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A Confederate Flag Will Not Be Placed Across From Alabama HBCU

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  • As more and more Confederate flags seem to be coming down across the American South, some continue to keep popping up.

    One of these new places being eyed was in close proximity to the HBCO Alabama State University, but thankfully that won’t be happening, the Tallahassee Tribune reported.

    Earlier this week, the newspaper reported that Tallahassee Armory Guards, the First Capitol Flaggers and the local chapter of the Sons of Confederate were raising money to install a Confederate flag in a plot of land that had been donated to them by a local doctor, whose name wasn’t released to the media.

    This same plot of land is across the highway from ASU.

    However, city inspectors recently deemed the land as “unstable due to power line proximity,” Dana Jones, a founding member of the First Capitol Flaggers, told the Tribune. So no flag, but Jones said that won’t stop them.

    “We are looking for someone to donate a piece of property that is big enough for a flag pole,” she says.

    Good luck with that girl.

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    6 thoughts on “A Confederate Flag Will Not Be Placed Across From Alabama HBCU

    1. @chris,

      And with all that, His name and “works” still go down in U.S. history. We have to take the good with the bad. It’s no different than trying to erase Bill Cosby’s legacy from our history. Free Blacks mere existence was a thorn in Byrd’s side, he did everything in his power to make sure blacks were treated like sh*t and worse (and he was not the only one), but yet no one has gone in and taken his name off anything. I wonder why that is…oh yeah, above all else he is WHITE.

      You made sure to add in that he was a Democrat as if that actually means something today. You should know, but selectively you make it a point to only point out the worse, the present day democrats and republicans have actually switched positions since the days of Bryd.

      • His name has not been taken down because he is a democrat. If Ronald Reagan shared Byrd’s history and beliefs, you know damn well the name Reagan would have been sandblasted off everything. Byrd was an unapologetic democrat senator until 2010. The democrat party expect blacks(just like you) to follow their orders blindly. Look at Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Baltimore, Camden, Chicago; controlled by the democrats for 50 years. Democrats haven’t done a damn thing for black folks except to make you think they care about you. You are so naive.
        BTW, who started the whole birther rumors about Obama? It was Hillary Clinton in 2008.

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    3. If we’re going to remove the Confederate flag from display, what about the more than 50 public buildings, bridges, roads, dams, and highways named after Robert Byrd? He was a Democrat who served as a U.S. Representative from 1953-1959 and as a U.S. Senator from 1959-2010. Before his career in politics, Byrd created a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in West Virginia. Byrd became a KKK recruiter and was elected the top officer (Exalted Cyclops). He once said: “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

      • So we should allow the confederate RAG to fly because of Robert Byrd was a Democrat??? Wtf are you talking about? You can wrap yourself in that rebel rag and go to hell along with Byrd.

        • Arthur, please read my OP again until you get it. I am not for the confederate flag. I against the hypocrisy on the left.

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