November 23, 2015: Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission Circular

Monday's circular from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission had a lot more in it than usual. In addition to updates from the UN's Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee and notices of changes to U.S. Executive Order 13224 (an anti-terrorism E.O.), this circular also notes changes made by the UN to its sanctions lists for the Central African Republic, Yemen and Afghanistan.


HK SFC Notice

HK SFC Circular

United Nations Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Web Notices


November 3, 2015: Another Finnish regulatory update


Finnish regulatory update


October 27. 2015: EU, HMT modify Yemen sanctions listing for Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh

On Tuesday, Her Majesty's Treasury (HMT) implemented Council Regulation (EU) No 2015/1920 by amending the following listing in the Consolidated List:

SALEH, Ahmed, Ali, Abdullah

DOB: 25/07/1972. a.k.a: AL-AHMAR, Ahmed, Ali, Abdullah Nationality:

Yemeni Passport Details: Yemeni passport number 17979 issued under name
Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh. Yemeni passport number 02117777 issued on
8.11.2005 under name Ahmed Ali Abdullah Al-Ahmar. Yemeni passport number
06070777 issued on 3.12.2014 under name Ahmed Ali Abdullah Al-

Ahmar. Address: United Arab Emirates. Other Information: Former Ambassador,
former Brigadier General. Diplomatic identity card No. 31/2013/20/003140 issued
on 7.7.2013 by the United Arab Emirates' Ministry of Foreign Affairs under name
Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh – current status, cancelled. He is the son of the former
President of the Republic of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh. Date of UN designation:
14.04.2015. Listed on: 09/06/2015 Last Updated: 27/10/2015 Group ID: 13254.

sanctioned under the Yemen sanctions program.


HMT Notice

Council Regulation (EU) No 2015/1920


September 25, 2015: SECO updates Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh for Yemen sanctions

On Friday, Swiss authorities updated the information for the following person sanctioned under its Yemen program:

SSID: 85-31222 Foreign identifier: YEi.005 Name: Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh

Title: a) Former Ambassador b) Former Brigadier General DOB: 25 Jul 1972 Good quality
Ahmed Ali Abdullah Al-Ahmar Address: United Arab Emirates Nationality: Yemen
Identification document: a) Passport No. 17979, Yemen (Yemeni passport number 17979
issued under name Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh (referred to in the diplomatic identity number
b) Passport No. 02117777, Yemen, Date of issue: 8 Nov 2005
(Yemeni passport number 02117777 issued on 08-11-2005 under name Ahmed Ali Abdullah
Al-Ahmar (good quality a.k.a.))
c) Passport No. 06070777, Yemen, Date of issue: 3 Dec
2014 (Yemeni passport number 06070777 issued on 03-12-2014 under name Ahmed Ali
Abdullah Al- Ahmar (good quality a.k.a.))
d) Diplomatic passport No. 31/2013/20/003140,
United Arab Emirates, Date of issue: 7 Jul 2013 (Diplomatic identity card
no.:31/2013/20/003140, issued on 07-07-
2013 by the United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of
Foreign Affairs under name Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh; current status: cancelled.)
Justification: Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh was designated for sanctions on 14 Apr 2015
pursuant to paragraphs 11 and 15 of resolution 2140 (2014) and paragraph 14 of resolution
2216 (2015).
Relation: Son of Ali Abdullah Saleh (YEi.003, SSID 85-29644) Other
information: a)
Ahmed Ali Saleh has played a key role in facilitating the Houthi military
expansion. Has engaged in acts that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Yemen.
Ahmed Ali Saleh has been working to undermine President Hadi’s authority, thwart Hadi’s
attempts to reform the military, and hinder Yemen’s peaceful transition to democracy. Saleh
played a key role in facilitating the Houthi military expansion. As of mid-Feb 2013, Ahmed Ali
Saleh had issued thousands of new rifles to Republican Guard brigades and unidentified
tribal shaykhs. The weapons were originally procured in 2010 and reserved to purchase the
loyalties of the recipients for political gain at a later date.
c) After Saleh’s father, former
Republic of Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh, stepped down as President of Yemen in
2011, Ahmed Ali Saleh retained his post as commander of Yemen’s Republican Guard. A
little over a year later, Saleh was dismissed by President Hadi but he retained significant
influence within the Yemeni military, even after he was removed from command. Ali Abdullah
Saleh was designated by the UN under UNSCR 2140 in Nov 2014.
d) Ahmed Ali Abdullah
Saleh comes from an area known as Bayt Al-Ahmar, which lies some 20 kilometres
southeast of the capital, Sana'a. Modifications: Listed on 5 May 2015, amended on 25 Sep

The Watchlists page has been updated.


