Special Economic Measures (Syria) Regulations

Document Properties

  • Type of Publication: Notice
  • Date:  December 12, 2012

This Notice is directed to the attention of all banks, authorized foreign banks, trust and loan companies, cooperative credit societies, cooperative retail associations, life insurance companies, property and casualty insurance companies and fraternal benefit societies (FRFIs).

On July 6, 2012 and August 31, 2012 the Governor in Council enacted further regulations strengthening the Canadian sanctions against Syria under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA). Detailed information and links to the specific regulations can be found on the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) Canadian Economic Sanction Page at: http://www.international.gc.ca/sanctions/index.aspx?view=d

The July 6, 2012 regulations impose a prohibition on the export to Syria of a number of goods that can be used for internal repression as well as in the production of chemical and biological weapons. They also impose an asset freeze and dealings prohibition on two additional entities associated with the Syrian regime.

The August 31, 2012 regulations impose an asset freeze and dealings prohibition on 47 additional individuals and three additional entities associated with the Syrian regime.

Sanctions against Designated Persons

The SEMA Syria Regulations prohibit the provision or acquisition of financial or other related services to, from or for the benefit of or on the direction or order of Syria or any person in Syria. These include the Central Bank of Syria.

Searching, Monitoring and Reporting Obligations

The SEMA Syria Regulations require FRFIs to ensure that they do not provide or acquire prescribed financial and other related services to, from or for the benefit of, or on the direction or order of Syria or any persons in Syria. This will entail ensuring that customer relationships and accounts are monitored accordingly. Implementation will require financial institutions to identify accounts to which the SEMA Syria Regulations apply, and also to monitor financial transactions, to ensure that assets and/or transactions connected to designated persons, products or services are identified, blocked and reported as appropriate, including implementation measures at any branches of financial institutions, including FRFIs outside Canada.

OSFI expects that FRFIs will continue to implement the necessary measures to comply with their obligations under the SEMA Syria Regulations. As with other searching and reporting requirements, the obligation to search for designated names is a continuing one. For example, at a minimum, it is our expectation that federally regulated deposittaking institutions be able to search their records for designated names at least on a weekly basis, and more frequently if need be.

Disclosure to Law Enforcement

If Canadian financial institutions have property in their possession or control that they have reason to believe is owned or controlled by designated persons, or they have information about a transaction or proposed transaction in respect of property covered by the SEMA Syria Regulations, they are required to report such information to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police immediately. Information may be provided to the following fax numbers:

Customs & Excise Branch Ottawa, ON
Fax : 613-993-2499


National Operations Centre Ottawa, ON
Fax : 613-952-7575

No Reporting to Financial Regulators

Please note that the SEMA Syria Regulations do not require financial institutions to report to their financial regulators each month on the results of the continuous searching and reporting obligations.

Where to go for more information

If any clarification is needed on the requirements of the SEMA Syria Regulations, please contact:

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
United Nations, Human Rights and Economic Law Division
125 Sussex Drive,
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0G2

Email: sanctions@international.gc.ca
Telephone: (613) 995-1108
Fax: (613) 992-2467

This Notice is also being sent to the following for their information:

  • Provincial Regulators and Supervisors;
  • Canadian Association of Direct Response Insurers;
  • Canadian Bankers Association;
  • Canadian Fraternal Association;
  • Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association;
  • Canadian Securities Administrators;
  • Credit Union Central of Canada;
  • Insurance Bureau of Canada;
  • Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada;
  • Trust Companies Association of Canada.