Lifestyle FirstWatch how WebMD health coaches helped Keith and Karen improve their well-being, achieve more at work, and feel better about themselves.

All The Latest

Our experts are passionate about sharing what they know.

Spotlight On Design

A secure, highly personalized approach to biometric screening all delivered through the most trusted brand in healthcare.

  • An Easy, Integrated User Experience

    An Easy, Integrated User Experience

    WebMD and BioIQ team up to deliver a seamless user experience for biometric screenings. Real time client reporting allows you to track your progress and adjust your program.

  • WebMD Smartphone App

    Weigh Today. And Every Day.

    Our new smartphone app helps people create a daily weigh-in habit. Health coaches can track their progress too, keeping them motivated to eat right and exercise.

  • Challenging Companies

    Challenging Companies to be Their Best

    Team-based challenges draw colleagues together for exercise, teamwork, and friendly competition. Our new interface makes it easy to stay competitive via smartphone.

  • Knowing is (At Least) Half the Battle

    Combining clinical expertise and innovative user-experience design, our Health Assessment gives users a picture of their health and easy steps to begin reducing risks.

  • Deciphering Health Care Costs

    From maximizing tax savings to finding a hospital with low out-of-pocket costs, we take the guesswork out of the health cost equation.

Contact Us

We make wellness work better for sophisticated employers, progressive health plans, and innovative government organizations.

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