FINMA Notice

Data files of updates – PDF, XML


September 21, 2015: DFAT, UN modify 1 Yemen listing

Last Monday, Australian regulators made amendments to the folliowing Yemen sanctions listing, after those changes were made by the UN Sanctions Committee for that program:

YEi.005 Name: 1: AHMED 2: ALI 3: ABDULLAH 4: SALEH

Title: Former Ambassador, former Brigadier General Designation: N/A DOB: 25 July

1972 POB: N/A Good quality a.k.a.: Ahmed Ali Abdullah Al-Ahmar Low quality

a.k.a.: N/A Nationality: Yemeni Passport no.: a) Yemeni passport number 17979

issued under name Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh (referred to in the diplomatic identity

number no.:31/2013/20/003140 below) b)Yemeni passport number 02117777 issued

on 08-11-2005 under name Ahmed Ali Abdullah Al-Ahmar (good quality a.k.a.) c)

Yemeni passport number 06070777 issued on 03-12-2014 under name Ahmed Ali

Abdullah Al-Ahmar (good quality a.k.a.) National identification no.: N/A Address:

United Arab Emirates Listed on: 14 April 2015 (amended on 16 September 2015)

Other information: Has played a key role in facilitating the Houthi military

expansion. Has engaged in acts that threaten the peace, security, or stability of Yemen.

Ahmed Saleh is the son of the former President of the Republic of Yemen, Ali

Abdullah Saleh (YEi.003). Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh comes from an area known as

Bayt Al-Ahmar, which lies some 20 kilometres southeast of the capital, Sana'a.

Diplomatic identity card no.:31/2013/20/003140, issued on 07-07-2013 by the United

Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs under name Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh;

current status: cancelled.



UN Notice


July 17, 2015: HK SFC AML/CFT circular

From the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) – LC means Licensed Corporations and AE means Associated Entities – just the meat of the circular:

(1) United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Ordinance

Further to our circular issued on 10 July 2015, an updated list specifying terrorists and terrorist associates designated by the United Nations Security Council (“UNSC”) was published under section 4 of the United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Ordinance (“the UNATMO”) (Cap. 575) in the Gazette on 17 July 2015 (G.N. 5170 of 2015). A relevant press release issued by the UNSC, reflecting the updates since the previous list was published in the Gazette (G.N. 4908 of 2015), is attached in Attachment 1.

(2) United Nations Sanctions (Yemen) Regulation 2015

The United Nations Sanctions (Yemen) Regulation 2015 (“the Yemen Regulation”), made under the United Nations Sanctions Ordinance (Cap. 537) (“UNSO”), was published in the Gazette (L.N. 166 of 2015) on 17 July 2015 with immediate effect.

The Yemen Regulation implements sanctions against Yemen imposed by the UNSC under Resolutions 2204 and 2216.

We would like to draw licensed corporations’ (“LCs”) and associated entities’ (“AEs”) attention to section 5 of the Yemen Regulation which provides for the prohibition against making available funds or other financial assets or economic resources to relevant persons or entities, or dealing with funds or other financial assets or economic resources of relevant persons or entities, except with a licence.

(3) United Nations Sanctions (Libya) Regulation 2011 (Amendment) Regulation 2015

The United Nations Sanctions (Libya) Regulation 2011 (Amendment) Regulation 2015 (“the Amendment Regulation”) made under the UNSO was published in the Gazette (L.N. 167 of 2015) on 17 July 2015 with immediate effect.

The Amendment Regulation amends existing sanctions against Libya to implement decisions of the UNSC under Resolution 2213.

We would like to draw LCs’ and AEs’ attention to section 8 of the Amendment Regulation which provides for the prohibition against engaging in financial transactions related to any crude oil from Libya aboard ships designated by the relevant UNSC Sanctions Committee Note 1.

(4) United Nations Sanctions (Côte d’Ivoire) Regulation 2015

The United Nations Sanctions (Côte d’Ivoire) Regulation 2015 (“the Côte d’Ivoire Regulation”), made under the UNSO, was published in the Gazette (L.N. 168 of 2015) on 17 July 2015 with immediate effect.

The Côte d’Ivoire Regulation implements sanctions against Côte d’Ivoire imposed by the UNSC under Resolution 2219.

We would like to draw LCs’ and AEs’ attention to section 4 of the Côte d’Ivoire Regulation which provides for the prohibition against making available funds or other financial assets or economic resources to relevant persons or entities, or dealing with funds or other financial assets or economic resources of relevant persons or entities, except with a licence.

The aforesaid list in item (1) and regulations in items (2) to (4) can be found on the Government’s website (

LCs and AEs should check the names in the above list against their records, and report any transactions or relationships they have or have had with the named persons or entities to the Joint Financial Intelligence Unit.

Furthermore, LCs and AEs are reminded to refer to Chapter 6 of the Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (“AML Guideline”) which contains guidance on the appropriate measures that LCs and AEs should take to ensure compliance with the UNATMO and the regulations made under UNSO Note 2.


HK SFC Circular (English)


June 19, 2015: Finnish regulatory updates

On Friday, June 19th, the Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed the public of the following recent EU regulatory updates implemented in Finland: