S.A., Barranquilla, Colombia; c/o NEGOCIOS Y CAPITALES S.A., Pereira, Colombia; c/o WORLD LINE SYSTEM S.A., Palmira, Valle, Colombia; Calle 56D No. 28B-73, Barrio Las Mercedes, Palmira, Valle, Colombia; DOB 21 Nov 1940; POB Sevilla, Valle, Colombia; Cedula No. 6451857 (Colombia); Passport AG003135 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT]. -to- BARRERA MARIN, Alvaro|, c/o APVA S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o BARRERA RIOS NEGOCIOS INMOBILIARIOS E.U., Cali, Colombia; c/o CECEP EDITORES S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o CECEP S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o COMERCIALIZADORA DE BIENES Y SERVICIOS ADMINISTRATIVOS Y FINANCIEROS S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o ENSAMBLADORA COLOMBIANA AUTOMOTRIZ S.A., Barranquilla, Colombia; c/o NEGOCIOS Y CAPITALES S.A., Pereira, Colombia; c/o WORLD LINE SYSTEM S.A., Palmira, Valle, Colombia; Calle 56D No. 28B-73, Barrio Las Mercedes, Palmira, Valle, Colombia; DOB 21 Nov 1940; POB Sevilla, Valle, Colombia; Cedula No. 6451857 (Colombia); Passport AG003135 (Colombia)| (individual) [SDNT].
CAVIEDES CRUZ, Leonardo, c/o INVERSIONES SANTA LTDA., Cali, Colombia; Calle 21 Norte No. 3N-84, Cali, Colombia; c/o CAVIEDES DILEO Y CIA S.C.S., Cali, Colombia; DOB 23 Nov 1952; Cedula No. 16593470 (Colombia); Passport AB151486 (Colombia); alt. Passport AC444270 (Colombia); alt. Passport OC444290 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT]. -to- CAVIEDES CRUZ, Leonardo|, Calle 21 Norte No. 3N-84, Cali, Colombia; c/o CAVIEDES DILEO Y CIA S.C.S., Cali, Colombia; DOB 23 Nov 1952; Cedula No. 16593470 (Colombia); Passport AB151486 (Colombia); alt. Passport AC444270 (Colombia); alt. Passport OC444290 (Colombia)| (individual) [SDNT].
CUELLAR SILVA, John Fredy, Calle Paseo Royal Country 5598-23, Fraccionamiento Royal Country, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico; Lopez Cotilla 100 Centro, Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 44100, Mexico; DOB 17 May 1976; POB Florencia, Caqueta, Colombia; Cedula No. 79904164 (Colombia); R.F.C. CUSJ760517HNE (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK] (Linked To: AGRO Y COMERCIO DE SANTA BARBARA LAGROMER S. EN C.; Linked To: COMPANIA AGRO COMERCIAL CUETA S. EN C.; Linked To: INVERSIONES HUNEL LTDA.; Linked To: CASA COMERCIAL ORO RAPIDO; Linked To: CASA DE EMPENO GUADALAJARA, S.A. DE C.V.; Linked To: PRENDA TODO, S.A. DE C.V.). -to- CUELLAR SILVA, John Fredy, Calle Paseo Royal Country 5598-23, Fraccionamiento Royal