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The editors and reporters of PolitiFact, an independent fact-checking journalism website.

St. Petersburg, Fla.
Joined September 2007

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  1. 1st, 2nd, 3rd in our reader's poll: Trump, Trump, Trump.

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  2. Donald Trump doesn't seem excited about winning our . 'Very dishonest group.'

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Great conversation about factchecking, and on

  • PolitiFact readers react, positively & negatively, to our Donald Trump Lie of the Year pick

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  • Trump in '87: "A little hyperbole never hurts." Trump is our 2015 winner.

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    A most enjoyable chat with re .

  • Hillary Clinton says Bernie Sanders voted for regime change in Libya.

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    As rivals pounce, steps up campaigning schedule via

  • Donald Trump didn't seem excited about winning our . 'Very dishonest group.'

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  • Sanders spins the facts when he says campaign did not 'go out and take' Clinton data

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    Ted Cruz says Senate Democrats sought "to repeal the free speech protections of the First Amendment." Mostly False