Country, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico; Lopez Cotilla 100 Centro, Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 44100, Mexico; DOB 17 May 1976; POB Florencia, Caqueta, Colombia; Cedula No. 79904164 (Colombia); R.F.C. CUSJ760517HNE (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK] (|Linked To: AGRO Y COMERCIO DE SANTA BARBARA LAGROMER S. EN C.; Linked To: COMPANIA AGRO COMERCIAL CUETA S. EN C.; Linked To: INVERSIONES HUNEL LTDA.; Linked To: CASA COMERCIAL ORO RAPIDO; Linked To: PRENDA TODO, S.A. DE C.V.|).
GAXIOLA MEDINA, Rigoberto (a.k.a. MEDINA SAENZ, Enrique; a.k.a. MORALES GUERRERO, Juan Antonio; a.k.a. SAENZ MEDINA, Enrique), Calle Clavel No. 1406, Colonia Margarita, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; DOB 27 Sep 1950; POB Sinaloa, Mexico; nationality Mexico; citizen Mexico; R.F.C. GAMR-501027 (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK]. -to- GAXIOLA MEDINA, Rigoberto (a.k.a. MEDINA SAENZ, Enrique; a.k.a. MORALES GUERRERO, Juan Antonio; a.k.a. SAENZ MEDINA, Enrique)|, Calle Clavel No. 1406, Colonia Margarita, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; DOB 27 Sep 1950; alt. DOB 27 Oct 1950; POB Sinaloa, Mexico; nationality Mexico; citizen Mexico; R.F.C. GAMR-501027 (Mexico); C.U.R.P. GAMR501027HSLXDG00 (Mexico)| (individual) [SDNTK].
SANTACRUZ CASTRO, Ana Milena, c/o SOCIEDAD CONSTRUCTORA LA CASCADA S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o AUREAL INMOBILIARIA LTDA., Bogota, Colombia; c/o INMOBILIARIA SAMARIA LTDA., Cali, Colombia; c/o SAMARIA LTDA., Cali, Colombia; c/o INVERSIONES SANTA LTDA., Cali, Colombia; c/o COMERCIALIZACION Y FINANCIACION DE AUTOMOTORES S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o INVERSIONES INTEGRAL LTDA., Cali, Colombia; c/o MIRALUNA LTDA., Cali, Colombia; c/o URBANIZACIONES Y CONSTRUCCIONES LTDA., DE CALI, Cali, Colombia; DOB 31 Mar 1965; Cedula No. 31929808 (Colombia); Passport 31929808 (Colombia); alt. Passport AB151189 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT]. -to- SANTACRUZ CASTRO, Ana Milena|, c/o SOCIEDAD CONSTRUCTORA LA CASCADA S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o COMERCIALIZACION Y FINANCIACION DE AUTOMOTORES S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o INVERSIONES INTEGRAL LTDA., Cali, Colombia; c/o MIRALUNA LTDA., Cali, Colombia; c/o URBANIZACIONES Y CONSTRUCCIONES LTDA., DE CALI, Cali, Colombia; DOB 31 Mar 1965; Cedula No. 31929808 (Colombia); Passport 31929808 (Colombia); alt. Passport AB151189 (Colombia)| (individual) [SDNT].

And deleted a lot of listings, including one of Mr. Watchlist's personal favorites (CARS AND CARS LTDA):

RESTREPO ZAPATA, Milvia Yaneth (a.k.a. RESTREPO ZAPATA, Milvia Janeth), c/o BIO FORESTAL S.A., Medellin, Colombia; c/o C.I. OKCOFFEE COLOMBIA S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o C.I. OKCOFFEE INTERNATIONAL S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o FUNDACION OKCOFFEE COLOMBIA, Bogota, Colombia; c/o FUNDACION PARA EL BIENESTAR Y EL PORVENIR, Medellin, Colombia; c/o HOTELES Y BIENES S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o INVERPUNTO DEL VALLE S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o PROMO RAIZ S.A., Medellin, Colombia; c/o UNION DE CONSTRUCTORES CONUSA S.A., Bogota, Colombia; Carrera 112 GT No. 86B-60, Bogota, Colombia; c/o R D I S.A., Bogota, Colombia; DOB 13 Dec 1973; Cedula No. 43825354 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNTK].
RESTREPO ZAPATA, Milvia Janeth (a.k.a. RESTREPO ZAPATA, Milvia Yaneth), c/o BIO FORESTAL S.A., Medellin, Colombia; c/o C.I. OKCOFFEE COLOMBIA S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o C.I. OKCOFFEE INTERNATIONAL S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o FUNDACION OKCOFFEE COLOMBIA, Bogota, Colombia; c/o FUNDACION PARA EL BIENESTAR Y EL PORVENIR, Medellin, Colombia; c/o HOTELES Y BIENES S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o INVERPUNTO DEL VALLE S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o PROMO RAIZ S.A., Medellin, Colombia; c/o UNION DE CONSTRUCTORES CONUSA S.A., Bogota, Colombia; Carrera 112 GT No. 86B-60, Bogota, Colombia; c/o R D I S.A., Bogota, Colombia; DOB 13 Dec 1973; Cedula No. 43825354 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNTK].
CASA DE EMPENO GUADALAJARA, S.A. DE C.V. (a.k.a. EMPENOS PRESTAFACIL), Av. Lopez Cotilla No. 100, Col. Centro, Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 44100, Mexico; Av. De La Mancha No. 738, Col. Lomas de Zapopan, Zapopan, Jalisco C.P. 45130, Mexico; R.F.C. CEG-000629-9H7 (Mexico); Folio Mercantil No. 4243-1 (Mexico) [SDNTK].
EMPENOS PRESTAFACIL (a.k.a. CASA DE EMPENO GUADALAJARA, S.A. DE C.V.), Av. Lopez Cotilla No. 100, Col. Centro, Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 44100, Mexico; Av. De La Mancha No. 738, Col. Lomas de Zapopan, Zapopan, Jalisco C.P. 45130, Mexico; R.F.C. CEG-000629-9H7 (Mexico); Folio Mercantil No. 4243-1 (Mexico) [SDNTK].
AMARILLAS LOPEZ, Gabriela, Av. de la Mancha # 738 A, Col. Lomas de Zapopan, Zapopan, Jalisco 45130, Mexico; Av. Rio Choix 824, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; DOB 21 Sep 1979; POB Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; C.U.R.P. AALG790921MSLMPB09 (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK] (Linked To: CASA DE EMPENO GUADALAJARA, S.A. DE C.V.).
AUREAL INMOBILIARIA LTDA., Avenida 7 No. 112-38 of. 104, Bogota, Colombia [SDNT].
CARS & CARS LTDA. (a.k.a. CARS AND CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. CENTRO COMERCIAL DEL AUTOMOVIL; a.k.a. COMERCIALIZADORA INTEGRAL LTDA.; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS & CARS; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS AND CARS), Avenida Roosevelt entre carreras 38 y 38A esquinas, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
COMERCIALIZADORA INTEGRAL LTDA. (a.k.a. CARS & CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. CARS AND CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. CENTRO COMERCIAL DEL AUTOMOVIL; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS & CARS; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS AND CARS), Avenida Roosevelt entre carreras 38 y 38A esquinas, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
PROYECTO CARS & CARS (a.k.a. CARS & CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. CARS AND CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. CENTRO COMERCIAL DEL AUTOMOVIL; a.k.a. COMERCIALIZADORA INTEGRAL LTDA.; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS AND CARS), Avenida Roosevelt entre carreras 38 y 38A esquinas, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
CENTRO COMERCIAL DEL AUTOMOVIL (a.k.a. CARS & CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. CARS AND CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. COMERCIALIZADORA INTEGRAL LTDA.; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS & CARS; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS AND CARS), Avenida Roosevelt entre carreras 38 y 38A esquinas, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
CARS AND CARS LTDA. (a.k.a. CARS & CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. CENTRO COMERCIAL DEL AUTOMOVIL; a.k.a. COMERCIALIZADORA INTEGRAL LTDA.; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS & CARS; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS AND CARS), Avenida Roosevelt entre carreras 38 y 38A esquinas, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
PROYECTO CARS AND CARS (a.k.a. CARS & CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. CARS AND CARS LTDA.; a.k.a. CENTRO COMERCIAL DEL AUTOMOVIL; a.k.a. COMERCIALIZADORA INTEGRAL LTDA.; a.k.a. PROYECTO CARS & CARS), Avenida Roosevelt entre carreras 38 y 38A esquinas, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
CAUCALITO LTDA. (f.k.a. GANADERA; f.k.a. GANADERIA LTDA.), Apartado Aereo 10077, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 12-41 of. 1403, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; NIT # 800029160-9 (Colombia) [SDNT].
GANADERA (a.k.a. CAUCALITO LTDA.; f.k.a. GANADERIA LTDA.), Apartado Aereo 10077, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 12-41 of. 1403, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; NIT # 800029160-9 (Colombia) [SDNT].
GANADERIA LTDA. (a.k.a. CAUCALITO LTDA.; f.k.a. GANADERA), Apartado Aereo 10077, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 12-41 of. 1403, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; NIT # 800029160-9 (Colombia) [SDNT].
GRUPO SANTA LTDA., Carrera 4 12-41 piso 14 y 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Calle 18 106-98 of. 201/202, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 84 17-29, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
HACIENDA LA NOVILLERA (a.k.a. NOVILLERA; a.k.a. NOVILLERA GANADERA), Carrera 4 12-41 piso 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Paso de la Bolsa, Jamundi, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
NOVILLERA (a.k.a. HACIENDA LA NOVILLERA; a.k.a. NOVILLERA GANADERA), Carrera 4 12-41 piso 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Paso de la Bolsa, Jamundi, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
NOVILLERA GANADERA (a.k.a. HACIENDA LA NOVILLERA; a.k.a. NOVILLERA), Carrera 4 12-41 piso 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Paso de la Bolsa, Jamundi, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
HACIENDA SANDRANA (a.k.a. SANDRANA GANADERA; a.k.a. SANDRANDA), Carrera 4 12-41 piso 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; San Pedro, Valle del Cauca, Colombia [SDNT].
SANDRANDA (a.k.a. HACIENDA SANDRANA; a.k.a. SANDRANA GANADERA), Carrera 4 12-41 piso 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; San Pedro, Valle del Cauca, Colombia [SDNT].
SANDRANA GANADERA (a.k.a. HACIENDA SANDRANA; a.k.a. SANDRANDA), Carrera 4 12-41 piso 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; San Pedro, Valle del Cauca, Colombia [SDNT].
INMOBILIARIA AURORA LTDA., Carrera 24F Oeste 3-70, Cali, Colombia; Avenida Canasgordas con Avenida Guali Casa 35, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 12-41 piso 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 38A No. 5E-31, Edificio Conquistadores, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
INTERCREDITOS S.A. (a.k.a. INTERCREDITOS BOGOTA; a.k.a. INTERCREDITOS CALI), Bogota, Colombia; Avenida Roosevelt No. 38-32, piso 2, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
INTERCREDITOS BOGOTA (a.k.a. INTERCREDITOS CALI; a.k.a. INTERCREDITOS S.A.), Bogota, Colombia; Avenida Roosevelt No. 38-32, piso 2, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
INTERCREDITOS CALI (a.k.a. INTERCREDITOS BOGOTA; a.k.a. INTERCREDITOS S.A.), Bogota, Colombia; Avenida Roosevelt No. 38-32, piso 2, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
INVERSIONES INTEGRAL Y CIA., Calle 16B No. 114-80 Casa 2, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 2 Oeste 5-46 apt/of 503, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
INVERSIONES SANTA LTDA. (f.k.a. INVERSIONES Y CONSTRUCCIONES SANTA LIMITADA), Calle 5 66B-49 piso 3, Cali, Colombia; Calle 13 3-32 piso 14, Cali, Colombia; Calle 5 Oeste 3A-26 apt/of 103, 301, 404, 502, 503, Cali, Colombia; Calle 7 Oeste 25-48, Cali, Colombia; Calle 9 No. 46-69 Of. 302, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 12-41 piso 14, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 2 Oeste 5-46 of 502, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 12-41 piso 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
INVERSIONES Y CONSTRUCCIONES SANTA LIMITADA (a.k.a. INVERSIONES SANTA LTDA.), Calle 5 66B-49 piso 3, Cali, Colombia; Calle 13 3-32 piso 14, Cali, Colombia; Calle 5 Oeste 3A-26 apt/of 103, 301, 404, 502, 503, Cali, Colombia; Calle 7 Oeste 25-48, Cali, Colombia; Calle 9 No. 46-69 Of. 302, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 12-41 piso 14, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 2 Oeste 5-46 of 502, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 12-41 piso 15, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
PREVIA S.A. (a.k.a. PREVENCION Y ANALISIS DE RIESGOS), Carrera 3 No. 12-40 of. 504, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 3 No. 10-20 of. 202, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
PREVENCION Y ANALISIS DE RIESGOS (a.k.a. PREVIA S.A.), Carrera 3 No. 12-40 of. 504, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 3 No. 10-20 of. 202, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
SAMARIA CANAS, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
SANDRANA CANAS, Cali, Colombia [SDNT].
CONSTRUCCIONES ASTRO S.A. (f.k.a. CONSTRUCTORA CASCADA; f.k.a. SOCIEDAD CONSTRUCTORA LA CASCADA S.A.), Carrera 4 No. 12-41 of. 1402, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 2305, Cali, Colombia; Apartado Aereo 10077, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 4114, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 2418, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 64 1B-83, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 No. 12-41 of. 1401, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 No. 12-41 of. 1403, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 64 1C-63, Cali, Colombia; Calle 13 3-22 piso 12 y piso 14, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 6245, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 B2 108, Cali, Colombia; NIT # 890307311-4(Colombia) [SDNT].
CONSTRUCTORA CASCADA (a.k.a. CONSTRUCCIONES ASTRO S.A.; f.k.a. SOCIEDAD CONSTRUCTORA LA CASCADA S.A.), Carrera 4 No. 12-41 of. 1402, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 2305, Cali, Colombia; Apartado Aereo 10077, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 4114, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 2418, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 64 1B-83, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 No. 12-41 of. 1401, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 No. 12-41 of. 1403, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 64 1C-63, Cali, Colombia; Calle 13 3-22 piso 12 y piso 14, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 6245, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 B2 108, Cali, Colombia; NIT # 890307311-4(Colombia) [SDNT].
SOCIEDAD CONSTRUCTORA LA CASCADA S.A. (a.k.a. CONSTRUCCIONES ASTRO S.A.; f.k.a. CONSTRUCTORA CASCADA), Carrera 4 No. 12-41 of. 1402, Edificio Seguros Bolivar, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 2305, Cali, Colombia; Apartado Aereo 10077, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 4114, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 2418, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 64 1B-83, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 No. 12-41 of. 1401, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 4 No. 12-41 of. 1403, Cali, Colombia; Carrera 64 1C-63, Cali, Colombia; Calle 13 3-22 piso 12 y piso 14, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 6245, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120, Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A 62A-120 B2 108, Cali, Colombia; NIT # 890307311-4(Colombia) [SDNT].
CARDONA OCHOA, Carlos Julio, c/o GRUPO SANTA LTDA., Cali, Colombia; c/o AUREAL INMOBILIARIA LTDA., Bogota, Colombia; DOB 22 Sep 1954; Cedula No. 7524996 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT].
ESTRADA URIBE, Octavio, c/o GRUPO SANTA LTDA., Cali, Colombia; c/o SOCIEDAD CONSTRUCTORA LA CASCADA S.A., Cali, Colombia; DOB 07 Oct 1954; Cedula No. 19258562 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT].
TORRES CORTES, Joselin, c/o AUREAL INMOBILIARIA LTDA., Bogota, Colombia; DOB 26 Jul 1957; Cedula No. 19482747 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT].
TREJOS AGUILAR, Melba, Calle 25 No. 35-66, Tulua, Valle, Colombia; Cedula No. 29991503 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT].
CIDCA (a.k.a. CENTRO INVESTIGACION DOCENCIA Y CONSULTORIA ADMINISTRATIVA), Calle 61 No. 11-09 Chapinero, Bogota, Colombia; Carrera 5 No. 23-16, Bogota, Colombia; NIT # 860404579-7 (Colombia) [SDNT].
CENTRO INVESTIGACION DOCENCIA Y CONSULTORIA ADMINISTRATIVA (a.k.a. CIDCA), Calle 61 No. 11-09 Chapinero, Bogota, Colombia; Carrera 5 No. 23-16, Bogota, Colombia; NIT # 860404579-7 (Colombia) [SDNT].
LOPERA BARBOSA, Adriana, c/o ASESORIA Y SOLUCIONES GRUPO CONSULTOR S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o CONSULTORIA INTEGRAL Y ASESORIA EMPRESARIAL S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o INVERSIONES EPOCA S.A., Cali, Colombia; c/o J.A.J. BARBOSA Y CIA. S.C.S., Cali, Colombia; Calle 1A No. 60-61 apto. 205B, Cali, Colombia; DOB 21 Jun 1965; POB Cali, Colombia; Cedula No. 31930002 (Colombia); Passport AG820191 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT].

all to the anti-narcotics program.


OFAC Notice


Egmont Group focuses on Terrorist Financing

The Egmont Group is an international group of Financial Intelligence Units (FIU). Today, they issued a communique announcing steps they are planning to take to combat terrorism financing:

    • working closely with the FATF to overcome information sharing obstacles and consider
      updating the international standards on effective information sharing;
    • contributing to the research of TF threats and vulnerabilities associated with ISIL and FTF;
    • expanding capacity to produce timely tactical and strategic analysis, including through leveraging technology to better capitalise on data;
    • seeking access to even more sources of information necessary to produce actionable financial intelligence, including working in partnership with academics and broader industry sectors that have visibility of suspect purchases of terrorism related goods;
    • uniting the expertise and knowledge of government, the private sector and academia to develop educational tools on terrorism financing risks and to raise awareness and professional competencies;
    • assisting FIUs in expanding bilateral and multilateral cooperation to more effectively share intelligence, technology and expertise internationally and domestically, and liaise with industry and academics to counter terrorist financing to enhance effectiveness;
    • supporting the improvement of the information sharing aspect of cooperation between FIUs
      and domestic agencies mandated to combat terrorist financing;
    • improving cooperation among FIUs internationally by removing existing obstacles to
      information sharing and developing tools and practices to facilitate multilateral exchanges
      and joint analysis;
    • continuing to focus on dialogue with the private sector, to include providing indicators to
      facilitate the identification and disclosure of useful financial intelligence; and,
    • exploring an intelligence-based approach which, complementing the suspicious-based
      approach, allows obliged entities and FIUs to better identify and disrupt terrorist activities.


Egmont Group Communique


December 30-31, 2015: UN, DFAT, OSFI update one Al-Qaida listing

To close out the year, the United Nations updated the following ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee (recently renamed) listing:

QDi.365 Name: 1: AKHMED 2: RAJAPOVICH 3: CHATAEV 4: na

Name (original script): Ахмед Ражапович Чатаев

Title: na Designation: na DOB: 4 Jul. 1980 POB: Vedeno Village, Vedenskiy District, Republic of Chechnya, Russian Federation Good quality a.k.a.: a) Akhmad Shishani (original script: Ахмад Шишани) b) David Mayer (Russian script: Давид Майер) c) Elmir Sene (original script: Эльмир Сене) Low quality a.k.a.: Odnorukiy (original script: Однорукий) Nationality: na Russian Passport no.: na National identification no.: Russian national passport number 9600133195, issued in Vedensiky District, Republic of Chechnya, Russian Federation (issued by Department of Internal Affairs) Address: a) Syrian Arab Republic (located in as at Aug. 2015) b) Iraq (possible alternative location as at Aug. 2015) Listed on: 2 Oct. 2015 (amended on 10 and 30 Dec. 2015 ) Other information: As at Aug. 2015, one of the leaders of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), commanding directly 130 militants. Physical description: eye colour: brown, hair colour: black, build: solid; distinguishing marks: oval face, beard, missing a right hand and left leg, speaks Russian, Chechen and possibly German and Arabic. Wanted by the authorities of the Russian Federation for terrorist crimes committed in its territory. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.


Which was then adopted by Canada and Australia.


OSFI Update

UN Updates – PDF (DFAT), HTML (OSFI)


December 13, 2015: HK SFC AML/CTF Circular

The December 13th circular by the Hong Kong Securites and Futures Commission notified firms of three changes: changes to the US Executive Order 13224 sanctions lists, changes to UN Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee sanctions listings, and the repeal of the asset-freezing part of the UN Liberian sanctions program. It also notes that the arms embargo still applies to Liberia.


HK SFC Notice

HK SFC Circular

United Nations Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Web Notices